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Not quite sure about spirit shift but it should.

The order in itself doesn't matter but at least for paladin the choices you do in dialogue also matter for hireling.

You can always dumpo Res on backliners, for Con I wouldn't go below 10 but that's just personal preference and safe, not absolutely necessary if you know what you're doing.

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Thanks, Raven!


I ended up going with Shieldbearers for Paladin.


My paladin doesn't seem to be able to do much damage though with that low Dex. At least until I have Sacred Immolation.

I guess damage will come from Casters in early game.

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The 2 opening shots with FoD are always nice.

On low level try to always get a pistol/bb/arquebus/arbalest shot in to engage not only great for FoD but also many other chars in your group.

But yeah your main damage will come from immolation but even tho it's quite late, Kana and GM were always lower in total damage than my paladin in my trio, GM mostly because she comes quite late and I had to use a hireling before also stuff like disintegrate doesn't seem to count for more than the initial damage.

Between 9 and 13 Kana never caught up in the statistics but I'm afraid those are not representative because ticks just don't seem to count and dragon memed chant has ticks, too.

Right now I understand the high damage of the pala cause of my 24 MI without any food or resting bonus (just Garodh's chorus) SA hits like a truck.

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If you don't use a shield I would not use the talent it only works for shields.

The question is if you want to support your group, +5 defense from the Gilded Vale shield is nothing to scoff at and as already mentioned your damage will really come to play with SA and be pretty mediocre before.

Weapon and shield is an awesome talent, since it buffs both deflection and reflex and doesn't steal attack speed.

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You mean the Outworn Buckler? I'll try and get it soon, so far I am level 3 (as Aloth and Éder, remaining hirelings lvl 2)  and just entered Caed Nua dungeons. 2 rests is really little when spells are all depleted almost per-fight.

Survivabilty of the chanter and paladin is a bit of an issue atm...

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You mean the Outworn Buckler? I'll try and get it soon, so far I am level 3 (as Aloth and Éder, remaining hirelings lvl 2)  and just entered Caed Nua dungeons. 2 rests is really little when spells are all depleted almost per-fight.

Survivabilty of the chanter and paladin is a bit of an issue atm...

Yes, that's the name.

Your paladin has 18 RES right?

With that shield, and shield talent the survivablity should be great on the paladin if you have def and protection ring.

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Well it was tough to beat the Shadows and Phantoms outside with a team 50/50 level 2 and 3. I have given up on Maerwald, gonna see if trash mobs help me up to 3 and 4 and maybe that is enough. (got duplicated and can't delete)

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Well it was tough to beat the Shadows and Phantoms outside with a team 50/50 level 2 and 3. I have given up on Maerwald, gonna see if trash mobs help me up to 3 and 4 and maybe that is enough (18 Res, yes).

I think I'll need Constant Recovery on next level up. But the culprit is my lousy constitution (6 base, normally now 9 with equipment).

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I thought I didn't skip anything relevant, I did all I find except ending the Bear one (bear killed though) and now I was tasked to find Maerwald.


Killing the Spider Queen gave me a nice XP. Let's see about  Maerwald.


Edit: I ran out the room to get a better positioning further down. Some beetles and spiders got aggro from Maerwald int the process. After some audible blows (didn't actually see it, but could see the log from occasional placing into the field of view), some Beetle eventually killed Maerwald. After that it engaged the fire blights and once all was over, the only thing left standing was that blight in "near death" state. Cheesy but I'll take it !

Edited by dropko
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I thought I didn't skip anything relevant, I did all I find except ending the Bear one (bear killed though) and now I was tasked to find Maerwald.


Killing the Spider Queen gave me a nice XP. Let's see about  Maerwald.


Edit: I ran out the room to get a better positioning further down. Some beetles and spiders got aggro from Maerwald int the process. After some audible blows (didn't actually see it, but could see the log from occasional placing into the field of view), some Beetle eventually killed Maerwald. After that it engaged the fire blights and once all was over, the only thing left standing was that blight in "near death" state. Cheesy but I'll take it !


Did you do the temple of Eothas in Gilded Vale, the miller quest, rescue the cook in Valewood, the Smith's shipment, the bay quest for Aufra or smth, the looter quest on Madmre bridge and rescue Giacco in Raedric's castle?

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I thought I didn't skip anything relevant, I did all I find except ending the Bear one (bear killed though) and now I was tasked to find Maerwald.


Killing the Spider Queen gave me a nice XP. Let's see about  Maerwald.


Edit: I ran out the room to get a better positioning further down. Some beetles and spiders got aggro from Maerwald int the process. After some audible blows (didn't actually see it, but could see the log from occasional placing into the field of view), some Beetle eventually killed Maerwald. After that it engaged the fire blights and once all was over, the only thing left standing was that blight in "near death" state. Cheesy but I'll take it !


Did you do the temple of Eothas in Gilded Vale, the miller quest, rescue the cook in Valewood, the Smith's shipment, the bay quest for Aufra or smth, the looter quest on Madmre bridge and rescue Giacco in Raedric's castle?



Oh... well of all those I only did the Miller quest I believe. Don't even have Raedric on the map now neither any of the others in my quest log (it seems).

But I have now reached Defiance Bay. Going to make my way back to Gilded Vale now... too much rushing :(


Survivability for the Paladin is still a concern, but getting manageable. My chanter's Thunder shout is constantly missing, but the corpse explode is amazing. 

