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Hey Kgk4569,


Did you already have a completed questing party when going back into quest mode? Or were you in a pre-existing game and forfeited to make a new party? Any additional information would be great. If you could a save folder, that would be extremely helpful as well. 


Getting game files: (applies only for android)
  1. Connect the Android Device to your PC.
  2. Open Windows Explorer and open the device
  3. Open the Android Folder, then data -> net.obsidian.pacg1 -> files
  4. Copy the PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder to your PC
  5. Zip and send!



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Ok I'll send it once I get hooked into the computer (tomorrow).


I tried questing before the patch with Kyra and Meri.


Once questing was available I did it again with them, I got pretty far, had 2 power feats and a few skill feats unlocked. After a quest I clicked the gears and Quit Game. Later I came back and under Experienced there were Meri, Kyra, and some other characters that I didn't play except in Story. At the end there were leveled Kyra and Meri, but they aren't as far as I was. Later I selected them and played more, got them closer to where I was. Quit Game again and they were back down to lvl 8 or so.

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I wonder, since those level 8 characters are there, is it possible my save file corrupted so that they can't advance when I save them? I was playing for hours, it is possible I set it down for an extended period of time while doing stuff.

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