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Everything posted by Calax

  1. the only consequence in the end is 'pallette swap' and 1 special cutscene per.
  2. I laughed at the youtube somebody did of all the six endings possible synched up so it's obvious that 90% of the ending is just one giant pallet swap.
  3. It's the last thing you see before the game plops you back right before Cerberus base level. And the issue with the kid was that it was ultimately a juvinile device used by the devs to try to tug at our heartstrings. It sort of works in war movies or tv shows because the kid in question has more than just one quick scene of dialogue with the character, and ends up making an impression. This little fruitcake shows up, says "you can't help me" and dies... and this magically has a MASSIVE impact on Shepard to the point of PTSD. I liked the idea for Anderson, but personally, I'd say have an excrew member die right off.... Maybe Ash/Kaiden so that they didn't have to build, record, and yutz with two party members worth of stuff that wont' all get seen in one play through. It gives that same tug, they have the connection to Shepard, and starts the gaem with an actual bang rather than an "uhhh really?" then replace their characters in the party with somebody from ME2.
  4. Neither you nor Calax, huh. I wonder if it's a mid-atlantic area thing. My sister had to do it when she applied to LaSalle down in Philadelphia. Thanks for the luck. Yeah, so that really is a question where they want you to talk about what your philosophy/principles/vision is in terms of computer science as a field, the specific contributions you want to make, where you see yourself in relation to such things, how you strategize and plan your life and study. Because the worst thing in the world is a grad school student who doesn't love the actual act of studying that field and knows why he/she is there I appreciate the advice, but I mistyped their question. It's; How do you think a degree from us will benefit you in your academic and life goals. Well, at ISU at least, if it's handled as a transfer rather than an application from HS it's an entirely different beast. Spent the day in NYC, visited Midtown Comics, and an anime shop before seeing "SpiderMan: Turn off the Dark" which feels like it went through the ordeal it did to get where it is. It's a fun show if a bit... strange. They go from cell phones and so on, to 1930's gangsters with tommy guns. Everything is done in forced perspective (even props), and the oddest part about it all is probably the music. My cousin swears up and down that the show was made up along the lines of Bono saying "I can out compose Andrew Lloyd Weber!" and using this as the vehicle to do that. It definately shows, with at least one of the songs being very definately "Vertigo with different lyrics and slightly different guitars". And they use "Rise Above" a lot.
  5. I know that kotaku did something similar about the fans and provided a platform to a dev to do the same thing
  6. And volo shows that opposite post is in effect.
  7. we might see a nominee palin again if things keep splitting *shutters*
  8. Santorum scares me becasue he's the exact polar opposite of EVERY ONE of my views. And the amount of god crying he's giving out is frightening me I'm also watching the Daily Show interview between Norquist and Stewart, and it's kinda scary how... hard line and absolute Norquist is.
  9. Transferred to ISU without a statement letter as an undegrad. Currently in NY visitng the city tomorrow with a cousin. And I think my other cousins best friend still has the hots for me... but I'm not sure.
  10. To say the journal gave you no help is to give it to much credit. I think that the level of pain that the ending caused, and it's backlash is entirely lost upon those who haven't actually played. It sounds good on paper, sure, but when you'[ve played through this game, and been told constntly by the game and developers that "What you do has consequence" only to find out in the last 4 minutes that everything you did... EVERYTHING you did, was completely pointless because Deus-ex-starchild showed up... that's a punch in the gut that won't go away.
  11. I have come to a true revelation.... Shepard is space Jesus Seriously
  12. I think the saves are made sO that of yOur electricity randomly cuts out you won't loos 2 hrs to work
  13. Well more than that
  14. It's not just the Shockwave doesn't work on shields, it has a range now. So if they're not within about 10 meters of you it won't work. In fact, one of the power options you get at around rank 5 is to extend it to 15 meters or so. One thought that did crop up about the endings.. Kei Lang was just wayyy out of place overall. The whole "I haz sword and mask!" thing felt like he was trying SO HARD to be picked for the batman villain squad, and yet was just left with ME. Hell, this entire game felt a bit off compared to the others. The first one felt like an honest to god light-hearted adventure. The second one was more of a character piece... and now it's just all Shepard all the time with grimdark creeping in.
  15. You're an idiot if you think that was ordered. It was probably just some PTSD'd idiot driven to far by the people he's supposedly "protecting" screaming "Death to america" rioting and killing american citizens because of an accident.
  16. I do love how Kotaku is trying to play on the Devs side of things (laughing at fans who are bitching about the ending, and happily posting a rant from a former ME (now with riot games) dev about how customers should just buy their product and LIKE IT!)
  17. Try the refugee camp on the Citadel. ... Go look at my spoiler rant in the previous thread.
  18. Although, if you have Mordin I don't think you get this conversation
  19. Now that I think about it... it's less Kotor 2 and more Deus Ex Human Revolution.
  20. I forget exact name but you get a new party member who's REALLY well integrated into the game, and a tiny mission.
  21. No, I wasn't. I was, however, expecting something more on Par with MGS4's over the top ending.
  22. Kenny is a Malkavian. he'll get in arguments with stop signs?
  23. Azure, the thing is Add onto that it doesn't feel like they really wrapped up any of their sub-plots with your partners.
  24. I find this earns more points in general.
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