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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I have no clue. In the old days I've had vid cards that worked forever. Heck I have an old VooDoo card that still functions, if I had a PC I cared to put it in. lol But these high performance/high heat cards...who knows. Assuming no defects, I'd guess 3 years, longer if you don't stress it all that much. Maybe someone else has a better idea...
  2. Yup, that's a big reason I can love it, despite the fact combat is FPS feeling etc. Altho, I'm beginning to think the programmers allowed for not-so-skilled solo players. I did the guy at the end of the Sledge/Arid chain (in the small room) and after two failed tries (I did get semi-close the 2nd time but...) I found another very cheap method to succeed, where no one could touch me. I'm having a hard time believing all these cheap ways are accidental oversights.
  3. Haha, you're stuck in the car and I'm not! ROFL!
  4. Procrastination is an art form, but alas I have to stop being artful and go sit in traffic a while for a meeting. Then the ballgame. I'm pretty sure there's a ballgame today.
  5. Been trying the other chrs, doing enough to reach lvl 12 or so for each. Much faster a 2nd time. Brick's beserker is funny...and if you put him in 3rd person at the default FOV his huge back blocks your view, lol Beyond Brick tho, every chr. I make ends up using sniper rifles quite extensively. I'm too attached to them I guess. Certain shotguns & others are great for close up, but TK gave my Lilith a purple sniper for one of his quests and it has a zoom on it that's so long I can sometimes plunk baddies from a distance where they'll grunt, curse, and swivel around in place but not chase me down. It's bad AI hilarious. Now why couldn't my Hunter have found a sniper like that...
  6. @Aristes --yea, I have that feeling too. I guess I keep thinking if I didn't play games, I might like Mac's more at this point, but my desire to take the time to learn a whole new OS/terminology isn't very high. ...getting ready to watch some of the World Series game. Hoping Phillies can manage another win and take it all the way to the 7th game. :D Edit: wait, wait...there's no game tonight. I should know that. I'm an airhead, kthx. In that case...computer game time.
  7. Hm I kind of like those graphics, cute and weird at the same time. Might have to look it up. ...and I'm playing Borderlands. I keep saying I'm going to play more Torchlight too, but so far Borderlands has me by the nose and won't let go..
  8. It's a bit of an odd place for them, imo...
  9. My case has the two fans both on the side and the top (plus the one in the back), and the air coming from them feels coolish. But the front intake fan (it's a big one) is semi-blocked by the unremovable multiple hard drive mount casing so I'm not sure how great the airflow from it gets pushed through the entire case. :/ The Asus AI Suite says the CPU/System temps are a little high, too, I think..low 40's. So you didn't have any trouble installing non-stock stuff on the card? Taking apart stock things to put new stuff on isn't something I've ever done before...maybe hubby can do it.
  10. So is 48-52C at idle "normal" for the GTX 200 series of cards? This in 75F temp room w/the GPU stock fan going at 60%? The reading I've done makes me think so, but this makes me worry about summer days when it often reaches 85-90F in this room. Late night, when the room is closer to 62-65F, the idle GPU temp drops to maybe 41-43C. The back fan vent on the card shoots out super-warm air, so at least I know it's doing it's job. When I play Borderlands, it shoots up to 70-75C. I know they're rated for max temps higher (especially if not OC'd) but the last card I bought flaked out due to too much time w/high heat, so I'm now paranoid. If I buy something like this Artic Cooling VGA triple fan cooler, is someone like me going to be able to safely install it? The instructions in one review sounded like I might risk breaking something....
  11. Shrink - I picked this up, knowing nothing about it, because Kevin Spacey was in it. A rather odd little film about a shrink-to-the-famous who's having a break down. The plot goes rapidly and not always smoothly between him and about 4 other character arc/plots that to one degree or another eventually merge together. Very strange. Watchable and oft snidely amusing but not a great movie. Maybe 3 stars out of 5...slightly more if you're into making-fun-of-Hollywood satire & Kevin Spacey's type of sarcasm/acting,
  12. NVM...hubby came home and reset it, all works now. The Mac UI interface is weird when you're not used to it. I'm not sure I like it. Not a reflection on Mac vs PC...just...not used to it, hence don't like it. haha
  13. 1-I'm not a huge melee in-your-face type of combat fan so didn't consider Brick as my first. The lady (Phase?) seems kind of blah...I was going to try the soldier next, but looking at his skills, yea, a little too generic. I do like his regen ammo thing and his turret skill. But w/all the gunplay, since it feels like Brick has the most radically different playstyle option, I may end up trying him sooner than I thought. 2-One's ability to FPS dodge/strafe/aim under intense time/action pressure (figure it out in 5 seconds/be able to get aimed criticals while moving or you're dead) is probably a huge part of boss difficulty. I've seen tons of posts from people who are like me and it's not easy for us no matter what, heh. Roid killed me in 2-3 hits or bomb tosses (w/a 238 healing shield) and even a sniper critical barely dented him (I was lvl 17). Non-boss combat situations my targeting/critical ratio isn't too bad & I very very rarely die, but boss fights leave little room for error imo, so...that's all I can say on that.