Chose zealous focus over constant recovery for paladin.


My backline of Druid, Wizard and Cipher is also not too happy about the abundant pierce DR.

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Temple of Eothas completed with team 50/50 level 3 and 4.

I feel I can't live without Edér for now...


I have the Chanter and Paladin with draining weapons and everything but because of low might it's still terrible. I seriously need to respec Paladin with higher might and Con until i have SI (a bit expensive for now).


Also some enemies seem to be getting the bonus from the Buckler. Very odd...

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I can recommend getting the Fighters cross class talent (something with recovery) for the paladin and ofc ancient memory for the chanter, combine that with camping bonus healing and you will be a lot sturdier.

The shield gives enemies boni if you are charmed.

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I did just give Veteran's Recovery to both the Chanter and the Cipher. The Ancient Memory did not seem that good. At least until I have Beloved Spirits to stack.


I feel sturdier. Next hurdle is the overall wasteful missing and grazing and a lack of more DPS. I mean, I have like 3 tanks at the moment. The Chanter barely hits with the Thunder thing and the Corpse explode only works after half of the fight. Eder and my Paladin do so little damage on their own. Druid and Wizard have very little usage of spells per rest so they only help on occasion with power. It's mostly the Cipher doing all the work more consistently.


For now I need a... mightier paladin so I can dump Edér for the Priest and buff my accuracy. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



after a tough act I in terms of survivability, things are going much better in act II.


team is around level 7 and I can now advance a lot before needing to rest to replenish spells and stuff. 

i have rarely deaths now and when i do I have means to prevent or revive members given the spell offer.


the paladin was re-spec'ed to something stronger and more capable of damage by removing the Intelligence which I won't totally need until Sacred Immolation.


chanter is still more of a tanky beast as i have now noticed that most of his abilities have accuracy vs will and i built him with low resolve.


backliners do really well with min constitution and resolve.


it's good to have the druid as a 3rd tank/dps with his strong wildstrike.


still had no need for food or potions.


priest is a REALLY good swiss-army-knive in my team.



all things considered the game seems rewardingly more challenging now and i have pleasure in exploring and exploiting defenses to beat that save. much enjoyable and now almost playing it like with the naturality i did with Normal mode.

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Veteran's Recovery is even stronger than Fighter's Constant Recovery and it stacks with Ancient Memory/Beloved Spirits. Those effects work with healing bonuses from high MIG, items and survival. Let's say you have 15 MIG, a Belt of Bountiful Healing and 8 points of survival. Then you will get +80% healing from all sources except draining (isn't influenced). That makes the chanter the most powerful "Regeneration Guy". ;) A fighter with Constant & Rapid Recovery as well as Cloak of the Tireless Defender (like the Engineer) is second to this. The chanter needs more talents for this though. But on the other hand his Ancient Memory also heals team members.


All in all Veteran's Recovery is a good thing to make other classes sturdy like a fighter - if you can balance out eventual lower endurance and deflection. It's my number one talent for most front liners.

Edited by Boeroer

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Just chiming in here to echo Boroer and say that a Chanter with High Might, Ancient Memory/Beloved Spirits, Veterans Recovery and the Healing survival bonus is an absolute beefcake. It's a perfect set-up on a passive chanter that chants Dragon Thrashed because the Accuracy Bonus from Survival doesn't apply to chants anyway. You might also consider wound binding or the like as well – I think this was experimented with by Boroer in his Chillfog build. Thinks start to get super ridiculous for recovery Chanters them with the Mercy and Kindness Chant which turns you in to a crazy tank and synergises really well with Ancient Memory.


I usually set my Dragon Thrashed chanters up with something like this:


MIG: 17

CON: 14
DEX: 02
PER: 17
INT: 17
RES: 11
Weapon and Shield
Superior Deflection
Cautious Attack
Veterans Recovery
Ancient Memory
Beloved Spirits
+2 More
Typically, stats would lean a bit more on the defensive side in the early game and then I'd respec more offensively in the late game.
Something I've often wondered about is what the best "defensive" single handed weapon is for such a character. Hatchet seems to be the obvious choice imo 
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yes my chanter is similar to that but with lower constitution for higher perception.


that distribution also suffers from low Will so until I can conjure the Drake/Ogres I added the Bull's Will talent. many phrases have accuracy vs will and i keep failing them.


as for weapon anything like hatchet that raises deflection or one of those that adds endurance with damage is useful.

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The chanter build that I have had a lot of success with is actually a human character from old valia:


19 might

10 con

3 dex

17 per

19 int

10 res


Max out deflection with talents and after a while you should be a decent offtank. Or, after a while, take points away from per and add them to resolve to make them tankier (similar to chillfog build).

It would look like:


19 might

10 con

Min dex

10 per

19 int

16 res


You can up your con by using whispers of yen sword from caed nua (+2 con) and some +2 or +3 clothing for 14-15 con and you will do pretty well as a tank.


The lack of perception will hurt a little for debuffs but your damaging chants and invocations should be fine. Plus gauntlets of accuracy and other items can mitigate that. You can also drop might and int a few points to add more to per if that bothers you or max out resolve if you're getting hit too often.

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i might be confused here.


but the Will from Resolve is only for defense and the one used for offense/accuracy is from Perception?


i'll take a look at log when i can.


still need some for deflection anyway.

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