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Everything posted by Sophy

  1. eheh. alright .I got it. But I still find this interesting nevertheless. Violence,sweet violence.How can we live without you.
  2. I didn't say that I didn't like violence. In fact, I like it cause I think it's funny most of the time, and Monty Python is one of my favorite movie. What we wonder is why do we find it funny or why do we like to see people get hit or die. A world without violence is impossible. It would be pretty empty. Same thing if we remove every bit of violence in movies, it's going to be boring as hell, and we'll have,what ,not even a hundred movies left?
  3. Me and my friend are working on a school project and we must find information about violence in movies, sports and news. Questions are, why are we that much fascinated by violence? Is it normal that we always had a thing for it?After all, we simply traded gladiators and killings for special effects in movies. Are we losing our sensibility, or is it just in human nature after all to be and to like violence? It's a little bit weird, to think that violence isn't just a bad thing, it's a show, something most people like to watch. Anyway what is your opinion?
  4. Here's some of my fav: Exile: Ah yes mandalorian are not merchant.Except Kex. Oh and you do have a repairman. Do you have janitors also? Revan, to Juhani: You must admit. You're a freak Great,another mouth to feed. Exile, talking to Gren: Batu Rem is an officer of the TSF stationned in the TSF office in Entertainment O81. Revan: Of course Malak isn't evil! He's just misunderstood! Mandalorian:Don't push that button! Exile:You mean that button?(push) *explosion* this game is just too funny. But my favorite part is definitely the bloodbath in Kotor 1 on Dantooine with the Sandral and the Matale.Kill them!Kill them all!!!
  5. well if it was for kotor 1,cause if they EVER make a movie about this game(i doubt it but it could be funny)they'll start with the first, I'd put morgan freeman as jolee bindo and vin diesel as malak,(guess he could fit as the violent bald vilain with not too much dialog)for mission i don't care as long as it's not hilary duff/amanda bine/lyndsay lohan cause i'm tired of them as the funny girlie bastila could be nicole kidman,master vrook tommy lee jones and the others i don't know who to put
  6. On Peragus Atton:...and they haven't fed me on three days!!Now that's criminal! Exile: I get the feeling you're strong in the Force. Atton: Why d'you say that? Exile: Maybe because that even if you haven't been fed neither drank on three days you look awfully healthy and ready to fight,while any normal human would have been inconcious or even death.Also none of the droids had been able to reach you ,while I simply had to push a single button,and they invade all the others room quite easily.And did I mention the fact... Atton:Ok ok I get it you got me. Kotor 1,after the Leviathan,on the Ebon Hawk Revan:...So you bunch of pathetic tools,are you with me? Mission: Of course!I don't believe for a sec that you're evil!I mean it's not because you killed dozens of innocent,treat us like slaves and be evil just for the pleasure of it till you've been force to stick with me that you're not my friend! Zaalbar: Don't look at me I'm a slave anyway. Canderous:Do you really yhink I care? Jolee: anyway it's not like you're going to kill us right?(nervous laugh by everyone) Revan: So you see carth everyone's with me.Now to the last plant! Carth(with a low voice):Damn you all...I have a bad feeling about this.. Mission: Don't worry Carth...it may be just because he looks funny with those red eyes and these veins...
  7. Male Exile: So Atton,why do you hate droids anyway? Atton: Because they break,in the head. *Flashback* Atton is entering in his house late at night.His girlfriend is standing at the door,with some kind of droid that can detect lies. Atton's girlfriend: Where were you??Do you know what hour it is??? Atton: Err...I was just taking a relaxing walk. Droid's eyes flashes red. Droid:LIAR. Atton's girlfriend:I knew it! I'm sure you're cheating on me! Atton: Of course not honey! You're the love of my life! The drois said nothing but his eyes flashes red and a we can hear a strange noise. Atton's girlfriend: How could you! It's because you think I'm fat,isn't it? Atton: Aww COME ON you're the most beautiful girl I know! Smoke and spark are getting out of the droid head. Atton's girlfriend,sobing: Well..it could be worse.You could have been cheating on me with a guy. Atton: Yeah...but I love girl just too much for that. The droid explode. *End of flashback* Male Exile: And to think you saw me in my underwear...Force I'm going to do nightmares till I die. Mical,getting out of nowhere with a wild smile: And guess WHO was the lucky guy????? Kreia: SCOOOOOOORE!!!! Mical: You may be some kind of handsome popular guy but you're just a jerk Atton,and for that you'll not get more than some poor love story,while my kindness will earn me happiness with some extraordinary girl who'll love me for who I am inside. The Ebon Hawk crew behind them: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww Atton: That's an ugly guy line,and I don't care cause I got YOUR girl,loser. The crew:OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mical: So I guess we can say were even. Atton: Why? Mical: I slept with your mom. The crew:OUUUUUUUUU Atton:Shutta. The crew laugh. (I know,it was an American Wedding line.) Handmaiden: You're just a typical male Exile,drooling over that Visas! Exile: You're just jealous. Handmaiden: Of course not! nobody could love a pathetic guy like you but some brainless girl like HER or your pilot! Exile: At least Kreia's not my mom. Atton: Exile one,handmaiden zero!WHOUUUU!!WHOUUU!!WHOUU!!!WHOUUU!!! Handmaiden: THAT was really low. *Darkside point gained
  8. I'm 16 years old,and I'm glad to still be an immature teenager
  9. Just want to mention something,after I read a lot on this topic....I guess that,basically,all the religions are non violent and good,cause I really don't think a religion can be base on violence and corruption.What cause them to become violent is only the human being.In fact,Christianity is good,buddhism is good,and others too,but at some point some of them became twisted by human.Some men want to force others to see THEIR vision of their religion,and not the religion itself.I don't think God asks us to do war in his name,and surely others gods in others religions also(If they're supposed to be "good" of course).The same with politic.Most of them aren't bad at all.Once again,it's human who corrupted what was at first a good thing.So maybe when someone says he doens't believe in God anymore,he just don't believe in humanity anymore...
