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About Kata_mad

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I have only ever played as a male exile, mainly because being male myself flirting with guys holds no appeal to me and i want to be able to talk to NPC without them trying to chat you up.
  2. We have had 2 different types of game from Obsidian and bioware with character choice NPC. So which do you prefer: A very standard selection of characters like KOTOR where the only choice is Kill/Save Juhani or Buy HK-47. Or one where the type your of PC affects it like TSL where you get a different character being female or male or based on alignment. My personal choice is standard as i never play female PC's and rarly play darkside (I know but I just can't do it) so I don't get to see all of the NPC's available from the Character PC choices.
  3. Have they even decided on a sex for revan yet they still left it at a choice for TSL.
  4. Obi wan won due to his experience of chosing the higher ground. Besids he wasn't as flashy as Anakin doesn't mean he was not a great duelist.
  5. A git with white hair
  6. No its definatly mace, he almost killed Palpatine, if it wans't for a intervention.
  7. There's nothing wrong with the hands, Nothing wrong with how you drawn the clothes, but hey who needs a excuse to draw them naked.
  8. You do mean Personal Computer and not Player Character don't you??? :cool:
  9. I would like it if you were bastilia's padawan (only became her padawan just before taris), so that at the begining you make your way to the escape pods with bastilia. Then when you crash land onto the planet you have to find your master.
  10. Jolee Bindo - as i am very sarcastic and have a dry sense of humor, i can tend to ramble and not be very specific in what i say, i am also a person who prefers to keep themselves to themselves unless pushed, and last but not least i have a very poor memory.
  11. I am pretty much standard as i go for blue. if i ever go for dual sabers i have a green in the off hand
  12. I think i proberly have been complete by the original deadline of spring but Lucasarts moved that timetable forward to December so that there was infact only 90% of the game there. Blame Microsoft who i belive put pressure on Lucasarts for a christmas title.
  13. You can't but there is a mod at lucasforums.com from Prime which add some of the film robes without cape.
  14. I was just about to go Queen Amidala but then i saw the picture of Jaina Solo and it force pursuaded me to vote her.
  15. I am not much of a cartoon person but i watched the recent ones from SW site and all i can say is that i was gobsmacked through each episode i cannot wait for EP3 now.
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