Saber Rider
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Well how about making it cross-platform, this entire xbox/PS/PC exclusive crap is so stupid. It should be designed for the platform with the most potential and then be downgraded for anything that can't keep up. CAPITALISM SUCKS!
I just saw ROTS...it was OK...not great, but OK. Sadly I have to say the critics got it right. There is realy no substance to the movie, it explains every thing but not very convincingly. The acting, especially that of Hayden Christensen, is poor and the script is even worse. The entire problem IMO is that too much time was wasted telling strories of lesser importance in Episode I + II (mostly Episode I, damn Jar-Jar Binx ). Those should have been covered in one movie so there would have been more time to elaborate the conflict and evolving of the characters. The one thing everyone was wainting for was to find out why Anakin turns into Darth Vader, and GL managed to screw that up. I don't know if it was the bad acting or just a poor script, but I felt the transition was too fast and the emotional conflict was brushed of too easyly. If he would have concentated more on his characters and their acting, than on the special effects this could have very well made up for the crappy Episode I. But I realy don't want to bash the movie too much. There were good parts too. The final fight gave a good explanation for the suit and mask Vader is wearing and why he looks the way he lopks at the end of ROTJ. And overall it was entertaining, but that's coming from a SW fan, so I wouldn't bet on this movie making an impression on people who don't like SW. I'd still recomend everyone who likes SW to go see it! (It just could have better!) PS: thanx to Baley for the Ewok song, I really missed that song!!!
@ Cloris: Well I haven't seen any porn that has anything artistic about it (and I'm old enough for that matter, 27 ), but as you've said it's a matter of opinion. I think the entire violence and gore issue is just about as over rated as the nudity and vulgarity part. Just think of cartoons! They down-play the severity of violent actions alot more than most games do that are rated for adults, still parents have no problem letting their kids watch that kind of stuff. As far as the rating system is concerned, in Germany, wehre I live right now, the rating system is even more useless than it is in the states. At least you have a description of the content. Over here there is only an age rating, and some games that are considered too violent are banned. But the real ridiculous part is that there is no sense behind that, for example Doom 3 is allowed while the Add-on for that game is not. Violence remains violence, no matter if you kill someone with a gun or a chainsaw (I didn't play it or want to play it, 'cause I don't like games like that). I guess I dislike rating systems because it kind of gives parents the impression, that if the cover says that it is fit for their kids they just accept it. If you as a parent take the time to wtach movies or play games with your children so you can see for yourself if the content is fit for them, then that's great, but in my experience most don't. I think filters are a better way of controlling the content. Sure the rating system in the states is way better then ours and certainly should remain, but as I've mentioned filters are more democratic giving every user the choice to filter out unwanted content. I left out the violence in that consideration because there are almost no games that don't have violence of some kind (think of Super Mario Bros., shooting your enemies with fireballs is certainly violent ).
I'm not sure if it actually was planed like that, but I would certainly like to see the storyline for the next game pick up that possibility. Sending characters off to places that don't appear is simply the best way to take them out of the story. It was done like that for both movies as well as games before and mostly it was done because a new character was introduced. (I actually can't remember it being done because of any other reason)
@Jay: Well since you're pointing out that filters sort of censor the artists vision and therefore are corrupting the intent. I'd have to say that art is always relative! There are lots of people who would consider porn as art, but in the same way the drawing of a three year old could be considert art. I guess what I'm trying to say is, that the level of nudity or vulgarity sort of sets the sceen for the rest of the movie, game, music or whatever. There are tons of great movies that do just fine with out nudity, because the plot doesn't need graphic support. On the other hand Pulp Fiction with out vulgarity or Leisure Suite Larry without a sexual undertone would be plain stupid. So especially mainstream games, which mostly don't need or rely on that kind of content, could benefit from a filter system. Enhancement of the relationships of characters would only be benefitial for most games, but forcing controversial content upon players or telling them that if they don't like it, they shouldn't buy it, can't be the way to go. A filter system would be kind of the democratic solution! Personaly I would probably not use it since I wouldn't mind either way, but then again that's just me, other people might find that content distracting or offensiv. Giving those people the chance to enjoy the game would only be fair, since the "mature" content isn't vital for the quality of the game. As far as the rating system is concerned I think that is utter nonsense in the first place. I mean how could anyone judge what I would consider offensive, or how old someone needs to be to play a game, watch a movie or listen to music.
Sure, Revan as well as the Exile were sent to some far away place to be taken out of the game with some reason behind it. But it would still be an elegant way to tie the previous, well designed plots, and the future plot together. Using elements, like the "true sith" and the former PCs, that are left undetermined would make an interesting story, especially for continuing players.
