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Everything posted by Darkkender

  1. Well since the StarViper is produced by MandalMotors which you should see from the link is a Mandalorian manufacturer it might stand to reason that when they went to build it's concept they pulled up the old specs for a Basilisk War Droid and said well this design worked well lets rework it as a fighter craft.
  2. Check your windows settings also when adjusting Virtual Memory. You'll be able to adjust where windows uses that memory for wether for background services or applications. Which ever it is set for switch it. Since your running a laptop your going to have generally more lag and slowness of the game because of the architecture vs a desktop PC. Your laptop is likely not tuned for game playing from the manufacturer which means your likely to experience similiar problems with other heavy 3d games. Also if I recall correctly recomended specs for K2 included a video card with 256MB of video memory.
  3. Lord I love Kreia's teachings. She's like an abusive father. You do something right and she abuses you for not doing it better, you do something wrong and you get abused for not doing it right.
  4. Bronze is what the game has labelled for the old heart of the guardian color. It has to be modded to used or cheated for. What does it matter though if it is a modded color or stock color? The topic of the thread relates to your best saber color or your favorite as it has become.
  5. For Stock Game Color's I like to do Purple and Orange Single sabers with either a Veridian double - Prefered or a Silver Double. Beyond that you'll usually see me with my own custom saber color Purple with a Blue glow & a custom hilt. Sometimes I'll play with color's like Chartruse.
  6. Oh wow he sends people to another thread relating to the same topic that right off the bat has screenshots about the topic of this thread. I would call this an efficient use of refering people to another thread. Even if a thread has been done by himself the content of that thread relates to this topic in this thread.
  7. I apologize I was confusing my OS and lumping them all into the same boat there. I forget that Linux has evolved away from what the UNIX based systems were some 15 years ago at times and I treat them the same. However your JRE does interact differently on a Windows platform than it does on a Linux platform. One of the biggest flaws with Java under Windows is that it is as big a memory hog as windows itself is. However the way that a Linux/UNIX platform are setup they are designed from kernel up to rely much more heavily on a script based interaction with the OS. What this means is yes you do have a VM sitting there with Linux however Unlike Windows it is not competing with the OS for system resources. Of course these are many of the advantages of a UNIX based OS is that your OS is not in charge 100% of the time of system resources. There are alot of massive improvements that have come along with windows since Win95 however with those improvements has come much greater usage and demand of system resources meanwhile Linux has improved along the same lines if not more so and has maintained a demand on sytem resources that has hardly grown since the time of it's launch back in the early 90's. I can even remeber getting ahold of some of those early copies when they came out when I was in college as well as getting Windows Chicago(Became Win95) & Daytona(Became WinNT) betas. But as I also mentioned in my previous post I'm probably not the best to describe the differences of how Java works on the Windows vs UNIX-based systems. I do have a couple friends that I ride the bus daily with that work at Sun and could go into much greater detail as well as much more technical and long winded explanations. Note to all budding programmers that are interested in Game Development. If you ever sell out and become Corp. programmers for Major companies like Sun, Intel, AMD, or "Squishy"Soft(Microsoft) don't let them brainwash you into not being able to speak plain Geek. I swear that Geek speak has evolved much like English has. You have Corp. Geek, Average Geek, Noob Geek, Gutter Geek, Gamer Geek, & a few other dialects much like East Coast Bostoner or Deep Southerner. If you speak Average Geek you can hold your own with nearly any Geek Speak however if you speak Gamer Geek you'll only understand 1/2 of what somebody speaking Corp. Geek is saying and that's on a goodday. I speak Pidgin Gamer & Average Geek with a smattering of Corp. here and there and even I only understand about 2/3 of what my buds at Sun are saying.
  8. I am not sure what you are getting at here. How's Java a low-level language? The language is exactly the same on both platforms. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Java was developed directly to fill the Role of C/C++ for Sun microsystems servers with the Sun OS which was a UNIX base. On a UNIX/Linux platform Java interacts directly with the PC as a Low-level programming language like Assembly. This means it works almost directly at assembly level. Java was ported to windows because it took off as a easy to use programming language for web development and server side interaction. However in order for them to move Java to the Windows environment they had to create a VM in order to mimic the system calls used by UNIX when working on windows. By creating a VM and running your programs on that you are no longer running at Assembly level you are running above the machine and your virtual machine is actually interacting with the Assembly Machine code level. Because of this You are not running a Low Level language on Windows. It's rather complex and I'm sure a couple of my buddies at Sun Microsystems that I ride the bus with can give a much better explanation than the one I gave above.
