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Everything posted by julianw

  1. Nice work, people! Came across this while surfing: yoda calls ... (13+) I thought it was funny as hell. :D
  2. Probably not related but a nice little story that gives people hope: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051107/wl_nm/mideast_donor_dc At least it gives me hope that as long as we love humanity, the different religions can coexist peacefully.
  3. Think about your friend who wouldn't give up until you actually went to see the movie with him and how enthusiastic he was about this; and that's just over a film. This is about the question. The ultimate question. The answer to life, universe and everything. He wouldn't be much of a friend if he ever gives up on persuading you about that (unless you persuade him to see things through your point of view first).
  4. As has been said ad nauseum in this thread, you can be Christian all you want without any trouble from the average atheist, agnostic, Jew, whatever. Right up until the point where you try to convince us you're right. And you get bonus points for actually quoting scripture to prove your point. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Think of yourself in their position though. What kind of Christians would they be if they truly believe in Christ's cause yet do not follow His example, which is to heal the 'sick' and make the 'blind' see? I would have more of a problem with the Christians who could care less about me going to 'Hell'. The Christians I have typed with on this forum have always shown great respect for others' beliefs and that is enough with me. None of them are exceedingly preachy, either. But think of it in this way. When you find a great movie or a nice restaurant, don't you want to share what you have found with your friends and those you care for? I actually appreciate the Christians who share their beliefs with me. It at least shows that they are sincere about the faith and care for others. Some of them could be a little more tactful though. I used to have a Christian floormate who is deeply concerned for my soul and every day he tells me I should convert. One night, the kid woke me up 2 am in the morning and cried to me something like 'save your soul now', so I was finally fed up with him and told him to shove it... You guys don't know how blessed you truly are that our Christian members are all so reasonable.
  5. Mothman, Eldar and Blank - "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." My suggestion: defend your faith when necessary but do so with a gladdened heart.
  6. No no no... My line is totally different. It's am I right? I mean, am I right, fellas?
  7. It is ... you, right? Am I right? I mean, am I right, fellas?
  8. Again, applying it with skill, showing these noobs how it is done. :D
  9. A man will be judged by his deeds first and his words second. So who's a better Christian: a child-molesting priest or an atheist who lives his life honestly and does his share of charity work? After all, Christ did say that "whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother."
  10. That so? To me, these threads seem more like an excuse for 'old' members to spam. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But you are giving some helpful hints already.
  11. I am perplexed by these silly statements. Do they have any point to them? If you are attacking Christianity for the corruption within the religion, there are far better ways. If you are mocking at the ignorance against Christianity through sarcasm, still there are far better ways. If you are just spamming without a purpose then carry on...
  12. Like I said, when there are two billion followers of Christianity and the number is still growing and everywhere you go you cannot escape its influence, what more are there that you need to prove? The double standard cannot be avoided. Do people judge the US government and the Kazakhstan government by the same standard?
  13. Mothie - No. 1 will always be the biggest target. You should actually be proud of that. I wish more people would be attacking the 'Julianw philosophy'. At least, it shows that people are interested.
  14. Does that mean I got most of the scientific questions wrong? I'd like to think I am pretty smart when it comes to science. The two guys are Planck and Newton, right? Mn stands for Manganese, right? Any one?
  15. See. I am the kind of people who go to McDonald and take extra napkins with me. You on the other hand don't even refill your drinks. ^_^
  16. Well. You paid for them. Might as well get your money's worth.
  17. julianw

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    He got a new account.
  18. Well then, Christ was denied because they saw that he had no physical army to conquer the injustices and evils in this world so that Christ then could not be the Messiah. They did not see that the words he brought were his army and while he could not conquer cities or fortresses, he conquered men's hearts and covered half of the Earth with his followers. So a friendly warning: do not follow the Jewish priests' example and make the same mistake of literally interpreting a religious scripture that is thousands of years old. And if you still believe that God's words will always remain absolutely true even when they were not even his direct words and that everything contained in the Holy Bible are the absolute truth that is beyond any doubt or further study, then let's just drop the discussion then.
  19. Blank - Have you wondered why the Jewish high priests, with years of religious studies under their belts, would not accept Christ as their lord when fishermen like Peter and Andrew would? As you said yourself, the key to religion is faith, it requires more than logic and physical evidence. The Bible is but words on paper (inspired by God so I don't sound disrespectful). I for one would not want to make the same mistake the Jewish priests made by denying Christ simply based on a few words from the OT they clung to.
  20. I guess I will emphasize this point then. The Bible doesn't contain direct words from God or Jesus, the Son of God. Yes, if you read the Bible literally and don't ponder the metaphors within the Holy Scripture, then evolution becomes unacceptable, so I won't even try to persuade you. But for a person like me who accepts that all religions are inspired by God, I could easily understand the concept that God created man through evolution.
  21. To clarify: I heard no such rumors. I am sure they all had various faults in private life. We just hear more about it about today's presidents.
  22. People (atheists included) need to understand: religion doesn't teach anything about this physical reality. We have science for that. Whatever falsehoods religions presented before were only there to help the less informed people of the past when the actual scientific knowledge was not available to understand the world better.
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