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Posts posted by Grone

  1. I'm not going to buy another LucasArts game again.  They made it clear they don't care about the customers when they nixed the content patch.


    LOL, problem with that type of opinion is if I adopted that kind of thinking Id SERIOUSLY have a lack of games Id buy.


    I mean seriously, just off top of head that would eliminate

    -ANY Sony product

    -ANY Blizzard product

    -ANY LA product

    -list goes on and on!

    How do you expect the situation to get better if you keep buying games from companies that don't care about their customers?


    Unless you have a revolution planned for tommorow, every god damn firm that produces video games for the kind of money that LA does, will have to broad a variety of fans to please all of them. That's why every fan is a little bit displeased.


    That's the problem with capitalism, and as long as you're country suppports that kind of s***, no video game producer will ever put the pleasing of fans higher than their own income, they simply can't afford it. It isn't necessarily their fault, because they didn't make the rules that is capitalism, they just have to play by them if they wish to survive.


    Sorry to say it.


    That said, KotORI was very good, KotORII ruled, and so KotORIII is going into my shopping cart also. And I won't lie to myself: There are so few RPG releases per year, and if I chose not to buy the only SW RPG release there was, I'd be dum.


    Unless of course they only make it for PS3, then I'm not buying it. Not because it couldn't be good, but because I'm old fashioned and sticking to my PC :lol:


    And anyways, I think their income would drop if they shipped an RPG game for platform only...

  2. Yeah, well, then we agree, because I'm not about to make that distinction.


    And oh yeah, when you say (as you call it) "live-acting" is weird I'm not sure we're speaking about the same thing. In the US I know the ones who play live roleplaying are incredibly weird and play in some really odd sets... But in Denmark we have about 12 organizations, just in Copenhagen, handling live, and its becoming more and more popular. Half or so of the youngsters in Copenhagen have actually played live at some point...


    Hrhrmm. Back to the matter at hand:


    I think the fact that we are "roleplayers" gives us some tools to better understand the setting, and to see the bigger picture in games of this kind, because we're familiar with such from the campaigns we played in, books we've read etc.


    But any "normal" player could do that to methinks :(


    That dude you're speaking 'bout seems whacked... I sure as hell aren't a roleplayer if that means I have to play through every damned quest in a game.


    But one thing I didn't get was:


    Did you like KotORII, or didn't you? And which one of the games did you like better?


    (An thanks for a bit of RPG discussion :thumbsup:)

  3. Heh, I thought the twist in TSL were better then, "OMFG!11! Im d4rth R3v4n!!11!


    Anyhow, I'm sorry to didn't enjoy the story... thought, i'm sure you decided long before you even played the game, that the story was going to suck.


    Also, I'm almost 100% sure you will buy Kotor3, even if it gets horrible reviews.

    Because anyone who would continue to *waste* their time visiting a Kotor2 Board and actually post has some sever attachment to the game.


    One of the most correct posts I hoped to see in this thread, both regarding the twist in K1 and about K3 :cool:


    Seriously, how many "I won't buy K3" or "K2 sucked so I'm angry" threads have we seen in these boards? We all are going to buy it if/when it comes out, no matter how we felt about K2 (which totall PWNz K1 IMHO), so why complain...




    I agree. You sound so mad, MTJ, yet we are many who loved KotORII, and surprisingly, the critics are with us. Rage as much as you want and hate this game, but I'll still by KotORIII, and I'll hope that Obsidian will have learned from their mistakes.


    I think it's about time we give a new developer, who has handled its first game amazingly well, a chance and stopped whining.


    Mainly I just disagree with you on the "twist" part.


    Which twist is better, Kreia or Bastila:


    Bastila: She's annoying, wild and uncontrollable. "Oh my! Does she become sith? Wow! I never saw that coming!"


    Kreia: Old woman shrouded in mystery. You don't know what to expect, and at the end you find out she's neither an ally nor an enemy, but a little bit of both.


    Plus, KotORI, as every thing SW, divides everything into Dark and Light and (in Jolees case) grey. But KotORII has another way of seeing everything. Dark things might lead to greater goodness, light things might lead to greater evil and remaining passive can lead both ways.


    So just don't think everyone agrees when you trash KotORII. If KotORIII is a bugless version of KotORII with an ending that lasts longer than 2 secs, I'll be one happy dude :)


    "PS: Question Grunker (not meant as a flame). You state your a role player. Im seeing this statement more and more on the web now aday for single player games.


    What exactly do you do in game that makes you a roleplayer? See in a MMORPG roleplayers play a role and interact with others incharacter. In P&P you play a role and interact with other people incharacter.


    In a single player RPG you DONT interact (which is the fundemental aspect of roleplaying) with other players because, well your alone! Hense why its called a single player game.


    Sure you play a role, every single person that plays the game does, with in the paramenters of the game design. But to hear folks now adays, you dont consider every single person that plays game to be a roleplayer.


    So my question is, what exactly do you do that makes you a role player rather then a player like everyone else in a single player game?


