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I seem to have issues when I want to use Beast Form with an Animal ally. I'm only able to discard the animal, but shouldn't I be allowed to recharge it instead given the Wild Empathy ability?

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When I discard an animal to explore, I have to actually explore first, and THEN it pops the animal up on top of the encountered card with "Recharge" and "Discard" buttons.  I was kinda startling at first.


Side note: The Rogue Ape is NOT an Animal.  This is by design, and not an error.

"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

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Right, and this is an overall rule that's not really explained in the tutorial. When using a card for a character power in general (like recharging or discarding a card for Merisiels sneak attack) youre not considered to be "playing" that card. So for example if you are in a location or fighting a villain that doesn't allow allies to be played, you could a still discard an ally to activate Meri's or Lini's abilities, you just couldn't use the ally for the actual card abilities of that ally card.

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