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Posts posted by Grone

  1. How did you ever complete KotOR? Or even Baldurs Gate?


    I mean the battles of KotORII are the easiest ever!


    And Kreia only betrays you in some manner, she still loves you.


    But DAMN! How did you ever complete other games when you find K2 HARD?

  2. I don't think the game meant to enforce that the jedi masters were "wrong", or that the sith were for that matter. I think the game gave us all these different beliefs because we should choose amongst them ourselves. Kreia just sounded stronger in her beliefs, but that doesn't mean Obsidian meant to show her as the "truth". I love the game because it stands in a very good contrast to Platos "cavepicture".


    Otherwise I agree with you. They promised everything would be your choice, but in order for that to happen you would ultimately have to make a game with the contents of three or four games, because every choice should end up turning the game in a whole other direction.

  3. Yeah, I see your points, I love the Ebon Hawk to, I just wanted to see something new. Maybe the answer is then, to make K3 so that during the game some of the mainplot quests result in a change of the Ebon Hawk, i.e. you build a Meditation Chamber in it.


    I'd love to see the Ebon Hawk ending of in the same sort 'o' style as the M Falcon:

    A huge piece of really cool junk, with endless modifications and updates.


    (I'm not saying it should look anything like it, it should of course look almost the same as it did before, I'm just speaking about the concept of a really fast, really cool junkpile with tons of modifications :))


    Just as long as it doesn't crash as much :-

  4. to your beginning post daniel I understand what you mean never leve the woman he loved


    but as you can see the starwars seris deals greatly in irony


    so revan leaves the woman he loves to protect her a parodox you could say


    by any chance do you know where revan eventually ends up


    Edit: this story is all about revan yes the exile is important too but revan plays a far greater role


    both revan and the exile know what it means to bring balance to the force to embrace th gray side


    I have to agree a little with Wraith about the paradox thing. As you say, imagine that K2 had made Revan stay with Bastila: Then everyone who hadn't romanced her and hated her would be angry. By making him leaving her, the ones who loved could say: "It was to protect her" and the others could say: "It was to get away from her". I played a female lightsider as Revan on my first runthrough: AND I HATED BASTILA. My Revan would have left her first chance she got.

  5. Hey, just read the topic about new game engine and stumbled over a discussion of whether the Ebon Hawk or a new ship should be used in K3.


    What do you guys think?


    Personally I think a new ship is in order, a third person using the Ebon Hawk would be a little more than coincidental...


    Plus it will be cool to fly around in something new.

  6. Well that's it, played throug hfour times as said before, and I always see Kreia (when I get to Atris) saying something to Atton about his past, but from there I get squat.


    What about Mira, does she have much dialogue?

  7. Played through K2 four times now, never found Atton or Mira interesting. Found out you could turn them into Jedis and thought: "What the hell, let's give it a try". But WHEN exactly do you get other dialogue options from Atton besides: "Let's play Pazaak" or "Can you teach me to play Pazaak" and the final, which I hate the most: "Can I ask you some questions?" which leads to another choice of either: "Let's play Pazaak" or "Can you teach me to play Pazaak".


    When do you get other dialogue options?

  8. I agree, "hidden past" has played its role. I say they should go for "insignificant past". And the focus should be on the new PC's future.

    I do, however, like a bit of "customizable past". In Arcanum, for instance, you can choose various pasts such as "raised by wolves" or "joined the circus", etc.

    I like the idea of having a list in dialogue like this:

    "I'm from Tatooine and my dad is a moisture farmer"

    "I'm from Onderon and my (late) dad was a senator"

    etc, etc

    and for this to have some bearing on how the story progresses...that would be cool.

    Yeah, and stuff like that ain't hard to implement either. It's just as easy to write dialogue for that kindda stuff as it is to write dialogue for male/female or charachter name.


    I wonder why it isn't done more often? Everybody loves character customization, so lets have more sutomization!

