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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "There's a sucker born every minute." And, I've just replied to one. Call of Duty 3 - Fun little wa rgame. Not normnally my type of game; but fun for what it is. i wish you could play co-op in story mode. Running over others, and blowing them up with atank is cool, and all too. Kameo - Not that impressive of the 15 or so minutes of it I played. Seems to be a striaght actioner. The transforming to solve various things is neatthough.
  2. That's high praise coming from Llyr, too!!!
  3. No. That was PST. L0LZ Amnesia L0LZ
  4. It is released...
  5. "My gosh, you got ripped off. I got it on PS3 launch day. Premium + Gears of War + Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter + Ridge Racer 6 + Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged for 450CDN." Jerk. I got Premium too; but otherwise you = jerk. "Oht btw, don't miss out The Darkness and Bioshock once they're available." Bioshock looks like it could be fun. Not sure about The Darkness. "EDIT: Ah,. found link. Late 2007." Yeah, ME will be out about 6 months before. I'd be surprised if ME comes out in March. "And it only took 2 years!" R00fles!
  6. "Give us the rundown on Mass Effect when you get it. No spoilers, you swine!" I don't do reviews withoput spoilers. I find it rude to do otherwise. "Microsoft is releasing a newer X Box 360 with a 120gig hard drive and with luck the HD DVD player built in." Yeah, but I cna't live on rumours even if they are likely. Besdies, ME is coming in May/June so I doubt the new xbox 360 will be out by then.
  7. Cost me about $630 including a second controller, and an extra game. I have Call of Duty 3 (came with machine), and Kameo. Not really my type ofr games; but I wanted a cheap second game to have choice. I'll buy a new one next week. LONG LIVE XBOX 360!! It be better be good! Now, to survive until Mass Effect and some new sports games come along to make it really worth my while! Muahaha!!
  8. Volourn


    He's drunk. Jagr's one of the few bright spots. One of the main ones has been Lundqvist. Rangers' major problem is they are basically a 1 (.5) line hockey team. It seems, hwoever, the ex Hurricane the Rangers signed in the off season b/c of his winning the championship *was* somewhat of a Lockerroom cancer which is why they got rid of him for a crappy player in exchange. Hmm..
  9. Volourn


    Where do you get your rumours? And, they had a shut out yesterday with Jagr gaining two points... Not too crappy. Even though, they haven't been winning that much in the last little while they've been in 99% of games. Most of their losses have been by 1 goal. As for the Jagr 'refusing' to take penalty (shoot out) shots; this is the first I've ehar dof it. i've heard about him complaining about the refs; but not teammates...
  10. "Okay Volo. You're a liar. Using your now established background of being a liar, a logical conclusion is that you're lying about your experiences simply to try to prove a point. Cheers! " Sound slogical to me except I have nothing to gain by lying about that but I di when I lied/exaggerated about customers being evil. "Let's not throw around such emotionally-charged words, please." Hey,, he's not hurtin' anyone. In fact, I specifially asked him to call me a liar...
  11. JE's not new. It's two years old...
  12. Didn't the British try that with Austrailia? Look how that turned out. P.S. The Escape movies were good fun!
  13. "Weren't you the guy that used to call out people as liars for exaggerating?" Absolutely. You can feel fre to call me lair for exaggertaing too. I exaggerated. I lied. Big deal. *shrug* "I've been around long enough to know the customer is not always right. :Cant's grinning icon:" Heh. It's also true though that there's enough customer service employees that cna be considered poor too. Afterall, these are human beings so you cna get all types on both 'sides'. Like you said though, it's not about viewing the other group as the enemy though I find that feeling is more common on the customer side.
  14. "The point, for me, is that it's not healthy to view the customer as an enemy. Sure, specific customers, but not every one. I mean, Vol, you've never had a nice customer? Once? Where the hell do you work?" I think you took my extreme view in my first post as fact. It was, I would think, obviously an exagagertaion. I don't view customers as anything but customers. And, I've dealt with plenty of nice customers. Again, I wrote was is often referred to as an exagegrtaion. I just don't care for the idea that the customer is the 'holy grail' or 'the customer is always right'. That's bogus. And, I've seen employer after employer side with their employees at least 80% of the time whena customer goes off on one. btw, Outside of my time working in a call center, I've never personally had a problem witha customer. And, as a customer, I've tende dto always get along with those employees servicing (lol) me. Then again, when I go into a store for business as a customer I'm probably be cosnidered the model customer. That's nopt bragging. Just a fact since I don't whine, and am always polite (unlike the 'net, or dealing with jerkoffs outsiude of that situation). P.S. L0LLERZ at McD comedy!
