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Bug with modal abilities



I'm not sure if this is a known issue, but here's the bug I'm having: if you activate a modal ability like Savage Attack, Vulnerable Attack, Duality of Mortal Presence, etc, then save the game with the ability ACTIVATED, and then load the game, from that moment onwards the ability won't show the "particle effects" and the "audio effects" when turned on. The only solution I found out was turning off the ability prior to saving (not really a solution).

I tried all sorts of things, but it looks like the savegame gets "corrupted" or something like that. I have all 3 modal abilities listed above on my monk, and none of them show any visual or audio effects anymore when activated. For exemple, when I turn on Savage Attack my monk's fists do not glow anymore. Unforntunately I discovered this too late and my saves are bugged.
Is it just me or is anyone else having this bug? It seems easy enough to reproduce it.

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Give it some time, LPG. It's not that I really mind the odd bumping of a thread from time to time, but you should at least give it a day. On the other hand, It just happened that I can level up Eder and had him take Guardian Stance. He can switch in and out of Defender, but he never seems to have Guardian Stance activated. His accuracy should go down by virtue of the modal ability as I understand it. I have Sagani in my party also and she leveled up at the same time, so I gave her vicious aim. That does show the icon and the accuracy immediately goes into effect. I guess I'll look to see if the guardian stance thing is a known issue. In the meantime, I can confirm the lack of particle effects, even though the actual mechanics seem to be working for vicious aim. Ugh. If I find something when I do my search, I'll let you know. :Cant's rueful grin icon:


EDIT: I can confirm that entirely exiting the game and restarting and reloading doesn't return the particle effects or sounds. The Guardian stance doesn't appear to have any effect on nearby companions. It also doesn't have an icon. So, defender works as advertised, but likewise the effects aren't in place. Well, thanks for letting me know. I certainly won't be choosing Guardian Stance now! lol


EDIT 2: I decided to try deactivating the Defender modal ability before I leveled up Eder. I then took Guardian Stance and tried to activate it, but no dice. Frankly, I wasn't intending to take Guardian Stance anyway, so it doesn't really hurt me, but it is interesting.

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Hey, thanks for the reply, I was starting to think that it was just my savegame that was corrupted. After my last post I actually found some sort of "workaround" for the bug: you have to deactivate all the "bugged" abilities, save the game, then load the game. If you do this the effects kick in again. It's the reverse of how the bug happens in the first place, but turning them off this time.

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Well, thanks for the heads up. At least most of the modals seem to mechanically work, but losing the particle effects is a bummer. I mean, it's all part of the atmosphere, you know?

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Can anyone tell me if they've got the same issue with the Guardian Stance modal or if I'd simply misread it? No no! I'm not trying to pawn off the QA issue for one of you guys to do... I'm not! I just want confirmation and then I'll let you write up the report to get credit if it's a real issue. :Cant's polishing his halo icon:


EDIT: whew, it's an aura that activates during combat. Remembering that, I started combat with a nearby luckless bastard to test and... voila! It works just as advertised! I'm a doofus.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Same problem with the Vulnerable Attack. The solution " Turn off the modals, save, load" - works, but this situation annoys me,

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I've seen the same issue. Doesn't really bother me, because I'd rather not have those particle effects, but ... yeah. Things.

If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time.

Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.

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