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Saber Rider replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
True something like that was said, but coming from Kreia, who manipulated the character through out the game?! I thought that was just her explanation for the DS. I mean she kind of questioned the whole "system" of DS and LS, urging you to abandon the old jedi beliefs. I see where you're coming from, but I just can't agree with your interpretation! -
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Saber Rider replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
OK, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Revan designed sort of like Anakin. He was a highly talented jedi who went to war against the wishes of the jedi council and then fell to the DS! After that he was defeated to by Bastilla and then the game started!So I don't see where he was LS all along!? -
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Saber Rider replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
1) That's true, but is it certain that it was destroyed?! " 2) I think that if you go out to face the true sith ON YOUR OWN, there is a very good chance that you could fall to the dark side no matter how the official story was scripted ("especialy with a history like Revans")! This doesn't mean it actually has to happen like that, but I too see Revan as the guy who's behind all of the stuff that might happen! I was suspecting a plot twist like that for TSL, but then again there were a lot of questions unanswered in that part. So who knows what was cut out because of time issues (don' you think it was weird that Darth Nihilus was defeated so easy?!) -
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Saber Rider replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
:"> Uups... didn't think you were heading that way! But keep the stories coming! They inspire me, in terms of plot twist, for my mod for NWN! Oh and I didn't mean to say that capitalism eqals selfishness, I meant to point out, that there is a lot more apreciation for games that have new features and ideas than for games that were forced to a completion like TSL! -
27,... and still hoping they invent the lightsaber soon! "
The fact of identifying with your character is the most important part in a RPG!!! That's why I don't realy like tha idea of playing more than on PC. It's OK to do it like it was done in TSL, controlling companions in little extra missions, but the conversations, if there are any, should be dtermined by the attitudes of the character (=>no dialogue options). You just can't controll what people around you think, and that's what makes for surprises!!! And I have to repeat: we NEED a newbie if we want a surprising story with new aspects!!! That's kind of what I'm talking about. Something new and different, that hasn't been done before!!!
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Saber Rider replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
This is one of those ideas that are really good, but will almost certainly never make it into a game. Computer games are an industry, and as much as we might love or hate it as gamers/consumers, the company has to look at cost/benefit. The days when games could be loaded with all sorts of cool and extensive easter eggs or what not (like in Fallout 2) are over, because writing a computer game is now a major business enterprise rather than the love child of dedicated programmers. That's not to say the companies are full of money-loving suits now, but where a game could be written by three or four people for about as many months just four or five years ago, today it's a major investment requiring teams of 20+ programmers working for more than a year (with KotOR2 we have a bad example of what happens, if they cut down on that time...) Add to that voice-talent and marketing, and it all adds up. One consequence of that is that it is no longer feasible to write/program vast areas of computer games that only a handful of dedicated fans will ever play. Since every part of a game takes such major dedication from the whole team, there simply isn't room for throwing in a few extras just for the fans - we've passed the point where that could be done easily. Now, I'd certainly like something like you suggest, just as I'd like the ideas some people have voiced about the dark/light sides of the game being completely different. That's not going to happen either, though, since most of us will play only dark or light, and so it's a waste for the developers to write it, since they would essentially be writing two games and only get the income from one. That is not feasible either. Of course, this may change again in time, if programming because easier/less costly for some reason, but I don't see it happening in the next few years. So, I don't think that will happen, sadly. In fact, I'm quite certain it won't. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree, that the chances of all of those cool ideas making it into the game are very slim, but that's how it "should" be! Sure gaming has become a major industry, but I just can't see why they would not want to improve their games!? How many people here were disapointed because of the shortness of KOTOR I + II, because of the lack of explorable areas, or all the other little things that kept those games from being the best ever? Sure that would take alot longer to program, and there is always the presure from the higher-ups to have it released today rather than tomorow, but it's well worth the extra effort. I don't know the sales numbers, and I could be wrong on this, but in my imediate surroundings everybody bought KOTOR because the expectations were high, that it would not only have a great story but also new ideas, by the time TSL came out they were still so disapointed that I was the only one to buy it. So IMO the benefit of longer development time is certainly larger, since it will not only be a better game but also improve the reputation of the developing team as well as the publisher. I know all of the above is just the ramblings of one person, but maybe things can change eventually. " Well, now to get to your story: It's great just as part I . I especialy liked the part of Tawyn (kind of like GOTO, just with more play time). The part I'm not sure about would be the roll of Hanharr, 'cause the way I played TSL, he was dead (I killed him, LS and DS)! Also, IMO the PC should not have a new master after his old one dies, but the idea of DS Bastilla trying to draw him to the DS is OK. But I'd rather see Revan as the supreme sith (kind of like the emperor in the movies) no matter how he was previously played, and the Exile as his disciple. This, of course, should be hidden for most of the game! Other than that your ideas are realy good! :D -
KoToR 3: Ideas and Suggestions
Saber Rider replied to Fionavar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
right. I'll be honest with you, that is one of the main reasons I want them to do more with Swoop Bikes....we need more stuff to spend money on. It would be cool to be able to buy upgrades for the bikes, and, for that matter, buy upgrades for your spaceship. Also, it would be nice to be able to pay someone to make illegal modifications to your weapons (while still keeping the workbench upgrades). For the spaceship, one of the things I would like to see is to have someone in the starport offer to upgrade the astro charts of your navicomputer. If you pay to have it done, you get a couple to extra (non-essential) worlds to navigate to. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> COOL!!! (w00t) That should definitly be added! I think there's far to little exploring going on as it is. As a matter of fact, I'd like to see that with all of the less prominent systems (like the Dagobar system, or the Kamino system)! -
yes but what is false to you could be a universal truth to somone else. Hogwash...truth is truth. What you believe to be false might be the universal opinion of someone else, but two opposites can't both be true at the same time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True ther is no universal truth, but in the same sense there is no truth at all! There are only opinions and at best an "educated guess"! Not even the mathematical truth, wich is most likely the only truth that can be prooven with our limited experiences! So in the end, two opposites might very well be true at the same time. It's all just a matter of opinion! Damn this philosophical stuff gives me an headache