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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. eww i know how that feels lol. "omg no she's just my friend" well kinda but she's more than that you know it's weird...
  2. have you listened to the Vast that i recommended yet sir?
  3. legal drinking age here is 18
  4. i guess you just don't know until it happens i know i didn't know what to think at first i actually thought about this a bit more i haven't had any long term sexual relationships since, but at the moment i have a rather odd relationship going on with a friend of mine i'm closer to her than any other person in my life currently, and i spend heaps of time with her, but we've both never really felt the need to make things more physical it's been like this for about the past 3 months, and everyone seems to already think of us as a couple
  5. this morning i woke up on the couch and discovered the knees on my jeans were covered in vomit now i know i wasn't throwing up drunkenly last night, but i do vaguely remember kneeling down to pick up my friend and put her in the car so she could be driven home, so there must have been an invisible puddle of it right there she was really really wasted - it was her 19th bday party, and the bar staff (also friends) shouted her 19 shots she got though 17 of them
  6. ****. Sorry about that. why sorry? - it's not like you were driving the car it was over 2 years ago now, which is kinda strange when i stop and think about it sometimes it feels as if it were yesterday, sometimes it just seems real dim and dreamlike - as if i'd read it in a book or something haven't had anything long term since - not romantically anyway
  7. 4 count

    i remember most of it, but i'm rusty as hell

  8. haven't tried the long term thing well, i kinda did, and it was going really well and it was a girl i'd known pretty much my whole life and knew inside and out - but one car crash later....
  9. heard the Bauhaus cover? Nope you should check it out - it's really quite good Ziggy Stardust
  10. we had the option to shoot Myron's face off in Fallout as well... i mean, what else was there to do with him?
  11. i always assumed it was obsidianent as in obsidianentertainment
  12. Shryke


    i read another story about this they tested 2 samples of the DNA and one of them ended up being human and the other was a possum tis a hoax
  13. nokturnal mortum - lunar poetry
  14. I would pay to read this. i dunno no matter how inventive and visceral, it still wouldn't be satisfying enough i want that thing to suffer - hard
  15. ha! i have a friend who wants me to show them how to do the Hustle

  16. well generally speaking, giant transforming robots from space tends to be more appealing to boys rather than girls but of course there are always exceptions i went to the movie with a girl from work, and it was her idea
  17. NIN - Echoplex
  18. now that's one hell of a mental image a salsa dancing hutt....
  19. hershey wins more chocolate tasting contests than any chocolate, supposedly. taks Cadbury chocolate owns
  20. Shryke


    yeah but think of what else happens to them
  21. heard the Bauhaus cover? The Exponents - who loves who the most
  22. haha that never actually even crossed my mind and congrats are due for Oerwinde of course pity it wasn't a baby boy though. someone who could share the transformers love
  23. haha fair enough

    i know if i was in your shoes i defninitely wouldn't be thinking about doors either ;)

  24. you should learn to lock doors :p

  25. pure brilliance
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