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Posted (edited)

Uhm... Am I missing something or finishing Scaling Mahr Massif heroic it only depends on luck?

The 1-2 to 0 it's a real pain... more than the -2 penalty, which I can deal with somehow.



EDIT: Fixed wrong title

Edited by Tium

It certainly doesn't make things easier, but if you plan right, it shouldn't be that big of a problem. The thing to remember is that the bigger the dice, the less chance you have of failing. A d12 will turn to zero one-sixth of the time, whereas a d4 turns to zero half the time. So try to avoid weapons, spells, powers, etc. that rely on smaller dice as best you can.


Yeah, I agree with you and that's what I try to do but, unless I'm missing somwthing, there's no way to replace my weapons and spells with d6 and d4 right before the scenario unless you have a mule character or sort of it....

Posted (edited)

A few points (some will be controversial)


1)  Limit the number of people on your team.  I went in with just 2 people for the Heroic and Legendary.  This, IMHO, is key.  Otherwise, it requires to much luck to realistically beat.  My choice to beat was Seoni and Lem.  I have Lem's Bardic Performance Maxed out, and those extra pluses are worth it. I think you might be able to do something similar with Lini, on solo mode with her (and her reveal animal ability).  Another option might be Merisel, and have her dodge everything until she finds a spider


2)  You will NEED cards that let you look ahead - scrying, augry, etc....  You'll want to try and time their use for maximum ability.  Ex - the revelation quill, you should only use when there are 6 or 5 cards at one of the locations.  Then you can re-organize.  Also, if you have rechargeable cards that let you look ahead (IE spells, or the one treasure card that I don't remember), and you don't get them to start with, consider forfeiting the adventure.  And use them in conjunction with each other - if you play the quill, and don't find the henchmen, but find a bunch of monsters/barriers, move em with augry/scry


3)  Have cards that you can auto beat with - example Slaying bow/Scythe/Sword....  potion of glibness, crown of charisma, lizard....  All of these auto beat various checks you WILL have to make.  


4) (Controversy time)  If you don't have the items you want or need for a specific character, create new characters to keep your items for you, then farm the specific items you need.  That way, you won't lose any sweet loot.  


Hope that helps


(Also, I think you have the wrong number - isn't it 6.3 that is Scaling Mahr Massif?)

Edited by ferrisvalyn
  • Like 1

First of all, thank you so much for your help.

I agree with everything Ferrisvalyn said, except for point 1) because I haven't tried this way :)


I still have one question unanswered: lots of people around here talks about using specific cards for specific situations, which of course it's a great suggestion.  just can't find a way to do it... Let's say, for example, that my party only has one Augury. How can I add more? Do I have to play until I get one?


Yes, it's 6.3... Sorry :)

Posted (edited)

Same here... I'm afraid I didn't explain my point good enough, I'm sorry :)


Is there a way to keep cards you don't use but that can be helpful in the future?


As far as I know, the only way is to create mule characters.

Edited by Tium
  • Like 1

Your best bet is to pre-place some slots you can use.  I'll give an example, so you get what I am getting at


Let's say I have a team Valeros, Lem, and Seoni, and I want some new spells, but I don't want to lose any of my old spells.  I'll create a new character (probably using Ezren) and add him to the team.  I'll then transfer spells I want to keep to him, and put the crappy basic spells he comes with in Seoni.  Then, I remove him from my team (without deleting him), and go hunting for the cards I want.  Then, if I ever want to swap back, I just re-add Ezren, swap cards, and I have my original spells.  (This may be what you meant by mule characters, but i never play with these card holder characters)


I really think a big issue to make it simpler is to reduce your character team - if you have only 1 character, you will have only 1 locations, so you could beat it on your first turn.  

  • Like 1

Yes, that's exactly what I was talking bout, I do appreciate that you have confirmed it.


That's a really good game but for a new player it's not so obvious... for example I discovered last week that I could modify my party in Story mode. I'm dumb, I know...

  On 3/17/2017 at 11:56 PM, Tium said:

Yes, that's exactly what I was talking bout, I do appreciate that you have confirmed it.


That's a really good game but for a new player it's not so obvious... for example I discovered last week that I could modify my party in Story mode. I'm dumb, I know...

Eh - it took me a while to think about that as well.  It's not even really obvious if you've played the actual card game.


I will say, I don't really see a strong need for that trick, unless I was going after some really weird heroic (or I decided that my current Kyra/Harsk build sucked, and needed to be rebuilt, which happened).  I don't think I used it for anything but a few heroics/legendaries in Adventure 6.  


