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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Who is that again? I just started to listen, but apparantly he's been writing some sci-fi.
  2. Newest Pakman video, now with some antiGG folks:
  3. ^I see white people with perfect bodies showing off with great heterosexual undertones. Check your white cis-het privilege you scum!
  4. Ok, i gave it try now: 12/20. Nightshade is still the leader. Some those sources were reaaaaally weird. Like this one: http://www.donotlink.com/framed?670905 Just read the first paragraph.
  5. I just pasted the links from somewhere else, i swear!
  6. Responses from /v/ on 8chan: http://i.imgur.com/1hgX5Ad.jpg http://i.imgur.com/PiZeXK0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/oB6aEyh.jpg Responses from /v/ on 4chan: http://i.imgur.com/WWdyud1.png
  7. Not even Sargon manages to get a full pot: I haven't dared to test it myself yet. Too afraid of the results.
  8. http://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/04/27/tsr-marquez-rioters-cut-hose.cnn
  9. Certainly, though I don't think police department policies alone can fix this. There needs to be a shift in the Overton window and different laws regarding the status of citizens and police, because: This would never have happened if people were allowed to shoot cops. There's truth to that. In the 60s, groups of Black Panther guys in their pickup trucks and armed with rifles, were peacefully following police cars to make sure the police officers didn't harass or abuse civilians.1 Today, this would be unimaginable. If someone tried that, the cops would call in backup with "heavy artillery" and kill or violently arrest the group simply for "being a threat", and wouldn't have to face any consequences. The first step towards "fixing" our society will need to be a reaffirmation of the sovereignty of the individual citizen over their own life and affairs, and reducing the government and its enforcing agencies form the status of a sovereign to that of public servants with the absolute minimum necessary amount of power. Of course the 'progressive' left will never acknowledge this, because they are too infatuated with their fantasies of shaping said government power for coercively implementing their vision of "social progress" and economic redistribution. And if the left had their way, cops would not merely be legally privileged gun wielders, they'd be the only ones allowed to wield guns. --------------- 1) If this sounds like an endorsement of the Black Panthers, let me clarify that my admiration of them only extends to the early days of their organization, before they went bat-**** crazy Maoist. Whatever happened to the Black Panthers? Didn't the founder get kicked out or something?
  10. Yeah, that sounds about right. Customers won the battle but the war still rages on.
  11. I think we all know that most of these riots stem from long periods of over-violence by the cops, which in turn will not be solved until long-term changes are made in recruitment (trigger-happy ones should fall out pretty quickly) and in terms of engagement. At the same time, the parents of these kids in the african-american community should teach their kids through rigorous training and discipline that that kind of behaviour is no way acceptable.
  12. What else would you call a lie that got repeated so many times it's now treated as the truth? Despite the fact that its veracity can be checked by literally 10 minutes of googling? You simply call it a lie if you think it is a lie. "False narrative" is a soft, indirect description that belongs in critique of the arts. Lets compromise and say "BS", shall we? "Culminating" is a weird word for the article that arguably started the whole thing. And no, "gamers are dead" wasn't used even once in the articles. "The death of gamers" got used once in an article's title, and "Gamers are over" in another's. That's, like, two times a half, out of 12? ...You might not be the best-informed authority on the subject is what I'm hinting at. No need to put me on a pedestal like that. I am just another anonymous guy on the internet. As I already said, it's a phrase used for those articles published between August 28th to September 1st. After DMCAs (https://twitter.com/mundanematt/status/502575957178580993, censorship (http://imgur.com/a/m1FDm, https://twitter.com/GamesNosh/status/501743426111827969), mass-deletions on reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2dz0gs/totalbiscuit_discusses_the_state_of_games/), mass-deletions on 4chan (https://archive.moe/v/thread/258661684/#258661943) and almost on every major gaming site, something was simply up in the air. Add to that growing sense of scepticism and new discoveries of corruption (http://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/2ejs7v/gaming_journalists_patricia_hernandez_of_kotaku/, http://i.imgur.com/sDOjHhM.jpg)one simply knew that a response from the press was just a matter of time. But was the response? Well, those articles we just talked about, which were pretty much a grand declaration of war. Talk about not knowing or understanding your audience "Again"? ...Moving on. Listen & Believe. The "gamer culture" link goes back to the article itself. "Wished dead" links to... Jacobin, a magazine self-identifying as "a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture." An onslaught of gaming sites indeed! "Declared dead" links to the Ars Technica article that makes... no statement at all about "gamers" as a whole? And even has "death" in quotation marks in the title, necessitating quite a few intellectual leaps to see it as "an onslaught" either? How surprising. The rest of the article is seemingly aimed at marketing people, noting that if gamers become perceived by the wider public as "socially stunted, possibly mentally ill, misogynists", that will lead to sales plummeting. Which is... surely very tragic for marketing people, although I have no idea why it should concern me in the slightest? It's not like I played any new game that wasn't crowdfunded in the last two years or so. The point wasn't you. The point is that this "false narrative" is not just a GamerGate thing. The article is posted by Adland, an online advertisment pundit rated 6th or 22th most influential for business, depending on if you read Brand Republic or Business Insider. It's one of the bigger ones that the industry itself is following. You mean the bolding of - gasp! - a single word? Nitpicking much? Confusing a joke with nitpicking? You do need a hug.
