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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. yes man definitely not the best jim carrey movie i've seen, but still okay none the less some bits were a bit slow, some were cheesy, but overall it wasn't too bad
  2. yes i'm a manly man, clearly
  3. haha it was something kinda like that
  4. ask and ye shall recieve
  5. a group of us went to the zoo today when we first got there it was raining, so on the way a couple of the girls quickly stopped off at some store and bought umbrellas then it got all sunny and hot and bleah there is also now a photo of me skipping down the footpath with a pink umbrella
  6. one thing i'd like to change "updated my journal"
  7. i ran outta whiskey and still wasn't drunk enough... bugger all sleep, and gonna try again after work today
  8. if it's any consolation, i haven't lately anyhoo, i have just poured myself a whiskey time to journey into the land of the incoherent
  9. well most of my friends are girls really and i need my money
  10. I thought you were going to cut back... Or are you not drink by your lonesome? i was, but then i thought screw it it makes a bad day a bit more tolerable and the plan was to just go home and drink, but now i've got a friend coming round. haven't seen her since november and she apparently wants to catch up, so at least i wont be drinking on my own now
  11. 3 and a half hours till i finish work, then i can start drinking it all away
  12. moved onto oblivion?
  13. Deus Ex haven't played it in ages and i'm rusty as hell i actually died on the first level! i used to know it so well that i could go through till about paris without worrying about my health at all so much for being nice to the NSF and only using non lethal takedowns... now i'm butchering each and every one of them - and mutilating the corpses!
  14. hungover... got bought far too many shots of tequila last night on the bright side, i got given a damn awesome massage from one of the bar staff haha
  15. Shryke


    good to know, cheers i may just have to track down a copy of colours of chaos then
  16. the leviathan is always after you get the 3rd starmap (well 4th if you include the first one on dantooine) so korriban has to be your 1st or 2nd, then you can go to dantooine and see her
  17. and yes, you do see her there it's in the outside area if i recall correctly (haven't played in a couple of years though)
  18. okay so after reading the whole article, all i can say is: what the hell does him being a "devil worshipper" have to do with anything?
  19. Shryke


    so it's finally gonna be over the series definitely went downhill, but once i started it, it's just frustrating not being able to finish it
  20. ^^ i didn't actually get drunk at the party last night it was interesting to say the least. lots of semi naked girls and only like 2 other guys there, both in sailor suits. so i ended up being the only guy there walking around in my underwear
  21. rofl pay the guy who comes into work half plastered from the night before on a regular basis more. awesome managerial decision if they keep expecting me to cover their butts, then yes! even hungover i can do a better job then them most of the time (hell i taught my current manager the ins and outs of most of the systems he needs to use)
  22. he's referring to the fact that according to the established "canon" Revan is a male and the Exile female so just another reason they couldn't be the same person
  23. Shryke


    how's colours of chaos? i got given the white order ages ago, and from all i've investigated from everything else in the series, it's really bloody confusing as to what book comes where chronilogically
  24. nope not always and argh i'm having to cover for admin again at work. they should pay me more for this dammit!
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