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About jkletellier

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. So....glad there be an update... but when I try to listen to it it gets cut off. Aurora starts talking, then it cuts off at "...and over at the HK fack.."--cut. Quicktime says that is the end of the file, but i think not. So is it me or the site? Thanks
  2. Jedi Master Windu hands down in my opinion. Plus, the fact that he was the only purple lightsaber means that no one was more experienced in lightsaber combat than he. Dont yall know your Star Wars Trivia? LOL. And lets not forget how he owned Palpatine, Fett, etc.
  3. you dont actaully have to sign up. I did because I am an idiot...but I didnt need to. Just copy and paste the whole url and the download begins automatically. But I agree, the attacthement bit would make if more user friendly.
  4. (w00t) :"> :ph34r: Such practical realism.
  5. I love the "Harbinger" models. The whole hammer look-allike is just toooo great! :D I keep expecting them to just start pouding on the sith ships in the movies. HA! i love my world. (w00t) :ph34r:
  6. Im with you on the FPS thing. Thats GOT to be a high priority. Also, i think better detection of the video cards would be a priority. The patch helped, but didnt solve the whole problem. EDIT: BTW, your performance tweak posted the other day did help my performance, thought only slightly. But ill take what I can get! Thanks!
  7. Thank you kindly. i was using Firefox and got it working using the method you described. Note: you cannot just copy the url you pasted becuase it has an elipse in it (...). But cool! Time to try it out!
  8. My Im an idiot but i cant figure out how to download that file. I click on the link and it says i need to become a member, so i sign up for the free account, login, and it still doesnt work.
  9. Indeed. I have experienced this as well, as well as lots of people I know. It sounds like just a crappy job of scripting...programming.......storytelling...etc. But like
  10. Me too. My plan is to wait for the TSL Restoration project to complete then attempt to get back into it!
  11. For those of you having problems with the patch i recommend two things 1. Start a new game. People have reported that save games dont work with the new patch. 2. IF you have a No-Cd patch, uninstall it, then install the patch as the NoCD patches are not compatible with the patch and will prevent it from successfully installing. If it still doesnt work then i dont know what to tell you.
  12. Yeah so they are just rumors...I thought as much. At least we will have the mod to restore the missing content. Cant wait for that!
  13. My understanding is that there is this one, a second one that will contain high quality movies and music (anybody know if that is ALL it will contain?) and there are RUMORS of a third one for content....Though with Auroras mod that probably wont be necessary.
  14. Well sort of. I was not able to get out of there until i ran over to the large open space in front of the main hanger (the part were you previously always talked to mandalore), then after coninting some fights in that area it cut to the cutscene. So make sure you get to that area because if you stay right in front of the hanget that contains the ship, it seems to never end. Hope that helps.
  15. Two things. First, uses have reported that save games are not always compatible with the changes in the patch (start a new game) Second, if you have a NO-CD patch installed prior to installing this patch, the patch will not install correctly. Remove the NO-CD if you have one and THEN patch. I hope that helps. As for getting your money back, probably have to take that up with the retailer you bought it from.
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