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Posts posted by Grone

  1. I agree, "hidden past" has played its role. I say they should go for "insignificant past". And the focus should be on the new PC's future.


    I do, however, like a bit of "customizable past". In Arcanum, for instance, you can choose various pasts such as "raised by wolves" or "joined the circus", etc.


    I like the idea of having a list in dialogue like this:


    "I'm from Tatooine and my dad is a moisture farmer"

    "I'm from Onderon and my (late) dad was a senator"

    etc, etc


    and for this to have some bearing on how the story progresses...that would be cool.


    Yeah, and stuff like that ain't hard to implement either. It's just as easy to write dialogue for that kindda stuff as it is to write dialogue for male/female or charachter name.


    I wonder why it isn't done more often? Everybody loves character customization, so lets have more sutomization!

  2. Yes,SteveThaiBinh has proved to be that helpful in the past. But here's what I know.


    1.KOTOR3 will probably be realesed later this year, maybe as a Xbox 360 launch game.


    2.Rumour has it there will a PS2 or PS3 version of the game.


    3. An anonymous LucasArts executive has reportedly said the game will NOT star Revan or Exile, but a new main PC. But he might be lying, like when Shiguru Myamato (creator of Mario and Zelda) said the new Zelda will star a cartoon Link.


    Hope that helps, and if any news comes, i'll post it somehere here.


    Later THIS year? WOW, that's... Ambitious... For a CRPG. It will come out to PC to surely? Else, I buying myself something heavy, with lots of bullets, and then I'm taking a trip down to LA...

  3. Forgive my lack of knowledge on the field but I actually didn't know that, but if that's true, you're right. In that case LA shoud've never let us play the Exile...


    *Nods at the last sentence and claps hands*


    you would have been tempted to do it as well if you had to write 2 40-hour games and sell them as one shrinkwrap.


    both KOTOR games thus far have given us a predefined character with a "hidden past". this allows us to quickly customize our characters to LS or DS simply by expressing our views on what we have already done.


    while it has worked in a sense, it is starting to wear a little thin and, of course, it introduces other problems that are hard to deal with.


    hopefully, we have seen the last of the "hidden past" PC.


    Yeah agrees. We're pleying the future and the now, not the past, so that's what should be important.

  4. And makes absolutely no sense to make him/her twi'lek as he/she wasn't in K2.


    I think it does make sense. It reinforces the idea that the Exile is a character that you and I "borrowed" from LA....it is not really our character.


    Making the Exile an alien helps reinforce that idea, IMO.


    Of course, going forward, LA needs to avoid this hellish situation by making the PC's identity TOTALLY OPEN!!!


    Forgive my lack of knowledge on the field but I actually didn't know that, but if that's true, you're right. In that case LA shoud've never let us play the Exile...


    *Nods at the last sentence and claps hands*

  5. It sucks and it doesn't make sense.


    Both Raven and Exile are blue glowies man. Also WHO THE **** IS STAYING BEHIND LIKE IN CANNON TIMELINE TO ****ING START THE NEW JEDI ORDER


    Whatever happened to constructive critisiscm? Geez.


    As for your story, some of its excellent actually, I'm just pretty sure most of it is inconsistent with the true story line so it probalby wouldn't fit in with K1 and K2.


    PS: WTF IS BLUE GLOWIES?!? If you mean ghosts, please tell me when the **** Revan and the Exile just suddenly turned into ghosts?!?


    PPS: R-E-V-A-N. REVAN. A Raven is a black bird.

  6. 1) They cannot decide what sex Revan or the Exile is because they will piss of a number (me included) of fans whose Revan or Exile might have been the opposite sex.



    I agree about Revan....they need to keep Revan's identity ambiguous (or gamer-created) in these games.


    HOWEVER, I don't think as many people are as attached to the Exile, at least not the kind of people who would go postal over a set identity.


    My suggestion....keep Revan ambiguous for the next few games, but SET THE EXILE'S IDENTITY and make him a prominent scripted character in these games.


    I personally would like to see the Exile as a male Twi'lek.


    For me the Exile is just as important as Revan so I sure as hell wouldn't like to see some company choose gender for him. And makes absolutely no sense to make him/her twi'lek as he/she wasn't in K2.

  7. Kotor 4 should be similar to the New Hope.



    Kotor 3 should be like Revenge of the Sith in that it closes out the Prequel trilogy.



    MAIN pc should be either Revan or Exile with the Best of the both of the Ebon Hawk crews.



    I totally agree with this, we have to lose this time, It's gotta be back in forth. I think both Revan and Exile should die near the end in K3, and Revan should have a kid with Bastila, and Exile with one of the ladies, OR have Revan be a dude and Exile be female and them have a child and someone finds it...


    I'm going to stop before I ramble on for 3 hours, time for bed...



