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About nuanil

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  1. And this would tie in extremely nicely with the conversation between Kreia and Atton in Telos about Jedi relying oto much on the force, and the mandalorian battle circle, "Take away a Jedi's lightsaber and the force and they're weaklings that can't compare to a true mandalorian." or whatever they say when you do the battle circle. See, this is the beauty of it though. As the Exile, you don't NEED the force. Thats what sets it up as the better confrontation, in my opinion. Multiple times we heard how the Exile turned from the Force and grew stronger for it because he develoepd abilities that he otherwise wouldn't have nurtured while continuing his Force use. Nihilus can't shut himself off from it though. So alone, with the two of them, Nihilus would have no one to feed off because the Exile would just shut himself off and manage to defeat him without using the force at all. Instead of being seemingly random and not understanding how to control it as when he "lost" the Force the first time on Malachor, Kreia's final lesson to her student would be how to turn it off and on like a light switch, and how to use that unique power to defeat Nihilus. So I don't see it as a plot hole. I see it as a plot enhancement and tie in opportunity <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dude, I think there was something in that jawa!
  3. Well if we were talking Spaceballs, it'd be a grounded Winnebego park ;o).
  4. there's also the "spam Force Wave repeatedly" method that will get you through every single combat save Scion, Kreia and Nihilus. Outside that, Force Barrier, Battle Meditation and Knight Valor.
  5. 12 months is more than enough to make an expansion pack.... and let face it that's all KotOR II was. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's about all you can make within 12 months for anything with any depth is an expansion pack, or a severely unfinished game. Someone tried to point out that EA pushes out a yearly sports game, but let's face it the EA sports games are little more than an engine upgrade.
  6. As much as I want tos ee a K3, I do NOT want to see LA handcuff a developer with a 12 month dev cycle like they did with K2.
  7. Easiest way to get someone to open a box is write "Do Not Open" on it. Or the infamous big red button that says, " DO NOT PUSH".
  8. Here's the question, EXACTLY why do people think K2 is so superior to K1? BOTH games have at their core a cliche plot: Hero wakes up and has no clue about recent history, hero slowly discovers clues about his past and the past of the region, Hero has revelation of why he is like he is, hero has a final show down with a "boss" or series of "bosses". Most of us consider K1 superior because it was a finished product, the worlds felt bigger and teaming with life because of the content, the sidequests. You shouldn't have to sort through the cut content that exists in the directories to get a true understanding of the plot. I've seen a number of people say they understadn the plot, but go on how they listened to the sound files, watched the custscenes all of which were cut and can now understand the plot. If K1 and K2 were to play a baseball game the scoreboard would look something like this: K1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 K2 |1 1 2 3 1 1 1 0 0
  9. I liked the feel it left me with. ^_^ It gave no real closure, no consolation, no usual pat on the back with a "you did well soldier, now let the good men and women take over and happily breed like rabbits in the sunset" kind of deal. But somehow it managed to make me feel a little like my character was perhaps supposed to feel. I don't recall another game that managed that, and this makes it memorable to me... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I guess if they didn't put so much focus on gaining influence with characters to get enough plot details to halfways understand it, the ending may not have left me sitting stunned, looking at my monitor in disbelief that this was truly it, the end of the game,. I understand that they wanted a cliffhanger, Empire Strikes Back ending, which is fine, but at least we knew that last state of the main characters at the end. And come to think about it, The Dig was also a LucasArts game as well (I think anyway).
  10. Not so sure that being memorable as perhaps the worst endings of all time is that good of a deal. The only game that left me with this feeling of having wasted my time after completing it was The Dig. Don't get me wrong I severely enjoyed the game rigth up until you leave Onderon for the second time. After that it felt like a runaway train.
  11. You're thinking of Bushido I believe.
  12. which are you talking about the MSG or the Sith Academy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The generator. Chris was asking how the exile found such a weapon.
  13. I think it was Bao-Dur that designed it.
  14. true in a sense. However, unless I missed something <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I read somewhere here that but I don't have first hand confirmation. I mentioned that on the spoiler forum as well, I think I remember maybe 6 quests that weren't required to advanced the plot.
  15. Very true, when you raised that I found it hard to name some sequels which were better than the originals. (granted, I haven't been doing much lately) Well, at least this'll make it easy for a K3 to do - K2 has made it a pushover <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wing Commadner 2 is the first sequel that pops into my head as showing up is predacessor off teh top of my head. Fallout 2 didn't do it, Privateer 2 didn't do it, I-War 2 didn't do it, Baldeur's Gate 2 did do it, but ToB didn't. A lot of the series get better simply because of technology leaps, Mechwarrior for example, oh I know the Space Quest series did really well up till 4, 5 was alright, Police Quest was good for the first 3.
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