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Darth Flatus

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Everything posted by Darth Flatus

  1. Appearancewise the only thing that should be banned is the ninja style veils. Totally suspicious...
  2. Wow! maybe he was a star wars fan?
  3. People have to understand that Brit cops are not trigger happy, most of them dont even carry guns. The guy jumped a ticket barrier - so at the very least he was a fare dodger.
  4. If you haven't done so already get in touch with the debt collectors and HFC and ask them specifically wtf they want. It could just be a case of mistaken address/identity. Check your credit record with Equifax and/or Experian they are the two main organisations everyone refers to when they want someone's credit rating.
  5. I got warned too!! :D for saying a naughty word :">
  6. I had thought of that but i think its probably too much to expect the mods to sift through posts and decide what might and might not be spam. Its just easier to lock. After all there is nothing preventing anyone restarting a particular thread just so long as it doesnt break forum rules and doesnt have too broad a scope. Having said that, Fio does prune posts that flagrantly flout forum rules... "
  7. [evil]Good, Gooooood![/evil] Btw i aint eva seen da nu Galactica eps so i dunno fis any gud. As for the actual picture and sound quality - they should be excellent depending on source and encoding.
  8. Yes there is inconsistency in the thread lockage. It would be nice to know why the Family guy thread was shut down
  9. So far there have two seasons of Little Britain (around 15 eps). Another is supposed to be coming in the autumn. Whether this wil continue beyond that i do not know. (personally i think it is gettting a little tired) Oh and Lost is finally being shown in the UK on Channel 4, bleh i seen it already :D
  10. Erm.. no its as i explained earlier in the thread - most muslims give praise to god for anything that goes their way e.g. for something minor like catching the train as its about to leave to something major like graduating from college.
  11. I dont think there are cheats for the Xbox version (unless you have a modded box or and action replay type thing) Try googling. But there are cheats for the PC version as detailed above by ender.
  12. Here's a question. If one person's persistently brusque, ill-informed and inflammatory posting style repeatedly annoys everybody else, should not that person be banned? Failing that, would everybody putting this person on ignore be a good idea?
  13. Sorry to tell you, No advertising allowed. Good luck with your book.
  14. In practice, the moderation policy is very inconsistent. I think this maybe because the mods are reactive rather than proactive, they probably only investigate something after a complaint. In the rare instance a mod roams the board looking for trouble, it seems they only respond to horseplay or outright flaming.
  15. Would it be wrong to laugh? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, but not out of distaste but rather cos it just aint funny. But yeah its sad, i watched the original ST when i was a kid and enjoyed watching him in the early films. Remember when he tried to talk to the computer via teh mouse in STar Trek IV? Rest In Peace Scottie.
  16. Conspiracy... is that some kind of product?
  17. Duke Nukem Forever
  18. I like the song from that last vid, its quite a jaunty little ditty - i have no idea what it means though.
  19. You have claimed that many times, prove it.
  20. cos he did the voice so they fangirls associate the voice with the character, but yeah Nicky Katt doesn't look like Atton Rand. At most the tip of the nose and the mouth - maybe. I think people are maybe being brainwashed by the persistent insistence that Kat is a lookalike from a couple of rather rampant fangirls. If you really have to force yourself into seeing similarities, then they aint there. I would concede that perhaps the designers based Atton on Katt's face and then modified it heavily.
  21. busy night last night.
  22. I thought you were in baley's room last night... going through his drawers
  23. Once i had a dream where i was in a club and there was this back room which turned out to be a huge square spiral staircase which seemed to descend into infinity and in the middle was some pit of darkness. At regular intervals were scantily clad pairs of hawt women looking sultry and stuff. They were standing there doing nothing, i started to walk down the staircase past the women and i heard a countdown, when it reached zero the girls all started getting off with each other. I carried on walking past and was staring at t the girls. Then suddenly i was somehwher else and someone told me the rules allowed me to interact. I was very disappointed.
  24. I dreamt you did that!! amazing!
  25. Its awesome and easy to use. Its a shame your uni has banned its Steve they obviously don't understand it. its the best way to distribute large files if you have limited bandwidth.
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