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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I think Vivianne's costume is splendid. She's a senior enchanter from Orlais; the nobility there is flamboyant.
  2. Surprised we haven't seen any Vivinene cosplay yet. ] Link to other BioWare Valentine cards.
  3. More information (and pictures) can be found on this blog. Information on how the armor was made can be found here.
  4. I'm all for more racially diverse medieval Europe. I'm also for colorful medieval clothing - historical records show that per-modern people knew about things like dyes and didn't just wear black and brown. There's something very wrong when medieval Europe looks like a goth nightclub.
  5. I am looking forward to this. I'm hoping for better combat and more evil lesbian sorceresses.
  6. I've played 350 games of Galactic Starfighter. My win percentage is 40%. The last five games I played, half my team didn't get one kill or one assist or any medals. Part of me wishes that premades weren't allowed in the game. Yes, I know it's an MMORPG and people play to be social, but ease with which a premade dominates a match means flying solo isn't fun at all. Part of me wishes that more Imperial (on Harbinger) could play. I mean, I know it's hard to be new, but I have no idea how half the team could be this bad.
  7. Why spend money for the DnD license when you can make a generic DnD rip-off that makes just as much money?
  8. Oh hey, it’s a thread about body types and video game, I’ll just skim through the first page and see… You know what? I'm good. I think I'm going to just go to the Old Republic thread and see what people think of Galactic Starfighter.
  9. I see something similar expressed whenever someone suggests that a game is aiming for a 'Call of Duty' audience or enjoyed primarily by console kiddies. Or discussion about the Witcher series. Alternatively, if I said I watched the Hunger Game movies or read the books, I can't imagine another woman thinking it odd I'm reading something aimed at teenage girls. The specific series might not rate highly with her, but there's no constant measurement of maturity involved. Likewise, for plays (67% of the audience is women) there might be a discussion of which plays are really good and which are bad, but there's no discussion about which plays are immature. The constant need to evaluate a works adultfulness is something I mostly see in regards to video games, science fiction and fantasy novels, comics, and movies that are aimed at men.
  10. You don't understand point of Pathologic. This is not YOBA-game as Skyrim is. This is adult game about weakness of Humans and player must suffer here. P.S. YOBA -game is Russian term for majority of games - Youth Oriented and Bydło (or Chavs or Rednecks for West) Approved. I wonder to what extent this is a strongly masculine anxiety. I cannot recall women having similar exchanges.
  11. That's interesting. You shouldn't be falling through it at all. The entire thing is solid so you should be fine wherever you land. If you're talking about the Republic side Balmora for the Queen's Nest, the entrance is in the same building. There's a little gap in the wall hidden behind an alien goo pile. Next time you're there, just hug the wall as you walk around the building and you'll find it.
  12. I was on Nar Shaddaa tonight and grabbed three of them. What floating thing are you talking about? The Kiosk in the Corella sector?
  13. Heroics are good for planetary comms. I found out yesterday that I had been tanking with my juggernaut in medium armor, and which sent me on a buying spree at the equipment/mod vendors. I was wondering why I was so squishy, but figured it was just because I only have one defensive power right now. How? She worked on the game.
  14. I finished my Imperial Agent's storyline and now she's running dailies on Makeb like a good Imperial servant. I have a friend with a lifetime sub, so after hearing me talk about the game for a month or so, decided to hop back on. We both rolled new characters; she's a human IA operative (SM scoundrel) and I'm a true sith SW juggernaut (JK Guardian). We met up on Dromand Kaas and have been duoing all the content since. We've even managed to do flashpoints with just the two of us, which surprised me. Previously, I'd only done Black Talon and Athiss, so I'm excited about doing all the others. As we're overleveled (23), we decided to skip the last half of Balmorra, finish our class quests, and head to Nar Shaddaa.
  15. I'm on Corellia as well right now. It's just so visually boring, I can't wait to get off it for Illium or Makob.
  16. I have returned to the game. I have a level 50 Jedi Sage that's been lying fallow since February of this year. Just ignored it and started a Chiss Imperial Agent. Up to level 31 and am enjoying myself.
  17. I'm playing the Imperial Agent storyline in TOR and I think it's better than DA II and ME 3. The sad thing is that if it weren't part of the MMO, it would never be made.
  18. Why does he engage in pointless debates? He's a gamer on the internet, and he can't watch porn at work.
  19. Today I had a Panini sandwich with slices of duck and a jalapeno jam.
  20. I think he's saying that gamers leap to conclusions like rabbits with wasabi covered butt plugs in their rear. But I may be filling in the blanks incorrectly.
  21. Did EA also murder your father? I can see an amusing buddy-Jihad movie starring you and Kaine.
  22. This is a touch too sensible for my tastes.
  23. Matthew Bromberg, General Group Manager (used to work at BioWare Austin) Aaryn Flynn, General Manager Canada Jeff Hickmann, General Manager Austin
  24. If that were true, having sex with someone who was passed out wouldn't be rape. If someone is so drunk they can't made informed decisions then they can't consent to sex. Exactly how much alcohol that is varies from person to person. When in doubt, keep your pants on. I've had the same thing happen. Some people seem to think they have a right to sex.
  25. Mental image of a tick buried head-first in skin. Mine is that he has a bad memory. It was about Tali's sweat, and she is not an asari.
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