Q: Stop it already! Why can't you just announce your project(s) already? Sheesh!
A: As much as we would like to confirm or deny any projects we are currently working on, we simply cannot do so until our publishers give us the green light.
For those interested in a brief synopsis of how a game comes to market: In the game industry, much like the book industry, there are typically two entities that come together to create a piece of work: an author and a publisher. The author (or in the case of our industry, the developer) usually creates the work, and the publisher markets, prints, and distributes the end result to retail stores.
The publisher usually fronts the money to the developer in the way of pre-determined milestone payments. Since they have to pay for this long before the game ever comes out, they naturally assume the burden of risk, but at the possible reward of the lion's share of the game's profits.
Since publishers are generally in charge of marketing and handling public relations, they control the announcement schedule. As much as we want to show some of our never-before-seen work, unfortunately we cannot do so without the blessings of our publishers.
...which leads to the next question:
Q: Who are your publisher(s) then? How can I bug them to announce sooner?
A: Well, you see, in the same vein, we also can't reveal who are publishers are. Sorry We can promise you this, you'll find out when the game is announced!