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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Love Masters of Orion 2. Fav pick has to be subterranean. More people per planet means huge efficiency savings in terms of buildings and defence. Second fav is unification government. Unification may be creepy, but you get spying defence bonuses, food AND production bonuses by percentage, and you thereby if you match it with relevant buffs in those areas the game becomes relatively easy. Fav negatives have to be uncreative, because it just saves me having to think about what to research (you get them randomly) and slow breeding. Slow breeding can be a pain, but it's simple enough to counter once you get your production up and can tell your subjects to 'make love for war'. Least favourite positive has to be cybernetic. In the early game you just can't afford to lose so much production.
  2. For a moment there I thought I was in the romance thread.
  3. As compelling yet shameful as the huge oreo cookie milkshake I had earlier: April Smith and the Great Picture Show
  4. Apparently Crysis2 is looking swell on the 360. As usual, it's much more about software and how much work you put into it than the hardware. Interesting. I'm not doubting you, but do you have any linkable pieces discussing this point?
  5. If that's pointed at me I'd like to know why you're describing them as good not knowing anything about their standards of conduct or long term intent. And if you DO know the aforementioned would you please get in touch with HM Britannic Majesty's government and let them know? Malcolm Rifkind has been stamping about demanding we should arm the rebels. because, you know, arming nebulous guerrilla rebels always works so well for us. Although having said that, maybe we could foist all our ageing Challenger 2 tanks on them. Hard to smuggle one of them onto a plane. EDIT: How on earth have I been argued round to being a cynical noninterventionist?
  6. Tweet made me laugh. No trolling intended.
  7. Shouldn't this be in the man crush thread? Funny how movie titles gain a whole new perspective as one's mind becomes more corrupt. ROFL.
  8. From (obviously) the Daily Telegraph. 1. I may be wrong, but isn't there something fundamentally awry with anarchists demanding anyone pays tax? 2. It strikes me more and more that ''anarchism' is just football hooliganism for the middle classes. And the relationship between 'anarchists' and politics is exactly the same as that between hooligans and football. They co-occur but don't really have anything to do with one another.
  9. I take your point. But at the same time, if you inject a number of AlQ franchise holders into a largely spontaneous and disorganised rebellion, when AlQ models itself on Marxist insurgent tactics, then surely the eventual outcome is clear. The communists... I mean AlQaedists... will dominate by indoctrinating or killing all those in the middle ground or opposed to them.
  10. Well, I guess me and the rebels will have to disagree with you, then.
  11. Next DLC is definitely going on pre-order.
  12. ASfter having such a shout out with Orogun I thought it was only sporting to post this article, which begins: The Reg basically goes on to say that the nuke plant is basically fine, and that the habit of posting everything in terms of official safe level multiples makes it sound a hell of a lot scarier than it is. They also have been recently pointing out that this is an example of nuclear power WORKING. Because here we had an ancient 1950s designed reactor coping non-catastrophically with a disaster far beyond any envisaged. Modern reactors, they argue, would be even better.
  13. Shouldn't this be in the man crush thread?
  14. Step too far there, 'Obyknevn'. You are Lord of Flies, and we claim our five pounds.
  15. After an unsuccessful search for the hot women I indulged in a hour of hoofing up and down the hill. I feel pretty goddamn great, and am hoping I can keep this level up for a while. One hour a day should put me on a definite uphill (no pun intended) curve health and fitness wise. According to the internets one hour burns about 470 calories which is great. For now I'm increasing my intake to make up the additional expenditure to make sure I put on the necessary muscle. But once I've been going for a couple more weeks I'll try to reduce to what I was eating last month and see the weight fall off.* My longer term goal is to increase both duration and speed of ascent so I'm jogging up, and proceeding down in the same slow careful fashion to avoid jarring my spine. Two hours a day and I should be one of those tiresomely spry old men one sees trotting about. *terms and conditions apply. My intake of beer may go up as well as down.
  16. Sorry about letting this slide for a while. If we get a couple of projects oriented in the next few days I aim to reactivate the campaign.
  17. Firstly oil prices are not exactly plummeting. Nor are gas prices. Secondly your own quoted article states that nationalisation was a negotiation tactic, not a serious threat. Thirdly and far more importantly, your only interest in this issue is transparently obvious: an opportunity to thump the US and Great Britain. Fourthly, even if one accepts your premise that oil and gas prices are dangerously low, the party who stands to gain most from a Libyan panic is Russia. But that would be far too disturbing to your monochromatic nationalism. EDIT: Since I'm equally obviously not going to change your mind, have a freebie on me, Obyknven: http://tarpley.net/ The author claims that according to a Westpoint study some 18% of AlQ suicide bombers identified in Iraq were from Libya and some 60% from Darnah, one of the rebel strongholds. Which might not cheer you until you see that the author also contends that AlQ is an American invention. So there you have it - a smoking gun PROVING your points.
  18. That's just being boring. There's bed..there's the bath, the shower, the kitchen counter, the dining room.. Sometimes you just have to enjoy exploring the house in fresh ways.. What I've understood so far is that you chaps have hidden hot women in my house, and I have to go find them.
  19. I'm confused. Loads of you mention hawt ladies as a reason for getting out of bed. Now, I am old fashioned, but I'd normally stay IN bed for hot ladies.
  20. Obyknven: The article you posted seriously suggests that Europe wanted an armed revolution BECAUSE it had invested heavily in Ghaddafi's regime? That's the most retarded assertion I've seen in print for as long as I can remember.
  21. I haven't checked ... ... I have now. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/20...s-exports-libya As one might expect, this is interesting reading. If anyone has divergent data can you please post? ~~ Numbers and Zor. You gave me a good belly laugh as I recalled an earlier observation that to be a really top class cynic you have to have a heart. You two seem to be dopplering with festival abandon. No offence meant. It seems logical to me that any effect delivered by a multi-authority system of systems is going to be harder to deliver than one under a single agency. By which I mean that international justice is harder to deliver than national justice. Yet even in national justice there is a recognition that justice must be economical. In theory both rich and poor have recourse under law. But my received impression is that johnny pauper gets the weakest public lawyers in almost all cases. So what I am saying is that if we cannot arrange justice nationally to the standards you advocate we are being childish if we expect those standards internationally. Do not get me wrong. I have been arguing for years that crimes aginst humanity should be dealt with robustly, swiftly, and inexorably. Worldwide. But especially post Afghan and Iraq I see that doing so is expensive, and democracies - the very roots of the defence of human rights - lack the awareness or conviction to see such endeavours through.
  22. Liam Neeson and Harrison Ford should work together more often. It's not the film. I haven't seen the film.
  23. Well if the UN can't help protect the people of Libya that have tried to rise up and remove a crazy dictator -not a government because it's definition doesn't exist in Libya- what good is the UN. Weather you support it or not the change going on in the ME will continue, and it will be for the better....I truly believe that's what these people are fighting and dieing for better lives more freedom. They did ask for the worlds help and we answered to little to late, they should just go after the head and remove him. I guess Ron Reagan was more of a visionary than thought not only did he help remove the Berlin Wall he tried to kill Moammar Gadhafi , shame it didn't happen then. I think the main purpose of the Un is to keep at least some public component to Great Power relations. It lets them trash talk rather than trash shoot. So, in that respect it's pretty good. The only problem with the UN is the notion some people have acquired that it's an atheist Vatican, dispensing truth and justice. It's like trying to phone your mum on a shoe. The problem isn't the shoe.
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