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lock cursor fails in fullscreen



Hi all!


I love PoE! However, I run into troubles on my new surface book.

Using the native 3000x2000 resolutions the game lags (roughly 17fps outdoor with rain). So I reduced the resolution. However, there is no smaller 3:2 ratio option. Using another resolution leads to black bars either left/right or top/bottom while in full screen. This breaks border scrolling, since the game cursor is able to leave the game and move into the black bar areas (transforming to a normal windows cursor there). The option cage cursor doesn't affect this problem. This makes the game pretty unplayable in fullscreen.


Potential solutions:

- cage the cursor actually inside the game

- somehow allow scrolling in the black area

- possibility to set a custom resolution (i.e. other 3x2 ratio to prevent the black bars)


Thanks for help!



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Sadly the lock cursor setting is broken since the beta

https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71981-issue-scrolling-with-dual-monitors/?hl=%2Block+%2Bcursor (see sensukis post)



So the cursor not being contained in the game area looks only like a special case of this bug. @Aarik could you research that old bugticket that Derek set up?

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Thanks for your feedback!


@Aarik D: You don't need a surface book to test it. I could reproduce the problem on my desktop. Simply chose any resolution with another aspect ratio than the one of your screen. The result are the black bars "filling" the rest of the display real estate. Inside those bars the scrolling is broken.



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