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Everything posted by Alissa

  1. LS F-Revan-Alora Derrin LS F-Exile Guardian 1-Sabrina Morn LS F-Exile Guardian 2-Andrea Panar LS F-Exlie Sentinel-Sharla Enda *My Brother's Charaters* LS M-Revan-Jas Derrin LS M-Exile Sentinel- Dacen Dran
  2. One of the glitches I have ran into. Is when you go to set up some more mines located on the way to the Crystal Encalve on Dantoinee. When I got there, the mines that were already stet up were invisable. And then of course, Who says Disciple isn't neat? Disciple Disciple 2 Flying_Disciple.bmp Flying_Disciple_2.bmp
  3. I voted for Carth. Though it was vey hard for me to choose between Atton, Carth, or Disciple.
  4. Yes, the Disciple is a Consular .... I have 2 questions. 1. How do you get Atton to come with you on Onderon? He's stuck on the Ebon Hawk reparing it. Do you give the Starport Visa to the family the second time you go to Onderon or what? 2. How do you get Bao-Dur into a Jedi. I talk to him alot and get no option to make him a Jedi. Do I have to take him with me to certen places or what? Also, I haven't been able to gein maxaim influnce with him either.
  5. For me. I would say.... 1. Kreia. I am impressed at how well she speaks her part. Her voice seems to match her "age". Wonderful job on the voice actor. 2. Bao-dur. I just love how clam and collected his voice is. Even in times of chaos he's calm. 3. Atton/Disciple. Atton does a good job putting the right about of effort in the words/sentences that need to be. As for the Disciple, I enjoy his friendly-calm-innocent like voice. 4. Darth Sion.....good but not great. Though he can sound spooky when needed.
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