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Everything posted by wannabealoser125

  1. Why is it thier is so much arguing over the game storyline? ITS A GAME (not saying the the game is awful because its not) ! You shouldnt spend all your free time agruing over something, that in the end, does not matter. If you interpret it in a diffrent way then you do, there is no sense in arguing over something when its obvious that no one is going to win..... *sigh* Why waste your precious time, that BTW you will never get back, on a hopless battle? Volourn and ShadowPaladin V1.0 , please get off your computer, go outside, get a life, and stop arguing! :ph34r:
  2. I dont have any problems with mine except for maybe a minor glich a couple of times in the entire game, but every game I have played is like that
  3. Im sure this has be asked and answered before but I guess I will ask again. Its bound to happen though since there are soo many post on this forum How many times can you gain infuence with a party member (assuming you never lose influnce) untill your influence is maxed out? & Is there anyway (for the xbox) to tell what your influence level is? Thanks for the help in advance
  4. You can make Bao-Dur a jedi? Everytime I talk to him the only option I ever get is "Nevermind"...
  5. So 256 MB for the Xbox 2 is as good as 1536-2048 MB for the PC ? I'm talking about 2008-2009 games. Will you be able to patch all the future Xbox 2 games or you'll just have to deal with the problems because it's a known limitation. It's a fact that the consoles are designed for regular people who don't want to bother with the advantage the PC offers, they just want to play a little and relax. About PS3 and Cell: http://www.blachford.info/computer/Cells/Cell0.html <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You should be able to patch all future Xbox2 games considering Microsoft is making it a requirement that all games have Xbox Live capiblities At least thats what "Electronic Gaming" magizine said....
  6. *sigh* I knew I was blind, I just didnt switch my focus when I walked up to it befor so I was focus on Mandalore instead... Thanks for the help
  7. Okay, knowing me I probibly am just blind but I need some help. I am on the Raveger and Im kinda stuck :"> I have done everything there is to do (killed every sith on the station including Visa's old master) except placing the last bomb . The missle in the Maintenace Bay is telling me "This proton core is locked into its bay, and it cannot be removed. You will need to find an override console for the missle bay" I can tell it has the last proton but I just cant find a way to get to it. The only consles I can see are on the bridge and I cant get to them or to the people down there... Like I said, Im probibly so blind I cant find it because I never seem to notice the obvious. I found a site that has a walkthrough for the entire game but it doesnt seem to tell me where to find the consle here and here are the pages I was looking at, It has a map of the area if it will help you to explain where the consle is....
  8. Sadly, no. I live in Bakersfield, CA and many of the people who live on my side of town are low income and/or farmers (surprisingly I am niether). My high school mostly focuses on FFA (Future Farmers of America) and Agiculture (?) clases. Its EXTREAMLY sad that there arent really any real computer classes to take except Computer Into (learning how to type) and a few levels of Com Apps. (but that itself is just teaching you how to use things like Microsoft Word, Power Point, etc.). I did get expelled from school though because me and my friends arent excaclty the smartest people when it comes to common sence (but thats another story). Now the school I go to will have a class once a week to do things with photographs on the computer - not exactly sure what though. It hasnt started yet but when it does it only 2 hour classes once a week (the school is pretty much an "independent suties" kinda school) for 6-8 weeks. I know its not going to be the best stuff but it will give me a start. *sigh* On the side of town I live on there is no high school with the clases I want to take thats why I was asking so that I could try to take some courses outside of school. I dont exactly feel like driving 30 min every day (when im 16 anyway which isnt very far away ) or spending 2 hours on the bus just to get to school everyday. This town sucks , Im starting to think that I wont be able to get a start with it untill college and I really want to learn some things now since I only go to school once (maybe twice) a week now.... I need something to occupy my mind before it turns into mush
  9. I just wanted to know your opinion. What combination of stones makes the best lightsaber? (I forgot the names of the individual slot names) and Whats better, a double-bladed lightsaber or two single-bladed lightsabers?
  10. HAHAHA! I cant belive I live like 10 miles from where that happend and I never heard about it untill just now... How pathetic am I :"> ..... Sucks for the people it affected (or is it effected, I could never remember the diffrence)...
  11. Should we be ashamed to think that a pixilated image is hot? :">
  12. Thanks for the help Feargus :D Its awsome that you guys take time out of your day to post on here.. It makes this comunity even better
  13. Verry good to hear.... at least now we no what to fix
  14. Hmmm... really? I think I need to play through the game again :D
  15. I didn't see the bond with Bastila as being romantic in the least, playing as a female. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats cause you were female ... There wanst any lesbian/gay romances in it... except one time I got to ask Juhani (is that how you spell it?) if she was hitting on me. She just got angry...
  16. yea, especaily since it looks like michael chu and akari keep getting on and off back and forth. Why cant they simply post somthing about the status of the forum closures.
  17. :D I enjoy seeing people abreviate my name... I just like being called a loser, I havn't quiet figured out why though.
  18. Its not hard to see how it got awards really. Its a good game overall, even with the bugs. You can't spend your whole life focusing on the bad things when the good overwhelm them. Yes, you do have to take it into consideration but you also have to think abou the fact that its a long and difficult process to make a game and an even longer one to make one with almost no bugs. Obsidian is new and (at least for this project) was under control but LA. They are to new and don't exactly have a high enough reputaion to have simply told LA "No, we arent going to release it untill we have these bugs fixed". They needed to get out the game then because of LA (So I've read anyway). I really wish people would stop critizing Obsidian so much without seening things from their eyes *sigh* Thats what sucks about people theses days, everything is "I come first". I don't mean to get you angry but just to see things from thier eyes. I know that the majority of the people here arn't like that but COME ON PEOPLE! I would like to see some of these b****ing people here try and make a game any where near as good as these people have.
  19. Has anyone else noticed that in the last half hour michael chu and akari have been on??:ph34r: Maybe there ploting something with the forums!... non have posted anything though....
  20. Maybe.... since the moderators have all poped back out of know where doing stuff again, there going to attempt to keep them open
  21. How about a wookie or a hutt?? I know they cant actually be jedi but come on, just imagin a wookie controlling the universe or the fighting sequences with a hutt.
  22. Revan better have a completed story in the KotOR III... i didnt spend all that time creating Revan how I wanted him/her to be (and so did everyone else) just to see the person disapear. We desirve to know what Revan's faith is, DS or LS. But I would like alternate faiths (1 LS and 1 DS for Revan) depending on choices, not just one ending with him/her.
  23. Hmm.... never thought of posting it there , I never really read anything besides KotOR forums so I just posted it here... But it cant make to big of a diffrence since in a week or so it will be deleted , but hopefully not, this is a great community.
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