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ex cathedra

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Everything posted by ex cathedra

  1. I would suggest Nalpazca Monk for the regen theme, pump Alchemy and use the Whiteleaf drug (or the amulet that gives the same effect after each rest) to simulate the regeneration. I believe it's a lot of healing. It combines well with fighter or it's strong on its own. I don't think it's all that great with Rogue, Charge and Flagellants Path are the best mobility attacks in the game, just food for thought.
  2. I assume this is for solo. I would also suggest the Brawler. Even though Charge and Flagellant's Path are redundant, charge is the better of the two and its lower PL makes it more usable for multiclass characters. Nalpazca is probably great. I've been playing Shattered Pillar for the time being but POTD solo isn't challenging enough to make raised torment worth using for me, so the subclass has mostly just halved my max wounds. My only concern might be that playing solo without mechanics sounds like a garbage experience, it might be tough to balance out your alchemy investments. The blood pool buff duration is probably overkill. So is 13 CON. As a shattered pillar with 12 con after berath's blessings, I had more HP than I knew what to do with, and nalpazca especially have access to absurd healing. I'd be interested in maxing PER or getting extra dex, personally.
  3. It's Storm Toxin. I don't know if it (or its rarest ingredient, Amber) are sold by merchants, so you might have some issue finding a renewable source.
  4. The AI checks all of the instructions you have listed, from top to bottom, after every action. It does not check the first action, perform the first action, check the second action, perform the second action, etc. For a lot of buffs (e.g. Monk's Swift Strikes, Fighter's Disciplined Strikes) it's best to start by selecting "Has Inspiriation: Quick/Intuitive/etc" for the relevant skill and selecting the NOT checkbox. This works for most scenarios, but you should also add a cooldown to the abilities in case you're targetting by a spell that suppresses your positive effects. Otherwise, you'll activate the ability but not receive the inspiration, which would cause the AI to attempt to activate the ability again, etc.
  5. I believe that there exists poisons that apply paralysis. There's also a pistol encountered a short way into the VTC/RDC questline that can apply paralysis on crit.
  6. Look at the details for any activated abilities that sound like they're related to fire to you -- Fireball, for instance. You could do the same with any of the Electric spells, but this applies to all active abilities, not just spells. On the same page that has cast time, recovery time, damage, etc, there should be a bold line that says "Keywords:". That bonus applies to any ability that says Keywords: Fire. Even if there are other keywords, like Evocation.
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