  15. "I would say you should approach them all as if they are great." Nope. Never. Customers are pieces of crap, and I say whether or not I'm working or I'm a customer as well going whereveer. This doesn't mean that as a employee I treat them like dirt - I can take all sorts of abuse - but, customers aren't the be all end all for employees. the boss is. Customers do not hire, or fire employees. Bosses do. I've seen rather successful owners/bosses poo pah frivilous/or even non frivilous customer complaints and their business still do well. i've seen these bosses fire employees for other reasons ie. taking 1 hour smoke breaks/non coming in for work for invalid reasons/etc. As an employee, my job may be to service the cusztomer; but the goal is to make the boss happy.
  16. I alreayd understand what you are trying to say. And, while parts of it are true; it's a cop out to say that 'without cusatomers there'd be no business'. That's just silly. It's true; but it's not why an employee has a job. That's why there is a business. Employer interviews you. Employer hires you. Employer pays you. Employer fires you. Not the customer(s). Period.
  17. "In the end it's the boss who makes the final decision," I win.
  18. "And how can faith be out of place for FR? It's a world with 100+ Gods no?" Except, unliek the real worl god(s0, there is no neeed for 'faith' since it's pretty common knowledge the gods exist. They have tangible including up to them walking on Faerun. Don't need faith really when you know the gods are real.
  19. "I hope there are still ppl who play NWN1." Way more than people who play NWN2. L0L I didn't get far into your module; because of too much lag due to the size. However, my computer is much faster now (due to upgrading for NWN2 coincidentally enough), so I'll try again most likely. And, if good, I'll try the sequel too.
  20. It's a simple question. Who can fire or hire an employee? An employee or a customer? Only one of those do that. I know that as a customer I can't walk into McDoinalds, and fire the staff and hire my own friends to work there. It simply doesn't work that way. The business exists for two reasons - customers' need/desire for a product/service; and the owner's need/desire to deliver product/service. So, both are needed for a business to be in place. But, only one has the power to fire or hire employees. P.S. At my current job, customers complain a lot. Sometimes they are right in their complaint; sometimes they'r enot. I have never seen someone fired because of a customer complaint. I have seen someone fired due to lack of respect TOWARDS THE BOSS, and not doing the job (ie. being late all the time, missing shifts, taking hour long smoke breaks, etc.); but NEVER because of a customer complaining. Go figure. *shrug*
  21. "Turkey wasn't one of the $3 ones, and I told him so. Turkey is like 4.19 or something like that. Thats why he was stupid. I told him it wasn't 3 bucks, he said ok, and freaked out when it wasn't 3 bucks." Ah. Ok. "One day you might actually BE a boss (scary thought), then you will see the flaw in your logic. Until then, there isn't much I can say that will grant you the paradigm shift you require to understand how wrong you really are." The majority of bosses I've seen in play and interacted with disagree with you. The customer is important; but the boss is #1. He (or she or they) gets final say.
  22. "Volo, we're talking about a job IN CUSTOMER SERVICE; the job description is to HELP THE CUSTOMER. In a very real sense, if there is no customer, then there is no job for the rep." Customers can't fire employees. All tehy can do whine. I've seen enough situations that 90% of the time the boss sides with the employee. Only when the employees was no doubt in the wrong will the employer punish the employee in some way. "But the entire chain goes something like: a person has an idea for a product. They make it. Customers like it and start buying. Business grows. The guy needs/wants to hire workers because there's a customer demand and more workers are needed to supply them." Bingo. The person initially responsible for a job existing is the eprson who starts the business. Customers are important to a companyu's success; but we should look at the motivation for the customer. The company in question obviously has soemthing - product or service - that they want. That's why they do business with the company. It starts with the company. "The boss says, "hey, we've got this customer who needs this thing. Let's hire this unworthy fellow, Volourn, to sell it to them. If he can't serve the customer properly, let's can him!" :Cant's wolfish grin icon:" Who's making the decision to can me? The boss. Not the customer. Customers can complain all they wnat; it's ultimately up to the boss who gets canned. Who interviews me for the job? Not a customer that's for sure. The boss/manager/hiring department does. Case closed.
  23. "I'm of the belief that Vaan exists solely because they are afraid to make a female the main character in today's market." That's nonsense. FFX2, the last major FF release, had 3 main characters all of which were female. :confused:
  24. Irrelevant. The statement was not whetehr or not the business woudl exist or not without customers; it was wether not an individual has a jobe simply because of the customers. That's bul. One gets hired by the boss becuas eof the skills they bring to the table to do the job. Who signs the checks? Not the customers. Who can fire and hire the employees? Not the customers. I rest my case. Game over. The end. My position may be 'stupid'; but your position is simply old fashion retardedness. L0L0L0L0LLIPOP
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