  9. The problem with .NET programming is that if you are focusing on how to learn how to program .NET alot of the fundamentals get passed over for new nifty features. When you teach programming from the core native C++ perspective you are teaching the person everything and not the new and cool features. Anybody learning to program and getting out into the real world with programming skills needs to learn the core fundamentals. These include low level programming languages and there techniques. Languages such as Assembler still have some use in the market however by and far if you learn any language top priority should be the King language of C and it's extension language C++. These are actually 2 different languages and should be noted as such. The biggest problem in the industry is that people pursue programming degrees and are learning only high level languages and methods for obscuring away low level programming techniques. What this does is produces people that frequently have to spend alot of time getting up to speed with low level programming and are less effective in the job market when going from one company to the next. I myself have many petpeeves about Java having become the primary language that colleges are teaching and less of the fundamentals like C++. C#, Managed C++, Java, PHP, and many other languages are crosses between the low level languages and high level languages. With Managed C++ you take a high level language approach on a low level interface. Meanwhile the other's with maybe the exception of Java are high level languages. Java is an interesting character it is a low level language for Unix/Linux based systems meanwhile on a Windows environment it is a high level language. Anytime you make use of a programming language that uses a Virtual Machine you expose your program to the flaws of higher memory requirements and poor memory management.
  10. Actually there is a placeable object that has the appearance of an R2 untis head in both K1 & K2. Infact in K1 one of the sidequests includes returning a droid head to the guy who is being held as collaterol for his friends on Kashyykk. This sidequest droid head is this very same R2 unit droid head.
  11. There already is a released Alpha/Beta Demo from a few months back of this mod it can be found at pcgamemods.com here-> http://www.pcgamemods.com/10948/ Of course to those out there who are enjoying being a Troll to this thread. I say cut it out. You've been shot down and proven wrong. Suck it up and accept it.
  12. As you said plus if any body ever payed attentionto a few of the pre-game release interviews alot of the interviews stated in different fashions that they were going for more of a open ended Empire strikes back type of ending. That way it takes into account different endings based on your choices. Much like the beginning of the game does with your perspective on Revan. While there is much debate on the potential of Kotor 3 and who the main character will be. My take is this, I doubt highly they will use Revan as the main character in Kotor 3. They may use the Exile but I find that slightly unplausible as well. Where would that leave us? Well with a really open ended ending to K2 we have potential for any number of storylines to be produced without the sequal going in a specific direction. If they had given a more finite ending to K2 they likely would have handed a yet unwritten script for K3 to the audience and said here you go here is our next story no surprises in store. I will not deny the first time I played my response was "WTF!" but after playing again multiple times it makes much better sense and everytime I play I pickup tidbits I missed before that give the ending more definition while remaining really vague. The ending doesn't really come together untill you've played the game more than once. The reason I say this is because when you play it more than once in different means you try it in different ways and new options open up and provide clarity where once was complete confusion.
  13. AAHHH? Darth Nuke, you do know that Mandalorians are classified as Humans in the Star Wars Universe as are the Echani and a few others. If you feel justified to argue this remember that Jango Fett was a Mandalorian. It would be just like saying somebody is a American, Russian, or German on earth. In the Star Wars Universe Humans are known by which planet or colonies they come from. Hence you have Corellians, Echani, Mandalorians, & many others who are Human. Also there isn't any real Mandalorian sector currently since the war with the Republic as has been covered as story plot timeline in both KOTOR games.
  14. Is this a Hk dialogue from K2? If the answer is simple. The new Mandalore is the one that Hk fought with and his one time compatriot handed him his arse. Later they are compatriots again. Mind you HK has many continuity errors in his system probably built in methods of deception.
  15. No problem Chainz.2da, you really weren't hijacking as that is one of the many mini-topics this thread has covered. Which reminds me I really need to add the download link at your site.
  16. However, I think the [TSL] Holowan Plugin is one of the most enormous mods created, which brings you several other modder's projects in one pack. Darkkender spent hours pouring over scripts, and other mods to combind them. Can I play Yoda? Not very well, I'm too tall. If you are refering to a disguise armband that allows you to do this you will need to download the Holowan Clockworks 2(for TSL). It was just completed today by andargor. For point of reference DarthMacleod some of those scripts and mods actually took me days to pour over and work on merging due to subtle differences in things like dialogue files. Even with TK's gff comparison tool it can only help a small amount.