    As I said, this not meant as a flame, im seriously wondering how you get the distinction.


    Im an old MMORPG Role Player (back in oNWN on AOL in 1990). There I role played a drow by learning to speak the special language, writting stories, and trying to stay incharacter during impromptu conversations and situations while ingame. I played the role and interacted with others. So as a true Role Player from many years ago, the obviously new classification confuses me and Im just looking for someone to explain it to me please."


    RolePlaying Gaming is charachterized by interacting with others in a (in the rules of the world you're playing in) realistic surroundings. The key to roleplaying is being able to identify with you charachter, and like when you're drawn into a book you're reading, be drawn into that character.


    PCRPG (Personal Computer RolePlaying Gaming) must fill out some criteria to call itself an RPG. All uncommon persons in the game must have dialogue. A good PCRPG must have long, realistic and deep dialogue, especially for more important persons.


    PCRPG is also characterized by free options. You choose where to go, when to go there, who to speak to and which quest to concentrate on, contrary to other games where the game chooses for you.


    Besides that, RPG is more philosophical and more set upon bringing the player into the game than giving the player an actionfilled experience.


    I've played D&D(Dungeons and Dragons), AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons), GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying System), Storyteller, White Wolf, and other systems for over seven years now, and I still play both that and Live Roleplaying including semi-live. AND I've written my own compendium filling out 150 pages so I think I've earned the right to say I know what I speak of :thumbsup:


    I don't take it as a flame, I'm actually glad that the question is posed because I agree that the term is misunderstood often. Just the other day, one of my friends call Deer Hunter an RPG *SHIVER* :lol:


    But by the looks of the posts on this topic, KotORII isn't as hated as I thought it was thank god.


    To the one who said Bioware has many fans:


    Doesn't Obsidian to? I mean they're the old Black Isle.





    Sorry but im not following your answer here. I know what makes an RPG games.


    What I dont understand is what you (and others) do that seems to seperate yourselves from other players.


    IE: why are you considered a Roleplayer but player B isnt?


    Everyone tries to identify with their character so some degree, so immersion isnt the answer.


    Everyone has the same level of cutomization so thats not the ticket.


    Like I said, In a Single Player RPG I would never call myself a roleplayer because Single Player RPGs lack the fundamental aspects needed to Roleplay successfully.


    The game itself can be clasified as a RPG because its focas is on the storyline rather then action. successful RPGs make you care about the character you play and the npc characters in the game. A unsuccessful one fails in that aspect. but neither (no matter how well done) allows the player to be a "roleplayer" any more or less then the next person playing.


    As I said before, I use to roleplay in oNWN on AOL. To do that I:

    1) Learned to speak (communicate) in the Drow language

    2) Wrote interactive stories weekly about my character in the setting

    3) Stayed in character while in game (didnt talk about last nights awsome Hockey game out loud, ect), replied as my character I was roleplaying would reply to other players.


    I played D&D and AD&D, as a player and as a DM, as well as countless other RPG games. But none of that relates to the clasification of roleplaying in a single player RPG game, so still lost to be honest as why 1 person thinks they are a roleplayer in KotOR1 or 2 (or JE) and the next player isnt?


    An example would be the statement Volo half jokingly adds to her posts often. "True Roleplayers think JE>KotOR". LOL, whats a true Roleplayer in a Single Player RPG????? Near as I can tell I use to be a true Roleplayer (*use to be, became to much work, lol) in oNWN but dont see how that effects single player RPGs? I know roleplaying in MMORPGs almost doesnt exist anymore or what is clasified as roleplaying is extreamly dumbed down from what use to be clasified as Roleplaying, but thats MMORPGs, Im refering specifically to Single Player RPGs in my question to you :)


    Looking forward to your reply :)


    I'm not sure I quite follow you, but I'll give my respond to what I did understand :)


    Now, if I understand you right, I think we might have misunderstood each other. Nothing seperates player A from player B in a single player RPG game, and I never said there was anything seperating them. What I said was the roleplaying options the GAME offered. We as players aren't much different from each other when it comes to identifying with the character, acting realistic in the enviroments the game sets for us etc.


    The question is if the game LETS us do this.


    Which brings me to what I meant: KotORII was good because it offered enviroments and (so I believe, contrary to many others it seems :)) goot dialogue options etc. AND on top of that it posed paradoxes and interesting storyline, and THAT made it a good CRPG.


    Now I've got a question for you: When did you get the idea that I thought anything different of player A and player B?


    Because other than a roleplayer is more used to bringing their mind into fantasy enviroments, and the fact that maybe we're a little better at dicerning whether there's to many clich

  5. "It's a fact. K1 took me almost 50 hours to finish, K2 about 32. If you like K2 more thats fine but don't say it's wrong .... i can send you the final savegames if you don't believe."


    Both games took me 24 hours to finish. If you don't believe me, look at MY savegames.




    Kreia was a refreshing blow of air in contrast to that hideous woman Bastila.


