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About andrelc

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  1. Will the patch fix the import save bugs retroactively? If my Eder is acting like a Night Market member will he start acting like he was mayor (like the import actually worked)?
  2. I'm going melee (no subclass, using summoned weapons for damage and illusion/enchanting for buffing, along with some CC from other magic schools) wizard too, but I'm not multiclassing so I can have access to Citzal's Enchanted Armory. However, my character is REALLY squishy and misses a lot of attacks - I die in half a second even with mirrored image. My stat distribution is all 10s, except for 17 might, 16 intellect and 15 dexterity. Am I in the right path? Would you guys recommend a different stat distribution? And what are the must have spells for the build to work? That said, I do need more time actually playing the game since I only just visited the first town. Thank you!
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