[Description] Inadvertently hit the level up icon during combat on a character that was knocked unconscious. Level up screen popped up, so I thought "What the hell" and went through the process. When I hit next after distributing the skill points, I got a black screen. Gauntlet cursor was still visible and I could move it around, and when I hovered the cursor over the area where the icons would be in the top middle of the screen (Class talents gained?), the popup descriptions of the class talents/abilities gained appeared. Other than that I couldn't do anything. No keyboard buttons worked (such as ESC), and I couldn't click anywhere to get out of it. Had to CTRL+ALT+DEL in order to exit the screen.
[DETAILS] Not sure I want to try to duplicate this, as I played for a couple hours without saving before this happened. If I get into a situation like that again where I have a character down but they have enough XP to level up, I may give it a shot.
[Expected behaviour]
I would expect either that the level up would be completed or, more sensibly, that the level up function would be disabled during combat.
Ink Blot
Inadvertently hit the level up icon during combat on a character that was knocked unconscious. Level up screen popped up, so I thought "What the hell" and went through the process. When I hit next after distributing the skill points, I got a black screen. Gauntlet cursor was still visible and I could move it around, and when I hovered the cursor over the area where the icons would be in the top middle of the screen (Class talents gained?), the popup descriptions of the class talents/abilities gained appeared. Other than that I couldn't do anything. No keyboard buttons worked (such as ESC), and I couldn't click anywhere to get out of it. Had to CTRL+ALT+DEL in order to exit the screen.
Not sure I want to try to duplicate this, as I played for a couple hours without saving before this happened. If I get into a situation like that again where I have a character down but they have enough XP to level up, I may give it a shot.
[Expected behaviour]
I would expect either that the level up would be completed or, more sensibly, that the level up function would be disabled during combat.
Edited by Ink Blot2 answers to this question
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