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TrashMan last won the day on November 7 2012

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About TrashMan

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    Holy Avenger of the Obsidian Order
    (10) Necromancer

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    Nabeshins afro
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    3D modeling, modding, writing, design


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  1. This. However, plenty of people see problems everywhere. Reminds me of this:
  2. That's quite an absolute statement. Nevertheless, have you actually watched her series? All it does is point out sexist tropes in videogames and explain why they're sexist. Honestly, from what I recall, I didn't think she went far enough i.e. examining the how's and whys such tropes manifest and continue and the societal implications there of. Given the butthurt it's probably for the best she didn't. Have you forgot that she claims her views as absolute truth, caliming scientific studies support her (she never provides evidence, and the one single time I recall her mentioning an actual study, that stupdy showed the exact opposite of what she said) People don't like her because she's a con artist full fo s***.
  3. Greeting, my gamergatehq brother My heart is filled with opressive joy when meeting fellow compatriots outside of the Cathedral of Mysoginy. Please remember to pray at the altar of Patriarchy every day.
  4. I've ran into an amazing FREE game in the making I never knew this fan-made game existed, but it exactly what it sez on the tin. You guide your chapter to glory or ruin. http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Chapter_Master_%28game%29 SCREENSHOTS PICTS: http://i.imgur.com/0FufKr9.png http://i.imgur.com/D45aBwi.png Also, BEHOLD the most heavily defended planet in the Imperium: https://media.8ch.net/tg/src/1433073548729.jpg
  5. Nine months. Nice fact checking there.... Also, you seem to miss the concept of critical mass. Gamers have been raising a fuss about crappy journalism ages ago too, but it never reached the boiling point.
  6. B.t.w alu, no one cares about Zoe. What started GamerGate was the coordinated censorship and vilification that happened afterwards. (are we imagining that one?) Had people been able to just normally vent and moan about it, it would have blown over in a few days. But no, the journos and the incestuous clique overplayed their hands and the Streisand effect took off in full. Now the industry is burning and it is GLORIOUS. It was a long time coming.
  7. Gromnir, thou can go stick thine holier-than-thou stick back in yon ass, if the only thing thou aims to add to this thread is insults of others people intelligence. I played a lot of PnP and RPG,s and I read well, thank you very much. The entrie thing felt forced as a point of no return. FFS, the Dozens quests give you options to LIE to them, or never give them those weapons! So no, the game DOES NOT communicate the choice is final well. Plenty of people obviously missed it. Faction X will not like it? Faction X does not have to like everything I do. Is what I did that big a deal? Am I useful to them? Is a little bit of clarity on that matter too much to ask? I talked to a guy from faction Y - just like I did before that for the previous quest - is that a crime? Is taking a paid job to fetch something from a ruin a crime? I don't like it. It doesn't feel organic at all.
  8. We should totally fund such research. It will be usefull for my Global Domination plans.
  9. How is "this killed my playtrough" not a valid reason? Think of it in BG2 terms. Suppose I was playing BG2, the Order of the Radiant Heart loves me, and I decide to take a side job for the thieves guild that involes exploring ruins (not stealing). There's something they want there that might hurt the OrH, and I agree to retrieve it. I can keep it for myself, I can LIE about the items to the Thiefs Guild. (the only option lacking is giving it to the OrH) So why is the OrH so mad at me over this? So yes, being declared hostile or an enemy to a faction without actually doing anything really hostile is vexing. Exploring ruins is what I have been doing all this time anyway. I make saves often and keep several saves, but since I activate a lot quests and since I was doing OdNua, my oldest save is already after that "choice".
  10. I kinda just did. PoE is on hold, as I do other stuffand play other games. The breaking point was the faction "choice" that locked me out of my perfered faction. I don't want to play from the start again and I don't want to go further with the other 2 factions either. After that I wasn't able to bring myself to continue playing. Does aynone know if I can console cheat to get around that?
  11. Not posting the superior version.....
  12. I wanted to hear a lot of things in these discussions from you Bruce, but you never delivered. So why should we now? As someone said eariler - I'm not convinced you're posting in good faith anymore. You want? Why should I even care what you want at this point? As for SJW influence - it did ruin quite a few games with pointless pandering. It is possible the games would have sucked without it, but I guess we'll never know.
  13. Unlimited Jizzworks.
  14. The power of Partiarchy grows! The Pope is one of us ! ONE OF US!
  15. That's not what he said. He said "they wont' like it". Someone not liking what you're doing and becoming your enemy, and you doing an errand for someone and declaring your eternal allegiance are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. You keep saying it's clear. Yet the sheer fact that so many people complain it's clear indication that it is not. And yes, the second thing is also a problem. I did not complete the quest, I just said "Yeah, I could do that".
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