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Posts posted by Grone

  1. If there is even a hint of truth behind the June '10 rumour, that isn't a delay, it's someone saying "we don't have a bl**dy clue when this game is coming out!" :thumbsup:


    The June '10 thing might just be my local shop looking to deep in the cocaine-bucket, so I wouldn't really put anything into it as of yet.


    If it's not out before christmas, then we can worry.


    However, I would rather it came out in June '10 than it repeating the KotORII story; a bloody good game with a bloody bad finish.

  2. Hi :)


    So I was down at my local Gamestop to preorder three games today, namely Dragon Age: Origins, Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty and last but not least; Alpha Protocol.


    Everything was by the book - suggested release date for DA:O was 5th of November, while there of course was none for SCII.


    However, someone at SEGA or possibly Gamestop must've been smoking crack, 'cause the suggested release date for Alpha Protocol said June 2010. What's up with that? :o


    I'm guessing Europe won't get the game that late?

  3. Plague's no help, he heals it of. While that leaves me a window to attack him, it's no use. As I said, I only hit him on one attack, if I'm lucky.


    As for my crystals, they're crit-based. Haven't got the best crystals yet, seeing as Dantooine is only my second planet. So I hadn't exactly much choice in which crystals I use; I've got six total, and two sabers.


    With all due respect, I know Assassin and Watchman are the weakest classes. That's why I haven't played TSL as anyone of them before. I just wanted to try :aiee:


    Anyways, I left Dantooine, completed Korriban, and went back to bash old Vrook's skull in. Annoying that I couldn't deal with him as normal, but as long as it wasn't game-stopping, no worries.

  4. higher difficulty level this time?


    Nope, I never played this game on anything but normal.


    I always found him bothersome - which was good, in a way, because few moments in the game come close to the satisfaction one feels on killing Vrook, so it's right that it should be long and difficult, and thus to be savoured.


    Have you tried hiding behind the trees? I've heard that works for some people.


    Well, what bothers me is, I never did find him this tough. After beating him two other times, with difficulty but not lifethreatening difficulty, how come I suddenly can't? What's different?


    Anyways, thanks for your comments :)

  5. ************SPOILERS AHEAD************************

















    I'm doing my fifth run of TSL, for the first time ever with a Jedi Sentinel (prestige Sith Assassin).


    I'm at my second planet - Dantooine, and with the help of Kreia's XP bonus I've reached as far as 17th level (15th sentinel, 2nd assassin). The other four times I've defeated TSL, which I've always enjoyed, I really have had no problems with the battles. Not a one. TSL is indeed usually an easy game combat-wise.


    Or so I thought. Here I am, trying to beat Master Vrook, whom I've had no trouble with in the past, an he is absolutely insane all of the sudden. All attempts to hinder him via, for example, Plague, proove pointless, he heals them of in no time. I can barely hit him; on five attacks (two weapons, flurry, master speed) 0 attacks usually hits; 1 if I'm lucky! He, however, has no problem striking me down. He does this with two attacks, usually dealing 50 or 60 damage per attack. That's 120 damage per round! I'm defenceless against this; no amount of shields (which I have lots of) or Life Support packages (which I have even more of) will help me! They will simply put out my inevitable defeat. I've gone at this battle from all angels - but nothing seems to work. What I really can't figure out is, if I have had such an easy time with him in the past, why am I suddenly getting my behind severely whooped?


    - Grunker

  6. This. Is. ****ing. Incredible. Not only did they win, they won THE most convincing victory in the history of Eurovision! :blink:


    A mighty big thank you from me and about 10.000 Danish metal-heads goes to Finland.


    A couple of quotes from interviews with Lordi after the big win:


    Popprincesses who whine about how hard it is to compete in Eurovision have no clue... Compared to touring with a rock band, Eurovision is nothing


    Yes, I definetely think Eurovision will have to change. If this isn't a sign that people are getting bored watching 200 versions of "how to play ABBA" each year, I don't know what is


    I'm just worried we'll get sued by all the people who were choked in their m
  7. Well, the professional board of fallen grandprix stars thinks they'll win, and they have the worst odds (i.e. best chances of winning) at the local bookmaker, so I'd say they actually have a chance.


    Go Lordi!

  8. If Finland wins the eurovision with Lordi, then hell officially freezes over. It's common concensus among the participants at the eurovision, that Finland always ends up in the buttom five.


    And I think the good people who watches Eurovision could do with a nice breakdown of tradition, so I say:




    (No, I'm not finnish)

  9. dislike the Eurovision contest, mainly because they rarely have anything else to show other than ****ty pop music and men in tights. BUT this year, it's going to be different. Finland has entered with a band called, Lordi, which plays nothing other than Heavy Metal, and goes on stage wearing demonic outfits (kind of a lame finnish version of SlipKnot). So, all you metal-heads and those who follow, vote Lordi for this years Eurovision!



  10. I don't know... I always thought that was a bit fishy...


    I mean, it's *supposedly* the HK-50 unit that controls that remote, yet where did the HK-50s come from? Telos. And who do we just *happen* to run into on Telos as well? Bao-Dur... Something seems all too convenient there...  :)  :lol:


    Bao-Dur is the real, one-and-only Sith Lord!

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