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Bug report: Ring of Protection



I apologize in advance for not having all of the details. I had to register and finished the game before I did so.


Device: iPad


Pass & Play not on, Permadeath not on.

Story mode (hadn't been in Quest mode for at least a day)

Characters: Harsk & Seoni

Scenario: Foul Misgivings (Normal difficulty)

Locations: Unsure.


Harsh encountered a Haunt. This was his second Haunt. Iesha Foxglove appeared. Harsk failed the check and took loads of damage (nine, I think). He had four cards remaining in his deck, and a hand size of five cards. He had four cards in hand, including a Ring of Protection. I discarded the other three cards, then revealed the Ring of Protection for fun. It reduced the damage and I was able to reveal it multiple times to eventually reduce the damage to zero. I can't imagine that this is how it's intended to work.

2 answers to this question

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Nope.  Not intended to work the way at all.  Someone else reported it last week and the devs chimed in that they're looking into it.


Take advantage of it while you can.  It's not often that there's a bug that works in the player's favor!  ;)

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