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About JediNaava

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Ummm.. Actually I LIKE disciple. I think he's a great character. (No don't laugh or throw rotten fruit), but the fact of the matter is I'm attracted to 'nice guys.' No, I don't think he's gay. Di is just a friendly dedicated guy. Frankly, I'm really glad to see more than one option for staight women. So yeah, I'm a Di fan. Atton has his attractions too... But Di is number 1 for me. Naava
  2. Not to mention that black lipstick. That must make Palpatine looke extra nice when she gives him a big kiss on the cheek. Then again, at least his robes are dark so he wont' have to worry about getting black lipstick off of his white collars. =-)
  3. Call me sick, but I voted for Di. I liked him because he was loyal, and his backstory interested me. Granted, he had bunny teeth, but, I still think he deserves points for at least having the guts to admire my character openly. I never got a word out of flippin' Atton. (Atton is also right up there in my opinion) 'tho.
  4. I prefer Atton and Disciple in KOTOR 2. Disciple kicks major a*** for some reason, especially armored up and with the right weapons. Sometimes I will take Kreia. I found Bao-dur, and Mira useless, although Visas was fun. N
  5. Mira was the most useless. Go-To was second. Naava
  6. As a woman I usually like playing females too. But I like an all male party. (hey, Atton looks great in Jedi Robes, and Di looks nice in armor and a visor). I didn't like the other female characters this time 'round... Well, except for Snarky Kreia. I found Visas slavish devotion... Disturbingly childlike. And Mira just annoyed me because I was FORCED to play her half the time because of the way the game was designed. If I had to chose between them it would be Visas. But I really wanted to help her get some self esteem! I would have difficulty romancing Visas. She seemed way too co-dependant. Perhaps in another 10 years of therapy and with the right male PC. Frankly, I think Bao-dur and Visas would make a good couple. They both are walking wounded. Naava
  7. I agree. The male skins are mostly pretty damn ugly. I'm not really into the beatnik soul patch look, and the one which looks like Ron Weasley... *shudder*. Some of the female Jedi are pretty darn strange too. The African American female character with the yellow highlights is very strange looking too me. Something with her jaw and her eyes. But the guys are far worse... *SHUDDERS* I'd have liked to see a guy with long hair and who looks reasonable. I had the same problem with Jade Empire. Most of the male characters were... Not very appealing. Naava
  8. I always play female characters if possible. Yes, I'll play male characters, but I'm less excited about it, to be honest. Having the option to play female is a big plus in my book. I've tried to play male characters a few times in other games...Such as JAde Empire, or Neverwinter Nights but I've never found the character model/voicesets very appealing. Naava
  9. I did not really care for Altris. She was way to twisted by jealousy to make a good Jedi let alone anyone's love interest. And frankly, I didn't think she looked that old in her pictures. But most of the female characters look pretty young too me. JediNaava
  10. Frankly (call me sick I know), but I rather like Di. I know he's not Atton (who *IS* superior), but Di is cute in his persistance. Plus, at least he has the guts to approach my LS Jedi, something Atton never really does. Di grew on me over time although I think his dentures were rather frightening :D Plus, its nice to have a choice. So often us girls get only 1 hetero love interest. Naava
  11. Well, as far as the love issue, I can see a ban on Jedi getting married. It makes sense to me that a Jedi should not be married, they are sort of 'married to the job,' but as far as more intimate relationships are concerned, there are biological and physiological reasons for such relationships. The idea that relationships are bad is rather puritanical and unrealistic especially amongst a group of dedicated mentally and physiclally healthy individuals such as the Jedi are reputed to be. So I guess my stance is: marriage: no. Healthy relationships: okay. GG
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