  17. I'm glad to see the thread did get started after all last night, Obsidian crashed on me as I started the thread. Ok to answer some questions. @Sarjahurmaaja. -- Many of us modders have had a recent wave of our mods being pirated by fileplanet. Fileplanet has been re-hosting them without our permission and sometimes taking credit for the mods. As a consequence many of us have developing our own means of ensuring that if the mods are found any spot other than where we hosted it at that the user is aware that the mod is being re-hosted illegally. @Battlewookiee -- The [TSL]Holowan Plugin is a collective mod that merges many of the most popular TSL mods into one mod. This is done with permission from the various modders who's mods are merged within there. If you have ever gotten heavily into playing mods you'll find many have compatibility problems. Those problems usually are a direct problem related to 2da, gff, & tga files frequently be used by different modders. The plugin allows you to play these incompatible mods in harmony. For more details. The plugin consists of over 100 new selectable character player heads. These include Twileks, Devaronians, and dozens of other uniques. The plugin is completly compatible with the USM. I'll be the first to admit that my readme's usually are very much lacking and can almost use some professional help when it comes to details.
  18. I figured I would be kind to everybody over here as well. It is official as of Saturday afternoon I have released the [TSL]Holowan Plugin at pcgamemods. The mod is also being hosted at Chainz.2da's site jumpstationz. You will notice a difference in the version numbers between the 2 sites. They are the same mod simply given different versions as a security means to protect it from being pirated. Each site the Plugin will be released to will have it's own seperate version number that I designate. Here are the links for all to enjoy. http://www.pcgamemods.com/14521/
  19. I prefer Armor in both K1 & K2. Mostly due to the variety of armors out there. Of course many of the armors I use are custom Modded armors done by myself and other modders. In particular my Jedi Armors mod. :D
  20. It wasn't, or at least not in the sense your thinking of. Lucasarts had the concept and through there conection with Hasboro, who owns Wizards of The Coast, who developed The Star Wars & Dungeons & Dragons D20 systems, who had contracted bioware to develop Neverwinter Nights due in part to the long standing history with Bioware, & Black Isle. The web is probably much more complex. However any game coming out with the Lucasarts Label for Star Wars in one way shape or form is a story concept that Lucasarts has come up with. Now this is not to say that Bioware didn't have a hand in furthering that story originally in there own vision. Obsidian did the same when they picked up the development of the sequel halfway through the sequels development. Oh and yes Bioware had started K2 but then Lucasarts was not pleased with the progress of development and gave Obsidian a chance at the game and final production was done by them.
  21. I like it alot. Kinda curious could you make a couple of alterations that say TSL Holowan Plugin, Loading and your name. I think it would look great as a Loading screen in the new Holowan Plugin.
  22. While this might sound like a fanboy comment it is not meant in this manner. Kotor 1 & Kotor 2 are not storylines layed out by seperate software companies Bioware & Obsidian respectively. They are storyboard ideas derived by Lucasarts who has hired the above software companies to develop these games. The storyline for a potential Kotor 3 will also be set down by Lucasarts. Now this being said they allow the Game company alot of liberties in how to achieve the goals setdown in theses storyboards. As a 15 year veteran of RPG's of many varieties I can speak with some reasoning. If you consider these methodologies they are very much like a preplanned adventure that you buy at a store. Many preplanned adventures can be bought for basic ideas but each GM is likely to change them to fit within there campaign or there idea of how that adventure should progress. I won't deny there is a part of me that felt cheated with the Why Revan is gone story. However I enjoy playing the Exile just as much because of the Exiles own unique story. I for one was also glad that they didn't go heavy handed and give us another overboard Romance story plot. I don't mind romance however some of the scenes in K1 made some of the worst sappy romance stories look like works of genius and true emotion.
  23. Well many of you know I have been working on a Holowan Plugin for TSL. With Lucasforums & the Holowan Labs being down almost full time now it is hard to post updates or have a call out to others to have a chance to contribute. I would like to invite any budding Graphic artist to show off there talent by creating loading screens between different modules. The requirements for these contributions are as follows. 1. The loading screen should advertise the Holowan Plugin for TSL in some manner. 2. It needs to be 1024x1024. 3. It should have your name on there somewhere.(You do the work you deserve the publicity.) 4. It should also say loading.... somewhere as well. 5. You should have fun show off and enjoy what your doing. Post the loading screen here as a jpeg picture. I will assign it a spot within the game.
  24. You can also go back to the apartment where you are confined to on Telos. They are supposed to return there. Sometimes this has worked for me othere times it doesn't.
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