    EDIT: I don't remember who asked but I've played both games as both light and dark.

  6. "Grunker why do you prefer K2's scenario and not K1's? Did it have any twists? Was the exile an interesting character? I would vote 'no' to the above questions.":


    The Exile was an interesting character, because there was so many twists and paradoxes in him. Being "force dead" here we suddenly had a jedi who wasn't pre-destined for anything, unlike all others. + All the NPC's were way more interesting than people like Mission, Zaalbar etc. (Except GoT0 (why-oh-why was he in the game?)




    "There are just so many bugs in the game"


    Where? I encountered one throughout the course of the game, where my game crashes while saving, a bug I also encountered during KotORI.




    "PS: Question Grunker (not meant as a flame). You state your a role player. Im seeing this statement more and more on the web now aday for single player games.


    What exactly do you do in game that makes you a roleplayer? See in a MMORPG roleplayers play a role and interact with others incharacter. In P&P you play a role and interact with other people incharacter.


    In a single player RPG you DONT interact (which is the fundemental aspect of roleplaying) with other players because, well your alone! Hense why its called a single player game.


    Sure you play a role, every single person that plays the game does, with in the paramenters of the game design. But to hear folks now adays, you dont consider every single person that plays game to be a roleplayer.


    So my question is, what exactly do you do that makes you a role player rather then a player like everyone else in a single player game?


    As I said, this not meant as a flame, im seriously wondering how you get the distinction.


    Im an old MMORPG Role Player (back in oNWN on AOL in 1990). There I role played a drow by learning to speak the special language, writting stories, and trying to stay incharacter during impromptu conversations and situations while ingame. I played the role and interacted with others. So as a true Role Player from many years ago, the obviously new classification confuses me and Im just looking for someone to explain it to me please."


    RolePlaying Gaming is charachterized by interacting with others in a (in the rules of the world you're playing in) realistic surroundings. The key to roleplaying is being able to identify with you charachter, and like when you're drawn into a book you're reading, be drawn into that character.


    PCRPG (Personal Computer RolePlaying Gaming) must fill out some criteria to call itself an RPG. All uncommon persons in the game must have dialogue. A good PCRPG must have long, realistic and deep dialogue, especially for more important persons.


    PCRPG is also characterized by free options. You choose where to go, when to go there, who to speak to and which quest to concentrate on, contrary to other games where the game chooses for you.


    Besides that, RPG is more philosophical and more set upon bringing the player into the game than giving the player an actionfilled experience.


    I've played D&D(Dungeons and Dragons), AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons), GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying System), Storyteller, White Wolf, and other systems for over seven years now, and I still play both that and Live Roleplaying including semi-live. AND I've written my own compendium filling out 150 pages so I think I've earned the right to say I know what I speak of :devil:


    I don't take it as a flame, I'm actually glad that the question is posed because I agree that the term is misunderstood often. Just the other day, one of my friends call Deer Hunter an RPG *SHIVER* :(


    But by the looks of the posts on this topic, KotORII isn't as hated as I thought it was thank god.


    To the one who said Bioware has many fans:


    Doesn't Obsidian to? I mean they're the old Black Isle.

  7. Okay, so I've been sweeping over forums ever since KotORII came out, primarily in Forgotten Wars and DLTC where KotOR isn't the primary discussion topic, but everywhere I go, people seems dissatisfied with KotORII.


    Before I start, I'm a roleplayer. I assume that when people by a game like KotORII, which is a PCRPG, the utmost important thing is the roleplaying. In KotORI, this was moderate, in KotORII, it OWNED!


    The story made you think, which KI's didn't, and the conversation you had with others was alot more intruiging.


    Combat, graphics, stuff like that, it's really just sprincles in a PCRPG. The story, charachter development etc. Is what's important, and KotORII is indeed one of the best examples of well-made PCRPG's.


    After reading review after review, I'm starting to think the critics agree with me on this.


    I agree that there was bugs, I agree that the ending (or rather the lack of it) sucked, and I agree that it had tons of loose ends. Which is why it I would rank it with four stars instead of five, where I a critic.


    But in a CRPG, it's the roleplaying that counts, and that was good. Who cares if there's a few blanks, a short ending and some bugs here and there, when the game takes you through charachter development and story as intruiging as it was in KotORII?


    The blanks have to be filled out in KotORIII, I agree with you all on this, if it is to be a good game, but I still think Obsidian has done a very good job, it could have been SOOO much worse. And if we take a look at other SW productions, doesn't KotORII reach the top5? Indeed.


    Okay, largest post ever written. I'll stop.

  8. Dimmu Borgir: Progenies of the Great Apocalypse


    Metallica: Loverman and the Unnamed Feeling


    Cradle of Filth: Nymphetamine


    Pantera: Becoming and Cemetary Gates


    Megadeth: Countdown to Extinction and 99 Ways to Die


    Rage Against the Machine: Wake Up


    And currently playing: "Internationale" with the Russian Red Army Choir

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