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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. WoD foreign corporations don't always make things better where they end. Partly because they quite cheerfully relocate at the drop of a hat. So as soon as loacl expectations ARE raised they go elsewhere rather than pay better wages. Look at Botswana. It occurs to me that modern corporations act like nomadic warriors like Attila the Hun. They ride around hoofing off with anything that isn't nailed to anything made of rock. If that analogy is true then we need us peasant farmers to invest in some serious firepower and nail the nomads. But that still doesn't mean that EA firing people is evil.
  2. In your head.
  3. I have stated my opinions about Al Qaeda and Usame Bin Ladin countless of times on that site before, however, you were unable to just 'critisize' 'any' of the English-American political disasters, and more terribly was supporting Chrurchill despite his disastrous speech labeling Muslims as uncivilized animals. I think I cannot compare myself with you in means of fairness. I apologise for not replying to your PM about Winston Churchil. Being lowly IQ'd I got distracted by your informing me that you had trouble typing because you kept one hand on your testicles at all times to check for cancer. I notice you seem to have that under control now. Have you rigged up a foot pedal or something? Back on topic, perhaps you wouldn't mind reiterating your stance on Usama Bin Laden
  4. I hope I'm not offending anyone here if I say that it has always seemed to me that both parties behave like cretins.
  5. i may have "awesome lady skillz", but they pale in comparison to your overall panache good sir! You turn aside my curmudgeonly assault with exemplary grace, and have bested me yet again.
  6. Had the party in the end. I cooked a huge pile of food and the wines I bought were all great. Not enough girls showed up, but we were relatively accomodating. I got told they're going to fix me up with friends about three times. I still hate Shryke and his awesome lady skillz.
  7. Exercise tomorow again, will post details in the ayem.
  8. I've just laid in more than
  9. A sort of pan-bigotry, if you will...
  10. I know you do, mate. Which is why I never quite despair of you. The BNP is _not_ a big party. That's the ultimate joke. They count a few thousand. Certainly no more than we have other kinds of extremist. And as Gorgon points out, it's natural to have outliers.
  11. That's flat out wrong. Even leaving aside storming the army barracks in Barcelona against opposition from genuine (albeit also genuinely inept) 'real' soldiers various anarchist columns seized much of SW Spain in the first few weeks of the war. It's hardly their fault that the main republican government spent most of the rest of the war starving them of resources and trying to assimilate them into their (almost always genuinely inept) military ranks, or outright trying to suppress them. There's also fairly decent evidence of the communists tipping the nationalists off to attacks involving anarchist formations. Nice to have another voice on the matter. 1. I do not regard the initial seizures as offensive actions becauyse they were simply cases of imposing control on a local area already inhabited by the actors. 2. The government's attempts make sense to me because they wanted an operationally and strategically useful military. Their view was the same as mine - the orthodoxy in military science - which is that concentration of force and tempo of operations define success. And that a force comprising a multiplicity of self-elected commands lacks the organisation to be either. I do not defend that orthodoxy because it is established beyond reasonable doubt by scholars and generals far superior to me and widely available for your review. 3. On the back of this I would ask LoF if he believes that the Ukrainians would have voted to starve themselves to death for the greater good? He has already stated that he would have used democracy in the Soviet Union, and that the starvation was imperative. 4. In fact it was Marshal Tukhachevskii who invented the true offensive armoured operation. A fact which Russian military scholars are justly proud, and of which British military scholars are justly envious. the tanks which fought in Finland were designed specifically to consist of heavy breakthrough (proryv) tanks like the KV series and the fast upsetting/overturning (obkhod) tanks like the T26 and BT series. 5. All analyses I've read on the Finnish debacle attribute Finnish success to Soviet emphasis on political reliability and political control combined with callous disregard for casualties. The upshot of which was bullheaded operational foolishness, coupled with an ichor-stained evaporation of tactical morale and skill amid the snows and pine forests. Of course as you helpfully already pointed out, the Soviet system depended on harshly controlling the armed forces... because IT WAS ****ING INSANE, and the slightest relaxation of control might have resulted in the armed forces turning against it.
  12. My grandmother would have loved this joke.
  13. Please; you are too modest. I've never read ANYTHING as mad as your other posts. To direct members not to read them is to do your reputation a disservice. I only regret that discretion precludes my appending your personal messages to me. I notice you do not address my central query: do you regard the actions of Al Qaeda as justified? Yes or no, if you please.
  14. I think a lot of stress problems are caused by bottling up. ****ing smash something, I always say. That or go for a run, if you're short on smashables. Whatever you do don't hit walls. I got thoroughly hacked off this evening. I dropped in on my friends halfway through a run, and instead of gettting support for getting back into training again I got a hour's whingeing about how I haven't arranged a housewarming party. I hadn't really thought about it because I've been busy, but then I realised I also don't actually want a ****ing party. I epsecially don't want people ticking me off for it. Bastards are only upset because I didn't arrange their entertainment!
  15. 15 minutes out, ten minutes back in five minute blocks with a goodly rest in the middle. Filthy damned weather, but I used a woolly hat to keep from feeling a chill.
  16. I have so many friends on anti-depressants, from every walk of life, that I am beginning to wonder if I'm some sort of freak for not being on them.
  17. You're genuinely saying that the Soviet Army's performance in Finland was down to their peaceful history since the revolution? That's actually cute. I really mean it. Like a kid with Santa. I'm actually smiling despite myself. Bless your tiny red heart you actually believe it, don't you? I actually feel more christmassy. I'm not going to spoil my good mood by arguing the point. I'm off out into this gale for a run, with my warm tingly feelings.
  18. If like me you have a history of bad back problems burpees can ****ing cripple you. But sluggo's right about them being great exercise.
  19. There's a retard fight and no-one invited me? I'm hurt.
  20. I apologise. I had no intention to criticise it as a hobby.
  21. Somehow I can live with a purely defensive military. Maybe it's because I'm not an imperialist? Any military organisation which is operationally passive and defensive inevitably and inexorably loses. Defensive behaviour is tactically stronger, but has to be strong at any point it needs to defend, so a good attacker masses local superiority and defeats each position in turn. Only an equally aggressive attempt to threaten the attacker's vital areas and possessions can upset this. 'Democratic' units, even when composed of ideologically fired up intellectuals, are often unwilling or incapable of operational attacks. They are ALWAYS incapable of working in concert with each other, violating the principle of concentration of force, and leading to pointless sacrifices and eventually losing. However, feel free to ignore this since I consider your objectives insane, and wouldn't want you to do anything other than make pointless sacrifices and lose.
  22. I got waaay too drunk last night, and stayed up until five drinking water so I didn't have a hangover. I have no hangover but I'm knackered. Really knackered. Also it's raining, and dark. So i guess I ought really to suck it up and go for that run.
  23. Tell her that if he's that keen on him dying can she trample him to death wearing a rhino costume. That way it doesn't have to look liek suicide, and she can know she once trampled someone to death dressed as a rhino.
  24. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
  25. I've never understood guys who threaten women. Good on you for backing her up.
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