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Restore the "Beatles" Encounter for Hard Difficulty


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Well the beetle encounters in the current version are all crap. It's a snoozefest when you can beat them all with a Rogue sneak attack and a Fighter knock Down and a few auto attacks. Every single encounter is an absolute cake walk - IT SUCKS.

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I think that the beetles are a "snoozefest" now is due to the changed health, atributes, and that the mobs havent been balanced around these. Not because they moved them around.

Adra Beetles still hit like a truck but BB Rouge cleaves through everything.


Its not about the beetle placement or the amount of beetles. There are other options for mob arangement.


Its obvious the whole thing is gonna get balanced. The final encounter may be even harded than the initial one, who knows.


If the end result ends up bothering you too much you can just mod it like Im sure you plan to.

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I haven't figured out how to modify prefabs yet. Currently there's nothing that can extract the information. Someone's going to have to write a decompiler, most likely.


But yeah Beetle Health was probably nerfed to oblivion.

Edited by Sensuki
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