1. Is it possible to have serious, workable internet romances that doesn't lead to have gay sex with a boy pretending to be a girl?
> Of course it is. It is certainly improbable, since:
- You don't really know what they look like
- You only 'meet' them when you are feeling like it.
- You are not responsible for them
If you made a point of contradicting these things and still liked them then you'd be fine. I've had some damn fine friends via the internet.
2. Who wants to see a really ugly picture?
> Why in the name of the Holy Order of the Wilful St Cretinous would I want to do that?
3. Why is it we internet geeks spend way too much time on asanine forums such as Obsidian, Bethesda, *raaavpuling.com*, Badjojo, Ford.com, TelevisionWithoutPity, BIO, or mlb.com., or any other place (for bonus points, name the 3 of those that i actually visit - Obsidian is a freebee choice, HAHA!)?
> Because we are able to be who we are in our heads, not how our ape ancestors made us look. A man or woman being judged by their expressed thoughts.
4/5. I can't go into this for obvious reasons. What I will say is that it was recently the anniversary of the appearance of Onur the Courageous. Make of that what you will, anyone who remembers the most awesome thread in forum history.