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Poll: What kind of NWN2 Player are you?

Player Type  

205 members have voted

  1. 1. What type of NWN player are you?

    • Single Player (OC Only)
    • Single Player (Custom Mods)
    • Small DM-led game player
    • I am a DM
    • I am a module builder
    • I am a scripter
    • PW player
    • Custom Content Creator
    • Plugin Developer
    • UI Developer

What kind of NWN2 Player are you? Do you only play Single Player games? Do you only play on PWs? We want to know.


Please select what your primary role is.


Recommended Comments



I don't understand who (restrictively) consider himself as a "PW builder" so vote for "PW player"...

IMHO, what are you building are always ".mod" files... so them are modules... Modules are not only "Single Player Custom Modules", modules are every ".mod" files, whatever is its final use. ;)

And, always IMHO, also who does much things with tutorial (i.e. scripting, building area, creating UI and custom content, almost all together) is better identifiable as "Module Builders", because tutorial main production are always .mod files. ;)


These are my two cents. :)


However, I'm just suspecting somebody linked the poll into a PW forum and incited users to "support" PW player option... I don't know what them thinks to obtain, but if it's true, them risks only to alter results!!!

Always IMHO, just who reads weekly news (directly here, or reported somewhere else) should vote.


But it's just "IMHO"... so I could mistake on all along the line! ;)


NOTE: if you go on NWVault's poll, PW player are just 5th on 10 options!



im scripter freelance , i like this



PW player myself.



Since NWN2 was out, I've always hoped this poll would see the light. but.. as a matter of fact it's kinda useless given the choices, and the way people can vote.


that kinda poll would have been really nice at the end of nwn2 install programm "please take some time to answer that quick survey" thus enabling to use bioware accounts (or not).

It would also have given a more accurate view of the population buying nwn2 in the first place, maybe giving the opportunity the OE to focus first on the game improvement regarding the biggest population.


As a matter of facts, this poll is linked in some gaming forums, maybe also on pw forums.

(even if i don't plan on posting it on mine).


And i clearly understand why pw builders prefer voting PW player instead of "module builder" for it really ins't the same thing... at all.

A PW builder dedicates himself to his PW players and narrowing him to module builder would really be a mistake since his first concern is what he can bring to his players. His needs matches what he knows his players lack. not what he lacks as a simple module builder.

That include DMing as well as scripting, ui, mapping and any other basic gameplay things that help his player feel comfortable using nwn2.



well i followed the link to the vault poll.

i had no idea such a thing existed... and i bet any of the people i know in the french community (players and modders) ever heard of it...

But I will definitlely link the vault poll on my forum and other nwn2 forums...


I wouldn't like this one to be too false since it's not the point. But be sure to check out the vault poll once in a while..


(that's why a poll directly after nwn2 install would have been nice... for the point of this one surely isn't "why did you bought the game ?" but.. when you don't find what you want in a place, you go where you're told there's what you need lol !)




Well, it's a pity if this is linked to some of the PW forums.


The quantity of responses is so small that even one or two PW teams (and their players) giving a certain kind of response makes a huge impact. [EDIT: This shouldn't be a problem, though, assuming that all sorts of players will find their way here eventually.]


I first thought of linking this to the NWN2 Modules forum, as I know that there are many folks there who rarely read the General forum. But Rob McGinnis wanted to gather some information about who reads this blog (and when), and as the blog updates are given in the General forum, I decided I shouldn't do that.


I'm not saying that the poll cannot provide interesting information (of many kinds), though. :) And it is interesting to compare the results with the Vault poll (which, by the way, doesn't restrict the "PW response" to PW players - and has lots of responses in the 'waiting for new content' category).


Finally, I think (and I'm pretty sure that everyone agrees) that one cannot draw any straightforwad conclusions about what sorts of news to provide from this sort of poll to the effect that if most play PWs or SP mods, then the news should only be about the PWs or about the SP mods. As an SP mod player, I'm very much interested in any CC news. I'm not personally interested in the details of some scripting stuff, etc., but I'm interested in knowing about what sorts of possibilities have become available for the builders, etc. I'm not interested in the PW presentations as PW presentations, but I may be interested in seeing whta sort of custom content is being used in some PW, and so on. What I'm not interested in, as an enthusiastic SP mod player, is news about recent SP mod releases, say. I'll know those news before they'd become available here. Of course I wouldn't mind some news about some forthcoming stuff, though... And of course this won't apply to all SP mod players. People have different ways of gathering information about what is of interest to them. I'm sure that mod spotlights here would be of great benefit to many players.


In any case, I do hope that the news keep coming! :)




Baron Rosencheck1


Predominantly I'm a Custom Content Developer...beyond that I could be a OC player and a PW player..



I'd have to say all of the above, though predominantly small group DM'ed player. Then again, I'm really talking about the future.... Right now I only play NWN1.



DM, Builder, and Player (small groups at Neverwinter Connections, usually with a DM), in that order. Although like Mulu right now I'm mostly a "waiter", until 1.07 comes out.

Rune Caster


I agree with carter in that PW builders arent the same as SP mod builders. From my point of view as a scripter, when Im working on a PW module, I tend to make numerous custom systems that enhance the game play with interesting features that players can spend their time with, such as a crafting system or housing. These things give the players something to do besides going out to kill monsters or doing quests. When Im working on an SP module, the focus tends to be more on the story and moving the player along through it, rather then creating something to distract them from it. PWs are built to last far longer then an SP mod (for each person that is) so they need such systems to entertain the players. Thats just how I see it anyway.