  10. Did anyone mention the movie Life is Beautiful?That was one of the most touching movie I saw.
  11. manipulates those around her; betraying them as and when it suits her acording to her agenda. Malak was not subtle, he just burnt Revan as all Sith do their masters as part of their normal rite of passage (or die trying). She also betrayed Jedi and Sith before during and after the Mandalorian Wars, and she was herself betrayed (which seemed to be significant to the whole "Queen of Betrayal" growth) -- including Revan. Malak was just a garden variety psychopath. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Totally agree with metadigital.Malak got nothing special,despite the fact he has no jaw.He just betray Revan in a most critical moment cause he knew if he had face him he would have lost eventually.Furthermore,Kreia is way more powerful than him,and at least she knows how to manipulate others,and she had great padawans like Revan and Exile,while Malak got dumb psychopath Bandon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Malak is not stupid at all Darth Traya is not so good with swordfighting only with Force powers while Malak is an Excellent swordfighter and he had a WHOLE Sith Fleet under his command Darth Traya is more like Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) She tries to Corrupt others hiding in the shadows and strikes like a backstabber assasin and prefers not to fight She is not a real fighter, most like a powerfull force user was bitch and besides you shouldnt be posting that name on this forum. She was weak and pathetic, Malak knows war, does not she is an dillusional old woman who has her pathtic apprentices do her dirty work. At least Malak has the balls to annihilate all thsoe who oppose him, his speach is filled with hate noit cryptic words. She is Uber pathethic! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kirrotu and Sophy are KOTOR Female fans maybe metadigital too " do not talk to them so bad about you will hurt their gender and their feelings <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not really a KOTOR female fan..I just think Malak is pathetic.
  12. manipulates those around her; betraying them as and when it suits her acording to her agenda. Malak was not subtle, he just burnt Revan as all Sith do their masters as part of their normal rite of passage (or die trying). She also betrayed Jedi and Sith before during and after the Mandalorian Wars, and she was herself betrayed (which seemed to be significant to the whole "Queen of Betrayal" growth) -- including Revan. Malak was just a garden variety psychopath. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Totally agree with metadigital.Malak got nothing special,despite the fact he has no jaw.He just betray Revan in a most critical moment cause he knew if he had face him he would have lost eventually.Furthermore,Kreia is way more powerful than him,and at least she knows how to manipulate others,and she had great padawans like Revan and Exile,while Malak got dumb psychopath Bandon.
  13. I always start LS,to know as much as possible about all the characters in the game.Then after I've finish,I play DS and Force choke the ones I didn't like,everytime it's possible of course.
  14. I'm wondering something...In Cristianism,it's said that persons that don't believe in God and pray another god will be doom(kinda).But if a child knows nothing of Cristianism and his parents made him believes in another religion like freaky sect,would he burns in hell after his dead even if he didn't chose that religion by his own will?Because God is supposed to love us all I think...
  15. Yes..that movie sounds really good...I really like movies like Troy or Gladiator where the goal isn't only to make cash by putting all the way cool battles with a lot of special effects and bad jokes like triple x
  16. I saw it too and it was really sad,but also the part when Sisco got killed too.
  17. When Butterfree leaved Ash in Pokemon When Wilson "died" in Cast Away When I saw that Samara didn't kill the mother of Aiden in the Ring 2 When I saw Gigli(so bad it makes me cry) No really I cry in movies like Moulin Rouge,Sweet November,The Green Mile,or others movies like that,at least if they're not too cheezy for my tastes.
  18. I think that catholicism is the biggest sect in the world.I may believe in God,but with all the pedophiles priests and every other chretian revolting acts I just can't trust catholicism religion anymore.Like they said in South Park,christianism has gone too far,and I guess that's why almost nobody trust in it now.The "voice of God" sound just too fake.I think that in fact there may be something great around us,but that catholicism don't represent it at all.Cause if in fact we're all supposed to act like those priest and pray God every day or burn in hell,well that just suck,cause if God really loves us and forgive everything,he would forgive us if we don't have the same religion or if we don't go to church every Sunday.I guess I'm going to be buddhist.Serenity and non-violence rules.
  19. Of course I would have follow Revan!I wouldn't have been able to sit and watch while millions were suffering.The Jedi had become really too detached from people that they were supposed to protect.If Revan had wait,the only thing left to protect would've been dust and corpses. <_<
  20. An army of cute rabbit like the one in Monty Pithon quest for the Holy Grail
  21. Errr...the"little chosen child who lost his parents and is trained by a mysterious master"story is REALLY too clich
  22. I really doubt it's possible for em to put Sidious or Plagious in the game.Like others said, it's what, like 4000 before?Still,there's always a slim possibility like Sidious have a Timetravel spaceship or everyone get cryogenize for 4000 years.
  23. The three choices were only illusion,cause in fact you can't decide what you want to do.I think that maybe they force the Exile to leave cause IF they ever make a KOTOR 3 the Exile would be in the unknown region with Revan.Maybe.
  24. KOTOR 3:Galaxy idol KOTOR 3:Dude,where's my airspeeder? KOTOR 3:The fellowship of the Hawk KOTOR 3:Sith city KOTOR 3:The Sithrix revolution KOTOR 3:Saving private Exile KOTOR 3:Mandalorian pie KOTOR 3:Kill Sith KOTOR 3:The lightsaber massacre KOTOR 3:Finding Revan Soon everywhere in Galaxy...
  25. I don't really care as long as my character can save the galaxy from an almost certain doom or lead it in
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