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HI. I really like this game. But, i wanted to write somewhere that a level max for characters at 12 really seems to low. Perhaps, 14 would be more appropriate. I play a rogue in a group of 6 characters (Elder, Pallegina, Durance, Aloth, Hivarias). Difficulty : difficult. I reached the max level before killing raedric for the second time, before killing adra dragon, before the second wave of bounties, and I just finished 3 or 4 quests at twin elms, etc. And I'm not sure to have detected all the quests before.


It a little bit "frustrating". But he game is a real plaesure. So, thx for this relly good job.




It's not that the level cap is too low, it's that there's too much XP in the game. The vast majority of the combat encounters in the game become really really easy once you hit lvl 12 - increasing the cap would just make this problem worse. They need to make it harder to get there instead.


I know that may sound like a pedantic distinction - but it's important. :p


You probably should hit the cap before you fight Raedric 2 or the Ardra Dragon.  Both are supposed to be extra hard optional end-game bosses, especially the latter.  I might even include some of the later bounties in that as well.


"It's not that the level cap is too low, it's that there's too much XP in the game."


Little of both. certainly some of the xp rewards are too high but the game is a good length so it wouldn't hurt to increase max level 15 and make the later quests/battles/challenges  harder for those levels. Even if you incrase the levels not everyone should reach the maximum. In fact, most players shouldn't.



Thx for your answers. Once we are lvl 12 things seem quite easy. After this level are the greatest xp score (Readic, dragon, third wave of bounties...). Perhaps making late game encounters progressively harder and allowing lvl  max 14 or 15 would be an interesting way of reflection.

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