I agree with carter in that PW builders arent the same as SP mod builders. From my point of view as a scripter, when Im working on a PW module, I tend to make numerous custom systems that enhance the game play with interesting features that players can spend their time with, such as a crafting system or housing. These things give the players something to do besides going out to kill monsters or doing quests. When Im working on an SP module, the focus tends to be more on the story and moving the player along through it, rather then creating something to distract them from it. PWs are built to last far longer then an SP mod (for each person that is) so they need such systems to entertain the players. Thats just how I see it anyway.

These are two different way to create a module, but it's always module building! ;)

However these are just "how YOU build modules"... Think to Official Campaign (also developers are module builders, not?), there are crafting system also in OC, not? So "distraction systems" are possible in single player modules, too.


However SP and PW building may be different... but it's always module building. ;)



These are two different way to create a module, but it's always module building! ;)

However these are just "how YOU build modules"... Think to Official Campaign (also developers are module builders, not?), there are crafting system also in OC, not? So "distraction systems" are possible in single player modules, too.


However SP and PW building may be different... but it's always module building. ;)


afaimc i'm dealing with scripting, making custom content (clothe/tilesets/placebles), coding nwnx4 plugins (which by the way i will release soon), background and rules making, DMing and playing on a PW.


and semantics has nothing to do with it. while building a solo module you just don't care bout things like persistancy.. though, on a pw you always respawn in the first area with full HP/feats and spells, you don't care bout you quest journal, but on a pw, when you come back, it's empty, you don't care bout chests, but randomly on a pw they just won't close.

You can make 10 different modules for a solo campaign, with area the size you want, tons of placeables, grass everywhere. on a pw you can't afford that.

You don't either have to deal with transition crashes, the fact that a DM cannot open a player's inventory or just cannot know in which area are the players...


I could go on like that for a long time but truely, it's just not bout the same thing at all. the only thing in commun is we all use the same toolset.

and that's a point... a toolset user. thats a fairly good category ! (still restrictive though ;) )





I voted PW Player, since that what I spend MOST OF MY TIME in NWN2 as.


However, my favorite is DMing small groups, but of the five of us, one left because of personal problems, and the other three (who live together irl) are moving to a new house, so don't have time anymore regularly. Which means right now our custom campaign is come to a halt. Still, should I find a new group ... I'd definitely begin again.


Because of that I'm also trying to script/custom content ... since we want to use custom races from a homebrew PnP campaign ... but I still haven't gotten them to work.


Lastly, I also play some singleplayer, but not very often. I'm EXTREMELY picky when it comes to singleplayer mods.


So far I finished Dark Waters and Dark Avenger. I tried several other top 10 mods, but not a single one kept my attention for more than 30 minutes. That's the time I give a mod to impress me. After 30 minutes I'm either hooked and play until the end, or quit. (for PWs the same btw. after 30 minutes I know pretty much with certainty if I'll ever be back)


Right now I'm waiting for Purgatorio. I hope that by then I can get one or two other people together by then, and go through it coop, roleplaying.




I could go on like that for a long time but truely, it's just not bout the same thing at all. the only thing in commun is we all use the same toolset.

and that's a point... a toolset user. thats a fairly good category ! (still restrictive though ;) )

But you are still a modder... what is extension of your files? .mod

For instance: Rally drivers and F1 drivers should have a really different technique of driving, with different cars and on different streets... but both are drivers. ;)

But that's just my point of view. I belive you'll rest on your opinion... and me on mine. :)



But what I'm sure on by now, is that these poll results are due to a link and to an incitement on some PW forums... that's too much unbelivable this sudden rise on PW player option... and doubling all the others!

The problems is that now PW players will go around forums and blogs claiming PW patchs and PW news everywhere... it's already happening on NWN2 forums' theard for 1.07 Patch Note... -_-



Heh - I shouldn't worry overly about this poll, Patcha. Rob has stated it is more of an exploration of things, and is not going to take away from any other segment of the NWN2 userbase, and I believe him.

But facts are facts:

Whether the reason for the abundance of PW Player posts is from a link or otherwise, the fact of the matter is that more people took the time and effort to post as PW Player than the number of people who took the time to post as anything else. Reading reasons into it does not change the fact. The opportunity to A. Read about this poll and B. Take the time to come and check it out and C. Actually cast a vote and D. maybe comment here -- well, that opportunity exists for anyone reading the Bioware boards, the NWVault boards, etc.

I'm not saying this poll is a scientifically accurate reading of the breakdown of NWN2 users. Let's just let it be what it is.






I am all of the above except if it contain the word "player" or "dm". plugin development is still in the planning state but i might get there some day.



Havent played NWN2 in awhile since I updated and then it didnt work. Have run a dm'd campaign for years in nwn1 . would love to do the same with nwn2. cant wait til i can build and dm games for it - a lot of us at www.neverwinterconnections.com feel that way.



I really like to play community made single player modules. I think it's great to get to experience another persons take on what a story/adventure could be.


I do consider my self a fledgling builder thanks to the help of other very talented modders, very talented and Patient modders. We have a very good thing here with this community, and I'm glad so many other people see this the same way.


Keep it up folks, I for one am grateful for your contributions. :thumbsup:

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