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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Thought: could it be the stirring of long dormant dragons?
  2. I think the correlation with industrialisation is quite clear. Correlation never implies causation, but there is the fact that there is a logical reason why industrialisation should cause an increase, as Mkreku says. Global warming seeems to be an acceptable hypothesis until someone proves otherwise.
  3. Sap counts for blood. REALLY! TREES BLEED FOR YOUR PANCAKES! You're like a Satanic John Wayne, baby!
  4. I would suggest Reddy Brek.
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/5149676.stm This constantly puzzles me. I was anticipating someone here making a better case than the green lobbyists I've come across. My problem is that I've talked to, and been shown the numbers and assumptions of those in favour of nuclear power and you just can't do the numbers any other way. If you want to lower fossil fuel emissions while not sending the economy into three day weeks then nuclear is the only way. It's far from perfect, but in what weird alternate reality are we where we expect perfection? Green (alternative) power just does not add up.
  6. I don't believe so. We are a community. A certain amount of shaking hands, greeting and goodbying is understandable. It's not like we're buried under such notices.
  7. We have a winner! LOL
  8. Walsingham


    *fails resist urge check* Guns don't kill people. _I_ kill people.
  9. I might observe that if one is aware one's arguments are daft one could always not make them. For example, if the electoral college is the blockage, how on earth do you propose fixing it if not by voting? Moreover, I believe I am correct in thinking that the electoral college only applies to the big two main parties. You can always vote for an independent. I mean for ehaven's sake you ahve an untapped 50% of the vote going free.
  10. Which would be even more hilarious. Or perhaps something about attendees of a traffic commission running late. I especially love peace rallies that erupt into violence. Don't do a kite festival on the india-pakistani border is all I'm saying. I'm reminded of Ed Byrne, who becomes incensed by the Alanis Morisette about Irony - which isn't ironic! None of the examples of irony given are actually anything more than annoying. Unless, as he observes, the whole point is the irony of a song about irony that isn't.
  11. Sando, this is precisely what frustrates me. You either have a high quality defence force or you don't. You can't turn it on and off like a switch. If you think there are occasions on which you do need to fight then you'd better convince everyone of high calibre to sign up. Because it's no good expecting to ramp it up on the fly. The 'problems' you mention (which are clearly debateable, but valid in concept) are the responsibility of those to whom the executive is responsible. i.e. the voting public. The argument that in teh US your votes count for nothing seems rather undermined by the tiny margin your president was elected on in the first place. We have by-elections here decided by the equivalent. I'm not suggesting a democrat would be terrifically different, but I hope you're not suggesting they would be identical.
  12. As I say, given that there's pod all we can do about it I think its rather academic.
  13. I can't believe this has turned into a serious discussion. It was like "Food safety conference called off due to salmonella outbreak".
  14. Walsingham


    Well, we have had actual murder attempts, and even contract murders using cars in the UK. Personally I think that yes, they are about the most useful (if not perhaps the most deady) weaopn a civilian can own. Once you factor in transportability, the lack of a 'threat profile' and so on.
  15. I think it is a mark of the superior quality of the members that they feel it relevant to say hello and goodbye.
  16. You used a khukri for cutting wood?
  17. But I mean why not iclude a wizard. Why buff up when you can throw in artillery?
  18. Lol, thats what got me into the whole game in the first place...awesome game =) Hah! Good stuff. For ideas you might also look into the old pulp detective novels. Red Harvest The Big Sleep etc. Just for darkness and corruption without too much goth.
  19. Morgoth, BG is old, no doubt. But it's like reading Dickens...
  20. Because clearly THEY would avoid climate change...
  21. Sure, why not? It's not like you could give the money to Oxfam and buy a whole village goats. Which really would be neat. http://www.oxfamunwrapped.com/ProductItem....roductID=OU2612 (not the goats, but near enough)
  22. A trout in a silent black helicopter.
  23. Ah yes, I forgot. His comments that our interrogations were amateurish.
  24. I know we have to take this issue seriously in teh developed world, but teh developing world is what is really going to do the damage. India and China rising up the charts. And what can we do about them? Nothing. They need to surge their economies forward to keep down unrest. They won't stop because we ask nicely and they won't stop if we try to force them.
  25. Always take things as compliments if you are unsure.
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