    P.S  ( In regards to the title of the topic) REVAN. Its REVAN. Not Raven. I swear if ONE more person calls Revan Raven, I'm going to get violent.


    1) They cannot decide what sex Revan or the Exile is because they will piss of a number (me included) of fans whose Revan or Exile might have been the opposite sex.


    2) AGREES. I can't take ANY posts serious from people who can't even spell the five letter name of the main charachter in K1.


    EDIT: To the post above: Don't know where you got that info but it could be in theory. The force makes you live longer the closer you are to it, as it is THE prime life force.


    But one thing I didn't get was:


    Did you like KotORII, or didn't you? And which one of the games did you like better?


    (An thanks for a bit of RPG discussion :blink:)


    Loved KotOR2 :lol: Best RPG Ive played in last decade.


    Im an old RPG fan and all the stuff like fallout, FF series, New NWN, Balders Gate, ect never really appealed to me. The KotOR series was a very welcome return to story based RPGs for me (as was JE).


    My top 3 RPGs (in last 10 years) are:

    1) KotOR2

    2) KotOR

    3) Jade Empire


    Parts one and two are actually very close in rankings for me, just part 2 gets the nod because it wasnt as predictable, found my group mates more interesting and enjoyable (biggest disappointment in K1 was I couldnt kill Carth, cause lightside or darkside, I was SICK TO DEATH of his never ending whining by the time we hit the planet below the Star Forge), and was slightly larger (with greater replay value) then part 1.


    JE could have been better then both but Bioware missed the boat by having influence only matter in love stories (other characters stories you learn by just speaking to them often), limit of one party npc traveling with you (rather then the 2 members we have in KotOR series), and game was far to small content wise (as I said, 20 hours to play and that includes watching all the cinematics and listening to the voices)..


    i only have two points for you to think:

    1) you are actually comparing 2 complete games with one incomplete...

    2) i had to drag Bastilla until the end (as DS) instead of slitting her throat for manipulating me. The scenario can not accomodate fully each and every one of us.


    Well, you'll just have to wait until they make a game where you can kill one of the main plot characters..! Geez... When you find a computer game that is 100% realistic, call me.

  9. I used T3 and Visas as lightside, pretty ok combination.

    Droid with overpowered stats and moderate jedi.


    The darkside combination, HK-47 and Hanharr, was way more powerful though.

    Droid that deals the same amount of damage with his blasters as a jedi would with a lightsaber and wookie that gives even more damage with two echani vibroblades. :thumbsup:



  10. Why is it that "modern" jedi didn't learn the Destroy Droid power?

    That could save a lot of them during the attack on Geonosis, it could kill Grievous and it could probably "disable" suited Vader.

    LS Revan and LS Exile v.s. the Droid army on Geonosis?

    Revan and Exile would win. And then.... Goodbye Dooku.....

    One of the following:

    - Disable droid is comparatively less powerful in the latter time period; or

    - There is no referential integrity between the universe described in the films and those created due to necessity for the EU, especially games; or

    - GL is a moron.


    Force Powers in the films, except Force Push, Force Choke and Force Jump are rarely used because GL meant force powers to be the ultimate use of the force, and rarely used...


    The fact that he sold his rights and his universe was abused and raped into hell is another matter :thumbsup:"

  11. On a side note...  I'd like to see another option made besides KOTOR3.  If Obsidian took the best parts of KOTOR 1&2 and combined them with the best parts of Neverwinter Nights 1&2 we would have an awesome game with multi-player and a toolset.  But, I don't think the game companies are smart enough to come up with this.  KOTOR is popular because it's a Star Wars game with a good storyline.  Neverwinter Nights is popular because of its replay/MOD ability, not to mention the fact that it's a multi-player game.


    The best parts of NWN? There were any good parts? Tell me, tell me! I know I've re-played and re-played without finding any...

  12. I'm not going to buy another LucasArts game again.  They made it clear they don't care about the customers when they nixed the content patch.


    that makes two of us. Fanboy topics like these prove LA's strategy right.


    Grunker things are not that simple. It's not: capitalism = bend over. There is a term called "boycott" even though it has nothing to do with the term called "fanboy".


    Yeah, but I for one have never heard of a boycott of a video game producer, and I don't think I will.


    ESPECIALLY when it is in cases such as these where some are satisfied with the product and some aren't.


    And by the way, enviromentally correct foods and drinks are not selling, especially not in the US. Why? Because the market doesn't want to sell them, thus pushes up the prices for those product, and lowers them on their own. Lots of money brings lots of power, even power to control portions of the market.


    So even though you decide what you'll buy, the powerplayers on the world-wide market sure as hell will do what he or she can to make you buy whats in their interest, instead of your own.


    Thus, the few companies who think about your interest along with their own, will never grow very large.

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