    I agree. I think the main reason why this sort of customisation is not done is because the whole process is skimped on; no real effort is invested in the main point of the game. I quite often take upwards of an hour deciding on the exact attributes of a PC in NwN, for example, and there are only a few options to choose from (class, skills, physical appearance, etc )


    I've just never understood why character creation in games are so limited, especially in the new CRPG games, what with every cinematic featuring the PC being a cutscene anyways. I would like a fullfilling character customization, bringing me through 2-3 pages only containing senseless babble that define my character... And I'd like to be able to customize more looks also, you know, hair color, stuff like that. Ah heck, I'm dreaming...

  9. Go see Episode III, it rocks.


    It connects all the films, gives them all a purpose (even Episode I) and connects all the dots, it has a fantastic feel, the adventure of the first films, the love of Episode 1, and the visuals of Episode II. It is stunning to say the least.


    Force Persuade: I have not said anything off-topic. Now back to the topic. HrHrm.

  10. I must say that you bring some interesting viewpoints.


    As for an answer to your "simple question", it is not a simple question at all actually.


    The Sith Lords is KotORII not only out of shared storyline but out of convenience. KotOR1 was a great engine, a great world, a great setting. So if you have an idea for a Starwars game, why not use the same engine, and same setting. Plus, KotORIII is (or so the wise men say) destined to draw threads between K1 and K2 to show why they're in a series. So I think I'll answer your simple question after K3 :p


    Besides that, I think you take SW a little to seriously, I'm quite sure SW is meant to be smiled about. That's why EpisodeIII is such a great movie, it's adventure, good, evil: All of the things he Starwars FILMS are.


    You can't lift SW up to a mature level, because Starwars isn't mature. Starwars is not made solely for adults or soely for children (well I'm 18, you decide if I'm an adult or a child), Starwars is made for everyone with a playsick personality: It is adventure, and it is fun, nothing more.


    The only seriousness in SW is the political hints George Lucas uses:


    Anakin: "If you are not with me, then you are my enemy"


    George W. Bush: "If you are not with us, then you are against us"


    George Lucas has made a movie that divides everything into light and dark, and one of the only serious philosphical hints we can learn from it, is that nothing in the real world is to be divided into those categories. In other ways, dividing everything into two categories, light and dark, Lucas shows us how absurd it is.


    As you say yourself: The Jedi Code DOESN'T in fact represent pure goodness, but neither does the Sith represent pure evil.


    Starwars is both for you, it is for me AND it is for the morally challenged 13-year-old, so to speak :-

  11. Grunker: I thought I forgot something...Being a constant light side wimp I always make this mistake in my one sided view of the storyline :D


    Does uh...Someone else pop up in a ship if you take the dark side? Any way it can be salvaged from a 'any side' viewpoint? Possibly a working crashed ship? Kreia and co must of had a ship to get there for example.


    ahh....Remote and Goto...This is my thought and a possible solution.


    somone 'fixed' goto earlier in the game if you remember a certain cutscreen...Perhaps he fixed him in a certain way..


    Goto is just about to deliver the coups de grace to remote (add in various Goto like threats etc), when remote initiates a terminal protocol that was added in along with the maintenance earlier in the game.


    A dark side expert would have to add in a alternative scenario if things go differently that way, as i have only played light side (3 times). :lol:


    Cloris: I see your point of view regarding the Revan/Exile look. Just trying to sway the judges to my opinion :lol:


    I think that, whatever the gender and look of Revan/Exile will be, it will eventually grow on you.




    I like the remote/G0TO-thing you got going on there. Great.


    As for the difference between light and dark. Dude, in KotOR, always play as both, there's a huge difference ;)


    Playing as light you will get Mira and Disciple in your party.


    Playing as dark you will get Hanharr and Handmaiden in your party.


    Hanharr with Duo-Vibroblades>Jedi with two lightsabers. Almost anyways.

  12. Well, in order for the storyline to function in takes for granted that the PC chose light or dark in the last game. Par example, Hanharr would arrive with the Ebon Hawk if you were darkside, so he wouldn't have any ship at the last planet (which, in keeping tradition, I won't name).


    Otherwise I think it's quite good.

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