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Politics 2017

Wrath of Dagon

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" Islam in itself is not a problem, "


L0L Tell that to the many Muslims being murderered by Islamists. Tell that to the Muslim women who cna't do anything in Muslim countries. tell that to the gays who are executed for being gay. If it was akll about being 'anti Amerikan' then they'd be attacking Amerika only.



"Oh my oh my, I wonder where all that hate towards the west comes from. I have no idea."


See above. Your logic is dumb. Saudi Arabia murders gays and treats women poorly because they hate Amerika? ISIS mass murders, mass rapes, mass enslaves fellow Muslims because they hate Amerika? COME ON.


"The Middle East terrorism is an enemy we created. We should admit that, we should pay reparations, and we should gladly accept the refugees. It is our moral obligation."


No. Plain 'ol fashion no. Also, immigration does NOT help the countries people immigrate from. It never does. Ever. In fact, it often hurts those countries cause it usually the better off who immigrant or the ones who want to leave. Not the people stuck. And, if you want to talk about 'reparations' then every single country in the world owes a lot of money to different places. Muslims and others owe Isreal everything since they stole Isreal from the Jews well before the whole Isreal-Palestiian nonsense.  Your logic is beyond foolish and is completely and utterly immoral.



"It would be wrong to say that Islamic societies are inherently less moral than ours, that is a ridiculous sentiment."


Evidence suggests  that is the correct statement.  Not the west is perfect but comapritively speaking the West is morally superior. The proof is the issue of immigration is Muslims WANTING to immigrant to the West.. and, not the other around. When Iran decided to ban Amerikans from going there... the response was laughter and derision.  When the US bans immigrants from certain countries, people cry and pout. Why is it that? Simple. US > IRAN. PERIOD.

Edited by Volourn


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" Islam in itself is not a problem, "


L0L Tell that to the many Muslims being murderered by Islamists. Tell that to the Muslim women who cna't do anything in Muslim countries. tell that to the gays who are executed for being gay. If it was akll about being 'anti Amerikan' then they'd be attacking Amerika only.



"Oh my oh my, I wonder where all that hate towards the west comes from. I have no idea."


See above. Your logic is dumb. Saudi Arabia murders gays and treats women poorly because they hate Amerika? ISIS mass murders, mass rapes, mass enslaves fellow Muslims because they hate Amerika? COME ON.


"The Middle East terrorism is an enemy we created. We should admit that, we should pay reparations, and we should gladly accept the refugees. It is our moral obligation."


No. Plain 'ol fashion no. Also, immigration does NOT help the countries people immigrate from. It never does. Ever. In fact, it often hurts those countries cause it usually the better off who immigrant or the ones who want to leave. Not the people stuck. And, if you want to talk about 'reparations' then every single country in the world owes a lot of money to different places. Muslims and others owe Isreal everything since they stole Isreal from the Jews well before the whole Isreal-Palestiian nonsense. Your logic is beyond foolish and is completely and utterly immoral.


Two issues:


1. The failing of society in the Middle East


The major issue. The Middle East only falls back to traditional values because the modern society failed, see my previous post.


2. The reasons why society failed


This is mainly historical interest, but it helps us to understand the Middle East nethertheless. Western involvement is one of the primary reasons for the failure of modern secular societies in the Middle East.

Everybody knows the deal is rotten

Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton

For your ribbons and bows

And everybody knows

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Now, Volourn, I can lay that out in more detail, and I probably will, but do tell me why you think the Middle East falls back from secular democratic heads of state to religious fundamentalism.

Everybody knows the deal is rotten

Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton

For your ribbons and bows

And everybody knows

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