I guess all I would like to see changed in Kotor is for Bastila to kill Malak on the Leviathan. ( most people seem be to chopping Malak up into little bits by then anyway) and have her fall to the darkside after killing a helpless Malak and becoming the new dark lord.
the game moves on as normal and we confront Bastila on the top of the tempel to find out about Malak being killed and Bastila being the new dark lord wanting revenge on the weak jedi that were keeping her back so she wouldn't become all powerfull.
Then she offers you a chance to turn to the dark side and become her apprentice.
and get the options to go eighter :
Light side no, (but you can turn back to the light) option.
Lightside/darkside No, ( Die sith die !) option.
The Darkside yes, (Sure that sound like fun, death to the jedi !) option.
Or Darkside No, (But soon you'll be calling me master) option.
Then you eighter redeem Bastila and destroy the starforge
Kill her and try to destroy/capture the starforge. (ls/ds)
Join with her with you as eighter the master or the apprentice and kill the jedi and the rest or the non darkside party members and defeat the republic fleet to claim the starforge.
I really didn't like the seemingly endless hordes of dark jedi and sith troops that had come to kill me.
If it had to be in the story it should have had confused sith on board asking me if i was there new master now.
a couple of fractions should have formed when the old master came back for revenge seeing that Malak couldn't kill us twice now.
Those factions should have been killing each other.
The starforge being a gaint darkside haunted spacestation makes me wonder, just imagin it playing mind games with the crew for Ds points, there should have been a lot of crazy and confused sith in there.
I would have liked it better it it wasn't just killing sith by the truck load.
The game does seem to want you to think that the sith are more then just mindless animals who attack on sight.