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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. When exactly does it crash? I'm assuming that you're saying that steam is crashing when you try to buy it. I hadn't played on steam for ages, so it was updating, apparently. I'm such a whiner. I can't access my router at present. Tech issues with the admin password. So I won't eb abel to play, because I can't forward the correct ports.
  2. You don't have to lay on the towel! You just wipe down the kit after you've used it. Seems pretty sensible to me. But then I hate gyms full stop. I like the fancy kit, but I hate the atmosphere of narcissistic/atavistic frenzy.
  3. Since I am not talking to my brother with rage and indignation I won't aim it at you. Your view clearly chimes with his. My response is that honesty does not excuse everything. There's a time and a palce. I don't care what happened to you, unless you're talking to Josef Fritzl you don't shout at someone who's an invalid. It's pathetic.
  4. Well done, Sando. I ate a whole bag of sweets today, because I had to walk my friend's dog, and I needed a reward. Hungover today mainly. Rang my mom for mother's day, and found that my brother is still being a ****. He actually marched up bedside and started laying into her about being a bad mother. She's freaking paralysed from the waist down now. What a total ****.
  5. It sounds like 2001 A Space Odyssey to me. I hated that goddamn film. The only reason I watched it all the way through is I hate quitting even more. How in the name of all that's good and holy did it get its reputation? The two peopel I was watching it with fell asleep. Literally!
  6. But all human thought occurs as a representational abstraction anyway. (well, according to most psychologists)
  7. See that's the kind of maths I like. That and matrices. There's something... fiendish about matrix calculations. Like a shaggy dog story involving actresses.
  8. Actually that's what we wanted to call him.
  9. Precisely. Either the models are inacccurate, or our concept of imaginary is inaccurate.
  10. Secret tunnels
  11. You think you have it bad. i keep singing it, and the dog thinks it's going for a walk.
  12. Walsingham


    If imaginary numbers are required to make mathematics work, then surely they are not imaginary.
  13. It's certainly the macho thing. *thinks* Actually I tend to get angry with both. I suppose it depends on what you can get away with. One of my friends got in trouble for asking a girl to dance in front of her boyfriend last weekend. It was hardly his fault. She looked as if the guy was annoying the crap out of her.
  14. I thought the reviews of this wree good for colour fidelity. I can't really tell. It certainly looks good to me. I finally get to see what my video card can do.
  15. Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate. I love that game, but I can't get it to work on a non-win95 PC. I'm seriously considering having a dedicated machine just for it.
  16. Im trying to buy it now, but it keeps crashing.
  17. Emo go-kart safari Best idea EVER.
  18. You slide down the mountain to a pub. In itself a worthy exercise. You then leave the pub and go back up the mountain. This, sir, is as close a definition of madness as I would care to construct. Throw in the possibility of being killed in the process and you're just bonkers.
  19. Vindicates my long held belief that skiing is ridiculous. However, very sad. I feel sorry for them in the same way I'd feel sorry for anyone. My hairdresser's mum is sick and I still display condolences, even though I've never met the woman.
  20. Spacebat fails. wins.
  21. You'd have to make that tail Dr Duke wears in the latter half. Bad form on the girl front. But really, it's not gutless for the guy to have a go at his girlfriend rather than you. You didn't know any better. The only time any of my girlfriends ever did similar, she shinned up his back and was hitting him on the head very hard. She wanted him to play different music. It was fantastic. I miss her.
  22. Don't oppress us, you gynofascist.
  23. Were their leperous penguins?
  24. It's like marmite changing its recipe to attract people who don't like marmite.
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