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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Drizzt isn't cliche. Those who copy him are the ones who are cliched. His popularity created the 'cliche'.
  2. "but the customer is the reason you have a job." I absolutely disagree. The customer does NOT hire you. The employer/boss does. People ar ehired because the boss feels they are skilled enough to do the job. One is hired because they have the skills needed for the job. That's why people go to school. I really hate the idea that people give customers credit for employees having a job. That's nonsenical.
  3. Deekin is killable in SOU,a nd HOTU. Not sure about NWN2 as I didn't try; but knowing the hand holding NWN2 does; it's doubtful.
  4. "Does Iran have the right to protect itself by whatever means and by whatever technologies it has available to it?" Absolutely, they do. So do other countries though including the US and Isreal. " Does Iran have the right to pursue nuclear power in order to be equal in strength and power to those who threaten its borders?" Absolutely; but other countries have the right to try to stop even using extremes if they feel they must for their own safety. " If so, do they have the right to do a pre-emptive strike like the US did with Iraq?" Sure, and then face the cosnequences. Countries have the right to do whatever they want. They also have the right to face the consequences of their choices.
  5. Oerwinde wins. I hate customers. Even as a cutoimer, I see other customers acting like scumbags. Me? I know for a fact that most stores/customer service people who recognize me would say I'm probably one of the easiest custoomers to serve. Customers are evil. Customers are more selfish than any child. Customers are scumbags. "I make his sandwich, get to the till, it comes to 4.55 after tax" Holy frig! I don't blame him for compalining though the complaint should be towards the government. That kind of tax on something that's 3$ is completely and utterly outrageous. "Employees should be allowed to punch a customer in the face if they are being morons. " No. Unless they attack you first. Violence should only be use dins elf defense; not out of frustration.
  6. It's funny. People whine that the US is one of the few 'civilized' nations that still have the death penjalty and then whine when they don't use said penalty. *shrug* Personally, I'd give him at least 20-25 years if not the death penalty. Still, 100 years and being eligble but not guaranteed parole after 10 years isn't exactly light punishment.
  7. WOW! You replied in a completely different way to what I thought would happen. Anyways, yeah, 100 year sentences are kinda a joke. But,t aht;s the point. People claim that the US army allows their soldiers to get away with too much stuff. Apparantly not in this case. Remember, though,t hat while the full setence is 100 years; he's up for parole after 10 years which unless he is completely a fool; he'll likely get. Though, imo, he should get 20 years for his evil misdeeds.
  8. "You American haters bore me to tears, Ms. Barham. I've dealt with Europeans all my life. I know all about us parvenus from the States who come over here and race around your old Cathedral towns with our cameras and Coca-cola bottles... Brawl in your pubs, paw at your women, and act like we own the world. We over-tip, we talk too loud, we think we can buy anything with a Hershey bar. I've had Germans and Italians tell me how politically ingenuous we are, and perhaps so. But we haven't managed a Hitler or a Mussolini yet. I've had Frenchmen call me a savage because I only took half an hour for lunch. Hell, Ms. Barh? - (9). am, the only reason the French take two hours for lunch is because the service in their restaurants is lousy. The most tedious lot are you British. We crass Americans didn't introduce war into your little island. This war, Ms. Barham to which we Americans are so insensitive, is the result of 2,000 years of European greed, barbarism, superstition, and stupidity. Don't blame it on our Coca-cola bottles. Europe was a growing brothel long before we came to town." Oh, SNAP!
  9. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/iraq_us_rape_slaying Sure, he has a chance for parole after ten years; but that's harsher than the majority of murderers and rapists get on mainland US. And, frnakly, he deserves it. Still, people like to claim that the US Army ignores crap liekt hat or just slaps the guilty. Not in this case, apparantly... R00fles!
  10. Bull. I suggested to defend yourslef if physically threatned not take a gun and blow people away because theya re mean to you or even kill those who did nothing. So, whatever.
