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Posted (edited)

I want to add flames deveotion goldpact knight ability into the ability tree and make it upgrade to eternal flames or shared flames , but there are some problems I can't figure out.


Here is a part of code  flames of devotion for bleak walkers. 

				"Note": "CL 1 - Flames of Devotion Bleak Walkers",
				"Category": "General",
				"UnlockStyle": "AutoGrant",
				"ActivationObject": "Self",
				"AddAbilityID": "85c147f5-dffc-4a5e-8083-71db95d6203d",
				"RemoveAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
				"Prerequisites": {
					"MinimumCharacterLevel": 1,
					"PowerLevelRequirement": {
						"Class": "Paladin",
						"MinimumPowerLevel": 1
					"RequiresAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
					"Conditional": {
						"Operator": 0,
						"Components": [{
							"$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats",
							"Data": {
								"FullName": "Boolean ProgressionTableHasAbility(Guid)",
								"Parameters": ["658a35ed-5549-47f5-b9df-0dbd999cb0b6"],
								"UnrealCall": "",
								"FunctionHash": -1793712019,
								"ParameterHash": -1548046530
							"Not": true,
							"Operator": 0

So...Should I creat a new table like this?

				"Note": "CL 1 - Flames of Devotion Goldpact Knights",
				"Category": "General",
				"UnlockStyle": "AutoGrant",
				"ActivationObject": "Self",
				"AddAbilityID": "823909bc-6577-4fd3-b746-c7f76f07ae5a",
				"RemoveAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
				"Prerequisites": {
					"MinimumCharacterLevel": 1,
					"PowerLevelRequirement": {
						"Class": "Paladin",
						"MinimumPowerLevel": 1
					"RequiresAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
					"Conditional": {
						"Operator": 0,
						"Components": [{
							"$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats",
							"Data": {
								"FullName": "Boolean ProgressionTableHasAbility(Guid)",
								"Parameters": ["221eb3cc-a415-400e-81a5-0505f283670c"],
								"UnrealCall": "",

The problem is  I can't figure out  FunctionHash and ParameterHash. How can I get this value ?


Edited by CodeTalker
Posted (edited)

Excuse me.

  I had successfully added the goldpacts knight 's flames of devotion and its upgradable abilities - eternal devotion and shared flames into the goldpact knihgts' ability tree. And it works well.


I m getting a new strat to add paladin Pallegina's vielo vidorio ability and its two upgradable version (eternal_devotion_vielo_vidorio and shared_flames_vielo_vidorio )  into her ability tree.

But there is not a urgradable ability for vielo vidorio in the original abilities.gamedatabundle ( For goldpact knights  flame_of_devotion_goldpactknights,eternal_devotion_goldpactknights and shared_flame_goldpactknights already exist in the file )


As a part of flames devotion vielo vidorio code below:

		"$type": "Game.GameData.WeaponAttackAbilityGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
		"DebugName": "Vielo_Vidorio",
		"ID": "72864613-52e4-40d9-b871-3e057b09d739",

So should I need to create two abilities like this?

		"$type": "Game.GameData.WeaponAttackAbilityGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
		"DebugName": "Eternal_flame_Vielo_Vidorio",
		"ID": "",

The problem is almost the same here. I can't figure out how to assign the "ID" a value , without it I can't make the PT tables in progressiontables.gamedatabundle to add the abilities into the ability tree of game.


Could anyone help ?

Edited by CodeTalker

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