  14. C:/Documents and Settings/(YourPCUsername)/Application Data/runic games
  15. Thought I should mention that apparently tweaking the backpack setting in the ini can cause problems in multiplayer in that if the host has his ini set to a high number, everyone else who joins will get the same. Also, that once changed, any chr. you load w/the changed ini will be stuck at the high inventory number...and you can't downgrade the slots again even if you change ini. Have you found this to be true at all, Matthew? From someone on another forum: "I think how it works is... you change the setting, load/make a new character, get the change to occur on him, then change the setting back before you load/make any more characters. I think that will allow you to have a single character with a broken backpack without messing with anyone elses." If you like to MP, perhaps to be super safe should edit ini, create/load new chr. you'll only use in SP, leave game and change the ini file back to default.
  16. Yes, Hunter's are snipers...I use mostly sniper rifles, the combat rifles, and pistols. Can use all the others, but even the rocket launcher didn't help me too much against Roid. But I am admittedly terrible at dodging/strafing. I haven't been using the bird skill too much because of the long recharge...next time I'll try running in circles and just using it all the time, maybe. heh Seriously? Awesome, I love you. Thanks for the info. *goes off to Google for it*
  17. I guess I must too. The main quest bosses are pretty tough as a Hunter & for non-expert FPS players, tho. After dying repeatedly w/no weapon taking more than a sliver of health off him, I had to use a very cheap tactic to take out Roid Rage dude and I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with the next one. Maybe if I level up to where the quest is grey...everything else has been a very nice, consistent solo challenge but not "impossible."
  18. I looked into Linux/Wine myself a bit ago. Hubby has all kinds of Linux systems in his den so I fiddled with those a bit. While the desktop interface/UI is fine getting everything to work the way you want is far too complicated for a non-techie/programmer person like myself. I mean, hey, I get annoyed just when I have to copy-paste long lines of code into a game .ini to get a 'feature' & t hen have to figure out why it's not working. Plus from what I read, it wouldn't do for "serious" pcgaming at all. If you don't game a lot or care about latest releases much, it'd be ok but.... ...still I understand not wanting to use Windows. That's why I looked into it myself. Good luck, and hope it works for you.
  19. So with much tweaking/research blah blah hubby has the Mac OS working (kind of) on one of his PC's (he was technically curious....). He left it open for me to fiddle with if I want. I clicked on the "Safari" button and the "thinking" swirly mouseicon has been stuck for ages. Is there a cntrl+alt+del type option for Mac? It's Leopard (not Snow Leopard, just Leopard). I have no idea which machine he has it on so I can't just press the reset button
  20. A friend posted that elsewhere, and I'm just getting around to checking it out. Most of the 'console like' UI that seems to bug a lot of people doesn't bother me at all...but what I was eager to try was the 3rd person viewpoint. It takes some getting used to for the aiming but after that it's just fine. For me, the game has suddenly become a lot more appealing. I don't know why, but I really can't stand the 1st person, more-restricted-than-in-real-life game PoV. Going to tweak with it some more... The single-player gameplay, for any loners/non-FPS experts like me who might be wondering if they'd like it, is just fine. It may shine the brightest in social-giggles MP (I haven't tried it, don't plan to) but it's still a very fun single-player game. Skill trees are boringly simplistic but if you like item-grubbing/hunting + fast action + humor, this game has it...and it all works fine in SP. Had a nice firefight that was a challenge & got some great loot...for when I'm 6 levels higher. Now I have to carry it around w/me in my limited backpack. Edit: (typos, I'm tired, plus...) At 1st it did feel a lot more like a shooter than RPG/Diabloish, to me. But now what it reminds me most of is Tombraider games...that is, in terms of the singleplayer gameplay pacing/action and such. Except w/out puzzles/tombs, and w/gazillions of items.
  21. LadyCrimson


    I'm still hoping someone eats a hamster.
  22. I'm always sequestered away in my office w/headphones on, gaming or something, and always forget it's Halloween... Hubby's installing Leopard on one of his PC's as I type. He heard you could, so after some tinkering, he is. This amuses me somehow.
  23. I'd assume even if you got to him, that he doesn't do anything, so no point. Still, a great little dev. quirk or whatever. I like it. :D
  24. Today while bug spraying the borders of the house, I rescued an earthworm who had apparently made a home in a crack near the foundation. I rinsed him off with water and put him back in the dirt. I also cried when I 1st saw Bambi.
  25. I'm beginning to find SG:U has a lot of amusement value. Altho this might have something to do w/watching it with my spouse. For instance, every time someone asks Robert Carlyle a techie question, I want to holler "I'm giving it all she's got, Captain!" ala Scotty on ST:OS. It must be the accent.
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