More often, because I have a 6 player team, I already have access to the cards I need, and, as I said, it becomes more effective to remove characters altogether.


Well.. So far I've never used this method, (I wouldn't call it a trick...).


I find interesting the idea to have a larger party, now I can afford more characters so it might be nice to give it a try, maybe with 5.


I'm quite sure my current party is not what serious players would use, when I got the game I just went for the old-school RPG fighter, mage, cleric and rogue setup but it doesn't seem so strong to me, maybe I'm wrong. Anyway, I plan to finish my Legendary story with it before changing.


BTW, it's quite interesting to see that my original post was mainly about how random the 6.3 scenario is, then it evolved into something more about strategy. It's nice to find helpful people. Thank you so much!


Fighter, mage, rogue, cleric work just fine!

Same as one of my parties. Other combinations works Also too.

All divine is safe, and Also working combination. Not sure if pure arcane would work though...


Rogue and Mage are my favorite, the fighter is really close, but I don't like the cleric so much.... Maybe I'm not using it right but I can't use it's Cure ability, I prefer to keep the card I have to discard. I've bought the druid, it's not experienced but it seems to me that this toon can close almost everything if she has an animal ally!


I've actually found Kyra to be a very good explorer/character, using her heal ability.  The key thing to remember is it is only usable 1 time per turn, at the beginning of the turn.  


So frequently, I'll have multiple divine cards in my hand, in particular blessings.  I'll most of the blessing to go multiple times, and save 1 blessing card in my hand and end my turn.  Hopefully, when I draw up, I'll end up with more divine cards in my hand, or more blessings.  Then, at the start of her next turn, is when you use her power.  Once you start her turn, after you give cards and/or move, don't click an explore card.  Instead, click her power, and reveal a divine card.  That should trigger her heal, and you'll get back a bunch of blessings.  If you were lucky to get an additional blessing when you drew up last turn, you can then actually go this turn, and proceed as normal.  Just keep doing this - she's very effective


You've really made an interesting comment. The problem I have with my cleric it's that she's quite weak when she encounter any bane... I'm quite sure I would have to discard my whole hand when drawing and average to difficult barrier/monster!

Am I just unlucky or I'm simply missing something useful?



1)  She is gonna be weak in the very beginning, because she has limited weapons choices, and the attack spells for divine castors are not basic.  In that situation - you'll probably have to look around to the other characters for help.  3 characters have powers that can help (Lem, Harsk, Valeros).  Also, look at what other cards people have that can help you.  Early in game, once in a while, you'll have to burn 1-2 extra blessings.  Burn one from her, because she can heal it back.  Deck cycling more lets you get a weapon in her hand, and that is a huge benefit.  Also consider replacing her holy water with Amulet of mighty fists.  Also - consider locations with VERY limited enemies (Temple...)


2)  Structure your character's starting point and turn order in such a way that someone could give her a weapon, if she fails to draw a weapon.  Example - I will have Valeros have the first turn always, and I will put him where I want Kyra to start (so they might both be in the woods).  Valeros commonly will draw 2 weapons, which is not really useful - hand one of right away to kyra, and she can now protect herself when her weapons are buried in her deck. (BTW, I do this for Seelah too, and I am still doing it even though my team is well into adventure 6)


3)  Focus on replacing her spell cards with spells that are either attack spells(Infect or Holy Light), or can add pluses or dice to any situation (aid or guidance).  Never waste a cure with her.


4)  First power feat for her should ALWAYS be weapons proficiency (IMHO)  - better weapons she needs


5)  Add weapons to her hand, and consider maxing this out first.


By about the end of Adventure 1, she comes into her own IMHO

  • Like 1

I was thinking more about late in the game to be honest.

I've finished the current content with a 4 characters party including her and I was basically forced to keep the fighter with her. She has only 5 spells and I opted for a couple of Sunburst, a Greater Aid, a Mass Cure and an Invoke. Probably there is something better around but I couldn't get them :)

Also, some monsters require a check to use a spell and that was a problem too. Again, maybe it's just that I lack the best cards...


i had no problem with her late in the game generally.  


Did you max out her weapons, and improve her strength skill?  Because that worked really well for me.  She isn't really made in this game as a spellcaster for attack purposes.


I usually loaded her up with the 2-handed weapons, which were some of the most powerful


The only thing I can think about it's that I went for 1 hand and shield... No idea, really.


For sure I love the druid way more, she still has problem dealing with big monster but at least she can easily close locations if she has an animal :)

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