  11. "I was taught that a strong man doesn't just watch his own back." Eh? I didn't say otherwise. "I agree that bullies exist, and part of fighting them is getting tough. But equally some people find it hard to deal." I never claimed to be tough. Far from it. I'm rather skinny, and have absolutely no muscles whatever. My point is we should stop babying kids. It's also depends on the defintion of bullying. If bullying to you equates to beta ing the crap out of someone else then absolutely it should be stopped. Like I said in my other posts, if that happens to you or you see it happen then by all means report it. Physically attacking anothe rhuman being is alreayd considered illegal 9not to mention wrong). It's usually termed physical assault. I'm referring mostly to silly insults and attacks which is important to this thread since we're discussing online 'bullying' which is just words (and sometimes pics too, lol). I say to weaklings to toughen up. Did you hear the little song called Stick and Stones.'? I live by that philosophy. It works wonders. If a bully is truly bullying someonme ie stealing lunch money, forcing thema way from the 'cool table', and the like than, yeha, that should be stopped... but we should be trsating 12 year old bullies like full out criminals like some want. And, back on topic, the school should have NO right to intervere in ANY off school activities including online bullying unless it's done during school time.
  12. Overdone? NEVER. One can never have too many dwarves.
  13. It means it's too broad. That's why you have terms like Medival (D&D type fantasy games), post acoloyptic fantasy (FO, and the like), Horro/Gothic Fantasy (games like BL). Fantasy, to me, is anything that contains soemthing that simply don't exist in RL as far as well. SW, FO, and BL all contain those type of elements to varying degrees. FO is the closest of the three to NOT being fantasy; but squeaks in, imo. BL is the most obvious of the three to be included in the fantasy grouping. SW is in the middle; but closer to fantasy than not mainly because of the 'force' aka Magic.
  14. I'm sure it could; but if you are trying to implying that's what I had you are wrong. L0L The guy simply grew up, and matured. That's part of life. Alanshu: R00fles!
  15. "Well it would be rather mean of me to wish otherwise, but you could try empathising with people who found it harder." Nah. I know it's not PC; but I don't. I say get over it; and I had plenty of peopel try to bully me. Like Sand, I simply didn't take it. I either ignored them, or if the wannabe bully went too far, usually by resorting to physical attacks, I defended myself. I won some fights, and lost some fights. *shrug* Hell, one punk kept on trying to bully me, and when we got into at least 10 fights over several years. He beat me every single time. But, he finally figured out that his bullying attacks simply didn't work despite the fact he was stronger than me and he started actually treating me with respect. We even got along during high school reasonably well. Not myf avorite person; but not bad. I don't have time for weaklings who cna't handle mean people. Mean people exist. Whether you are 5, 10, 20, or 50. That's life. You deal. btw, That doesn't mean you should allow bullies to get away it. If it's just words - like this internet thing - you either fire back with words or ignore it. If it gets physical, you defend yourself or if you feel you can't, then your report the attacks to those in charge since attacking someone is illegal no matter the age. Game over, BULLIES, game over.
  16. "Try to think back to when you were that age, it was probably not the easiest time in your life." I remember it. And, it was rather easy. Bullies were a part of life. I dealt with them. I moved on. Game over. I rather deal with someone trying to bully me or others then morons you have to deal as an adult. Life as a teen or child is rather easy unless you have a serious illness or your parents are screwed up. Nice try; though.
  17. "I still need to get to KotOR 2. " And, youd are call yourself fit to be an Obsidian moderator/fangirl!!!!
  18. Yes, it is. It has magikal mind powerz. It has a friggin' large bl0b that quite frnakly is so beyond very unlikely to be considered anything but magic, and it's the main boss. And, the list goes. It's not Tolkienesque/Medival; but not all fantasy games have to be to be fantasy games.
  19. 100% agree with that. I ahte when I hear stories of schools suspending/punishing students for activities occuring off of school property ie. fighting and whatnot. As for cyber bullying. Meh.
  20. Gothic series, ES series, IWD2, TOEE, DS series, the Spiderweb games, EOTB series, POR2, and a whole bunch of others I;'m sure I'm forgetting willfully...
  21. NOT UPDATE UPDATE: MVP Baseball 2005, & NWN modding. I'm thinking of playing the DEAD game known as Arcanum as well. Maybe.
  22. Likely need magical weapons of a certain +. Tell me the monsters, and I can possibly help ya with this.
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