  13. This would never have happened if people were allowed to shoot cops.
  14. Ellison, not Harrison, my bad. "False narrative", lol what phrasing. Everyone knows that "Gamers are dead" is used, as Hurlshot said, a literary device for all the articles, culminating with Leigh Alexender's piece. Instead doing a thesis again, i can link to someone that already did almost a year ago: http://adland.tv/adnews/gamergate-insulting-consumers-shrinks-market/1027025677 I do hope that you are not mad with all your bolding text. Need a hug?
  15. Except for the fact that the original "gamers are over" articles were published on a personal blog and on a developer-facing site, and the ones published by gaming journalism were mainly quoting those two while noting the backlash, making the analogy quite apt. (ie. no wider audience was harmed in either case, so to speak.) Not like we haven't been over and over and over this easily verifiable fact multiple times, but then again, repeat a lie enough times etc etc. Lol, and the armenian genocide never happened. Give me a single link to any article published in those 12 hours on a gaming journalist site that was proclaiming gamers dead without noting where the idea was originating from. Notice how you changed the subject back to the articles when your original claim about Harrison didn't work? I'm not biting. Rather, i can present another example that follows your logic of audience. Here is a song by Tool where the singer tells a story of guy named buddy that claims to be a fan, or by the same logic, their audience. The lyrics embedded are quite insightful and i highly recommend reading them
  16. Except for the fact that the original "gamers are over" articles were published on a personal blog and on a developer-facing site, and the ones published by gaming journalism were mainly quoting those two while noting the backlash, making the analogy quite apt. (ie. no wider audience was harmed in either case, so to speak.) Not like we haven't been over and over and over this easily verifiable fact multiple times, but then again, repeat a lie enough times etc etc. Lol, and the armenian genocide never happened. Reposting KaineParker's link since it got lost in the myriad of posts:
  17. Okay, it was actually blissfully short, so that's a plus. Nice strawman at 1:45. I find myself in complete agreement with the "we're entitled to our informed opinions" part. Although it's a funny example of doublethink when people who supposedly nod along vigorously at this quote have no problem bashing feminism based on the most cursory understanding of it (or, to be more cynical, based on other people's opinions based on a most cursory understanding). That said, insulting your own audience? Way to go, Mr. Ellison. Incidentally, isn't the very same thing what allegedly sparked gamergate? He insulted mr. Johnson, the midget. Not his audience. Mr. Johnson, who's supposedly a member of his audience, having read at least one of his stories. You do realize you're digging quite a hole here? Do enlighten me. You apply adressing one person to his whole audience. Logically, the only solution then for Ellison is to cater each and single one of his readers, ending with the audience writing the story intead of the creator. So no, making this the same as "gamers are dead"-articles is quite erronous.
  18. Okay, it was actually blissfully short, so that's a plus. Nice strawman at 1:45. I find myself in complete agreement with the "we're entitled to our informed opinions" part. Although it's a funny example of doublethink when people who supposedly nod along vigorously at this quote have no problem bashing feminism based on the most cursory understanding of it (or, to be more cynical, based on other people's opinions based on a most cursory understanding). That said, insulting your own audience? Way to go, Mr. Ellison. Incidentally, isn't the very same thing what allegedly sparked gamergate? He insulted mr. Johnson, the midget. Not his audience. Mr. Johnson, who's supposedly a member of his audience, having read at least one of his stories. You do realize you're digging quite a hole here?
  19. Weaponized Ethics, lol. Okay, it was actually blissfully short, so that's a plus. Nice strawman at 1:45. I find myself in complete agreement with the "we're entitled to our informed opinions" part. Although it's a funny example of doublethink when people who supposedly nod along vigorously at this quote have no problem bashing feminism based on the most cursory understanding of it (or, to be more cynical, based on other people's opinions based on a most cursory understanding). That said, insulting your own audience? Way to go, Mr. Ellison. Incidentally, isn't the very same thing what allegedly sparked gamergate? He insulted mr. Johnson, the midget. Not his audience. Here's Bill Hicks insulting his audience:
  20. 1) Promote, participate or create media that follows that ideology 2) Demand, censor, ban media that does not follow that ideology Pick one. OH MY GOD THE HORRIBLE VERISIMILITUDE AGENDA TAKE IT OUT OF MY GAMES So the second alternative it is then. Please refer to Harlan Ellison from my previous post. It's really insightful and i recommend that you watch it Insightful like the Sargon video, or actually insightful? He tells what he thinks, as a sci-fi writer, on when people complain about his tone and use characters in his stories. Take it as you will.
  21. Well, it's funny because when i read Anne Wheaton's blog post, my first and only thought was that what happened to her was despicbale. And it doesn't matter what she said/did. But how did your reply? I guess it wasn't hate per se, but you can hardly call it love either. It was very passive-agressive. I am a complicated person.
  22. 1) Promote, participate or create media that follows that ideology 2) Demand, censor, ban media that does not follow that ideology Pick one. OH MY GOD THE HORRIBLE VERISIMILITUDE AGENDA TAKE IT OUT OF MY GAMES So the second alternative it is then. Please refer to Harlan Ellison from my previous post. It's really insightful and i recommend that you watch it Thank you Bruce for making it a meme.
  23. Lets have some more fun. Image instead of the story of Forrest Gump, but now as Florence Gump. Florence Gump is emotionally abused for decades by her Johnny and by today's standards, sexually abused in the middle of night after heroically claiming to know 'what love is'.
  24. 1) Promote, participate or create media that follows that ideology 2) Demand, censor, ban media that does not follow that ideology Pick one.
  25. She wants some ****. Impossible to be interpreted in any other way. End of story.
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