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OK so there is a ring called Iron Circle in the game, it penalize the Atk Spd by 5% , would it also affect the spell casting speed, if I put it on a priest or a paladin?


I know casting speed is governed by Dex and Recovery Rate but sometimes things do work differently in games like this so i'ld like to if this will have any effect on spell casting, that is if anyone knows?



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I would expect it to slow down your recovery while casting as well, but only way to know for sure would be to count frames.

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Heya Brimsurfer and AndreaColombo!


The attack speed penalty effects the total recovery of the character equipped with the ring, so it will indeed slow down your recovery from casting. That being said, you can counter the effect with items that give +attack speed, such as Gauntlets of Swift Action.


Hope that helps! =)

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I try my very best.

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Heya Brimsurfer and AndreaColombo!


The attack speed penalty effects the total recovery of the character equipped with the ring, so it will indeed slow down your recovery from casting. That being said, you can counter the effect with items that give +attack speed, such as Gauntlets of Swift Action.


Hope that helps! =)


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Speaking of which, where is it found again? I got it on my 1st playthrough, but didn't pay attention.

Sorry I dont remember correctly, but I got it in WM2 , it was either

on the body of High Abbot or Master Doemetta or whatever his name is (the guy on the northern cliff in Caryon's Scar at Ondrite Fanatics Camp, is a real bitch to kill), if not then its definitely somewhere in Caryon's Scar or the Abbey


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