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BUG: Cipher focus gain permanently disabled by Drinking Horn of Moderation



I noticed that my main character (cipher) suddenly stopped being able to generate focus, and tested until I found the reason, namely the "Drinking Horn of Moderation" neck slot item. 


To test:

I created a new cipher adventurer ("the character" below), and saved the game.


I loaded the saved game and equipped the character with a blunderbuss and nothing else, and attacked a paralyzed lion.

2 grazes, 3 hit, 1 crit, grazes at 6~ hits and crits around 12. 

Result: went from 15 to 29 focus. This is what is expected.


Reloaded the saved game, equipped blunderbuss and horn of moderation, exited inventory screen (to let the buff happen), entered inventory screen, unequipped horn, and then attacked the same, paralyzed lion.

2 grazes, 3 hit, 1 crit, grazes around ~7, hits and crits around 11. 

Result: went from 15 to 18 focus. Same result if you leave the horn equipped.


Reloaded the saved game, equipped horn and blunderbuss, got character knocked out, won the fight, and then used the character to attack a paralyzed lion.

3 grazes, 3 hits, grazes around ~7 and hits around 10.

Result: went from 15 to 14 focus. All attacks made after this one leave focus unchanged. Focus still refills to half after each fight ends.


This is irrevocable and persists through save/load, and also stops draining whip from working entirely, if you level up to 2 and take it and redo the tests with it.

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I'm having the same problem. 


I don't feel comfortable doing the hex edit and am guessing it only fixes focus regen and doesn't fix the problem with Int being too high.


PLEASE Obsidian fix this soon.

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Patch Notes: 1.03


The items Drinking Horn of Moderation and Talisman of the Unconquerable were causing Ciphers to permanently lower their amount of focus gain. We've included a fix to retroactively resolve the issue on Ciphers but the effect is still on the items. Unfortunately the fix will not fix the broken effect on those items, so you'll need to keep those items unequipped until the next patch. If you do equip them, perform a Save/Load to fix your Cipher.

Cail The Silent- The drake coils its body protectively around something. "One day I will become a burning thing. Bright and terrible like my spark."
Quest "Cinders of Faith"
Sagani- Sagani chuckles. "Nothing against these stuffy forests, but you haven't seen the southern lights over Naasitaq."
Quest "The Long Hunt"

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Patch Notes: 1.03



The items Drinking Horn of Moderation and Talisman of the Unconquerable were causing Ciphers to permanently lower their amount of focus gain. We've included a fix to retroactively resolve the issue on Ciphers but the effect is still on the items. Unfortunately the fix will not fix the broken effect on those items, so you'll need to keep those items unequipped until the next patch. If you do equip them, perform a Save/Load to fix your Cipher.



Great to hear. Do patches get applied automatically or do we need to go into Steam to apply them?

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Patch Notes: 1.03



The items Drinking Horn of Moderation and Talisman of the Unconquerable were causing Ciphers to permanently lower their amount of focus gain. We've included a fix to retroactively resolve the issue on Ciphers but the effect is still on the items. Unfortunately the fix will not fix the broken effect on those items, so you'll need to keep those items unequipped until the next patch. If you do equip them, perform a Save/Load to fix your Cipher.



Great to hear. Do patches get applied automatically or do we need to go into Steam to apply them?


Let's say you can't start the game until the patch is downloaded automatically :biggrin: 

Cail The Silent- The drake coils its body protectively around something. "One day I will become a burning thing. Bright and terrible like my spark."
Quest "Cinders of Faith"
Sagani- Sagani chuckles. "Nothing against these stuffy forests, but you haven't seen the southern lights over Naasitaq."
Quest "The Long Hunt"

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Tried the Hex-editor solution, and as far as curing the Cipher Focus gain, it worked. I didn't know which of the FocusGainMult-values that corresponded to the player-character, so I assumed that any FocusGainMult-value that wasn't '€?-' might as well be, just to put everything to 'default' values.


For some reason this made me lose 2 followers (Pallegina and Edér) and every single weapon currently equipped...


Thanks for the help guys, and as stated, it did fix the gain problem, but if someone of you could tell me exactly which of the values needs to be edited for the main character and not just the grieving mother, I would be very happy indeed =D

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