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Everything posted by Tyrell

  1. Thank you, so atleast there is one person here who sees this situation the same way as I do. By doing it the KOTOR I way, a person could cheat and play on the DS the WHOLE game and still be able to get a LS ending. Or vice-versa. If it would went the way I explained it, people would be more careful and take the decisions they make more seriously cause once they get to that Temple top, the fate is already decided....
  2. In Knights of the Old Republic you were given the opportunity to play out the story as a servant of the Lightside or servant of the Darkside. Depending on what side you chose through the game determined how the ending was. Well that wasn't quite true. In KOTOR the ending didn't come down to what side you were on during the game, it just came down to one decision....and that decision came on top of the Temple roof on the Rakata planet. I could have went the WHOLE game as an Uber Lightside Jedi will with my lightside meter all the way to the top. But that really didn't mean anything, I could have been that Uber Lightside Jedi but at the Temple, side with Bastila and determined how the game would go from there. Same way vice-versa. I could have been Uber Darkside throughout the whole game but at the Temple, if I didn't side with Bastila it would have went on from there with the LS route. So in other words, ALL of the choices you made during the game to be on LS/DS didn't matter. What really mattered was what your decision was on the top of that Temple. I knew something like that was going to happen cause like 1-2 months before the game came out it was confirmed by the developers that you can flirt with the LS or DS through the whole game but 3/4 through the game you'll have to make a final choice. So with KOTOR II I hope it isn't like that. There should be no single moment in the game that determines how the rest of the game should play out. What determines how the rest of the game plays out should be how you went through the whole game, whether it be Darkside or Lightside. On that Temple roof when you meet Bastila, this is how it should have been: If you were on the Lightside part of the meter, then when you confronted Bastila, all of your dialog options should have been to trying to bring her back to the LS. If you were on the Darkside part of the meter, then when you confronted Bastila, all of your dialog options should have been to trying to convince her to become your new apprentice and help kill off Malak. If you were neutral (In the middle part of the meter, not quite LS or DS, just normal). THEN you should have had the option to either chose....side with Bastila and become Darth Revan once again, or try to bring her back to the LS. It should have played out that way. I hope KOTOR II plays out like that and doesn't go the same route as the first KOTOR where the choices you made eariler in the game literally meant nothing as the fate of the galaxy came down to one conversation rather then the choices you made eariler in the game. What do you guys/gals think?
  3. Lets also not forget that KOTOR II would be coming out in February and Star Wars: Episode III comes out in May. Even if KOTOR II is delayed to after Episode III. Don't through out the possibility that KOTOR II could feature some Episode III music. By then John Williams would be done with his EP3 Soundtrack. Infact he starts on it in late Fall (November) and would be finished sometime in December. Episode III is going to be the darkest SW movie to date and KOTOR II seems like its going to be pretty dark (Atleast darker then KOTOR). So some of the EP3 music could fit well with KOTOR II.
  4. Same here, they even played Across the Stars in one of the trailors. That is the Anakin & Padme love theme in Attack of the Clones. But I always viewed the Imperial March as representing Darth Vader/The Empire and niether of those are in KOTOR. In other Stars Games like Jedi Outcast, the Imperial March is played and Vader isn't in the game, but still you are fighting Strom Troppers which are apart of the Empire. So it makes sense with games like that, but it wouldn't make sense with KOTOR. Now Duel of the Fates is a different story....
  5. But there will be many other screenshots of KOTOR II that Obsidian won't post up. Like screenshots from others sources (Websites, magazines etc....)
  6. ....And a waste of character slots (You can only have like 10 NPCs this time, I think). What Obsidian is trying to do with T3 is what George Lucas is doing with R2. R2-D2 is the only character to see all of the events happened. He was there during the Prequel Trilogy and witnessed the Clone Wars and Anakin's Fall to the Darkside. He was there during the Original Trilogy. CP3O was also there during both times but at the end of Episode III, his memory is erased by Bail Organa. So R2 is really the only true witness of all events. Same with T3. Maybe (Depending on how well KOTOR II goes) when KOTOR III and KOTOR IV comes out, T3 again will be one of your NPCs.
