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Character died during scenario



And missed out on getting the reward : Trouble in Sandpoint.  1st Power upgrade.  The other party members got the reward.  Have tried to redo the scenario but the original character isn't able to get the power. 


Am i missing something?  If you die during the scenario but everyone else pushes on, can you never go back and get that power (or other reward)?

12 answers to this question

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Dead characters shouldn't receive the power if they died in that playthrough.  On subsequent playthroughs, however, they should receive their reward.  We'll look into it!

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And missed out on getting the reward : Trouble in Sandpoint.  1st Power upgrade.  The other party members got the reward.  Have tried to redo the scenario but the original character isn't able to get the power. 


Am i missing something?  If you die during the scenario but everyone else pushes on, can you never go back and get that power (or other reward)?

Have they died on any other scenario deck Adventure deck 1? They have to complete all 5 scenarios to get the Adventure reward.

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I am specifically talking about Burnt Offerings : Trouble in Sandpoint.


Merisiel died on the first go through.

Seoni and Kyra lived.

The latter 2 got the reward : Each Character gains a power Feat.


Merisiel didn't.


I repeated it x2.

The second time on Heroic.

The 3rd time on Normal.


Merisiel still hasn't benefited from the reward : Each Character gains a Power Feat.

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I have the same issue. Lem died during Black Fang's Lair and didn't get the Skill Feat for the Adventure reward. Replaying it and completing it still doesn't give him a reward and still shows as incomplete on his progress screen.

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Posted (edited)

Ug, just realized that any updates for this game are going to be held back by Apple's authorization system :( So many bugs and needed fixes holding this back from being a truly great game.

Edited by trashmyego
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Bit of a bump but my Merisiel still didn't get +1 to her stat but after update scenario in which she died auto completed for her and now i cannot get that +1 stat

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Was this reportedly patched already? Brand new character created today (Ezren) has the issue after dying on a quest. There does not appear to be any way to go back and select a skill now.

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I would like to add my voice and say this was definitively not patched. Just finished chapter three for the first time with my party and Sajan died during it. Not aware of the bug, I finished the scenario and now he is unable to acquire his role card even after I retried the adventure and finished it with Sajan alive.


Since he doesn't have a role, I cannot go on with the campaign (once further chapters will be released) because he will, sooner or later, run out of powers to spend power feats on. Although I'm curious what would happen at that moment program-wise, I would much prefer the bug to be solved. Thanks.

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I would like to add that the issue still does not appear to have been resolved.   Just completed a scenario with a dead Lem, and he received no power feat.   Is he supposed to be able to get the power feat now, by repeating the scenario?


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