  7. I for one still believes there will be a twist and something that we would have never of thought of. Hell, as my brother and I were talking about a night ago. The twist just might be something that goes back to the first KOTOR. So when you play the first KOTOR again, you'll see it in a different way. You never know.
  8. I think you can kill him in the DS Female game... if you have a romance going with him. Well if that is true then take Carth out and substitute in Dustil, Carth's son.
  9. I for one also believes Canderous has a great shot of making it into KOTOR II and here is why. Canderous is a Mandalorian, he fought in the Mandalorian War and all he talks about is the Mandalorian War. The person you are controlling in KOTOR II was a Jedi who fought in the Mandalorian War. So with those two connections, Canderous has a high chance. Another great person would be Carth. On the LS ending of KOTOR he didn't die, he survived with you. On the DS ending he didn't die cause he just ran away so that you can't kill him. So when you goto the planet Telos, I believe you have a HIGH chance of seeing him there. So Canderous/Carth are to high choices for me.
  10. Okay, I have no intent on seeing those movies anyways.
  11. Do you have the KOTOR soundtrack? If so, where do you buy it?
  12. Another GREAT question that nobody has asked: Will your character have a voice this time?
  13. When I first heard that KOTOR wouldn't feature any of the John Williams music (other then the main theme/force theme which was played once) I was pretty pissed. I was like "what is a SW soundtrack without JW?" Then after buying the game and playing it, I realized that the music in the game fitted perfectly with the atmosphere in KOTOR. I don't think any of the JW music could have did that. So we hear that the KOTOR II soundtrack will be totally new. Again this drawing up concern for me. If it is new, will the same person that did the soundtrack for KOTOR do this one? I sure do hope so. Even if he is or isn't I do hope some music from the first game makes it to KOTOR II. Two themes come to my mind that I REALLY loved in KOTOR. Remember that song that was playing when you first saved Bastilla on Taris and you were back at your hideout apartment on Taris with with Bastilla, Carth and other inside? During this you, Carth, and Bastilla was talking about what happened and such. Well remember that music that was playing in the background? I really liked it and I wish it is in KOTOR II. That theme was also on the Unknown world when you were at the top of that temple just about to face Darkside Bastilla, again that theme was played. I really like it and I do hope it makes its way into KOTOR II somehow. Also the other them I liked was the "Sith Academy" theme. It was the song you hear when you go into the Sith Academy on Korriban. Again, I hope this makes its way into KOTOR II. What are your thoughts/hopes for the KOTOR II soundtrack?
  14. In KOTOR the Jedi wore something called Jedi Robes but yet they looked nothing like what we see in the movies and such. With that being said, will the robes look more Jedi-Like with hoods and stuff? Also if yes, will you be able to put on/take off the hood?
  15. I honestly don't think that those two are the same person. Who's ever idea it was to put up a image like that is just doing this on purpose. They are trying to portray the "good vs evil" aspect of the game. The same went with KOTOR, we seen images of Bastilla and next to it would be an image of Malak. That image is just there to portray the balance of good and evil and which side would you follow, the good side (Jedi Woman) or bad side (Evil looking figure). And besides, its just an image that changes to another image. I wouldn't look too much into it. Just two images that are 100% opposite from each other.
  16. I mean the plot twist in KOTOR wasn't something that was done before in a movie, atleast not any movies I have seen. It was something that you would never expect and thats how I think Sith Lords will be like.
  17. That really wouldn't be a plot twist though, more like your untold task.
  18. Good atleast you gave a reason for you to not be able to load up a saved file from KOTOR.
  19. KOTOR had it and since some here probably hasn't played it, I'll keep it a secret. Even though the story is still vague right now, what do you think the main twist will be? I mean come on, you know there will be one, that is what made KOTOR so good. So, based off of what you know, what do you think the plot twist will be?
  20. Man I am SO interested. KOTOR II just shot to #1 on my most anticipated Xbox games.
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